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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Hehe didnt you recognize I was using Krishnamurti style to a while back?
  2. You say you have seen his stuff. Then ou you should know that is not the case. If you knew what you talking about you Would see the difference in what he shared and teachings. Again, I like that approach, it is the most efficient. And @Etagnwo asked me about nondual teachings and what books I read, and who I learned from. I have never read any books, and I didn’t learn this from j Krishnamurti. I have only recently came in contact with what he shared. But those are not nondual teachings. Quite different in fact. And what he talked about are not mere lecture. My ‘non-experiencing’ happened a year or so before I ever came in contact with anything of his. I have already shared my story with people on here. I have spent the last 6-7 months looking for ways to express what had happened to me and how to share it. Krishnamurti and daivid bohm to me are the most efficient. Lately I have been taking that approach. I feel it’s the most direct approach. And as I have said already I have shared videos and posted vids of bohm and Krishnamurti. And have shared with people already who I resonate with. But I don’t just memorize all the concepts, theory’s, and thought story’s and you and @Etagnwo do, and present myself as being enlightened looking to enlighten people with abstract creations of thought. I understand actually all dualistic movement from exploring it in myself, not just attempting to fill people’s heads with nondual jive that implies that very dualistic movement that we should point out and share about. This is important to share with others. I will continue to do so. As I will continue to call you guys on all your bullshit. It’s my responsibility.
  3. Besides I have shared videos on here before. And shared with people who i find is worth listening to.
  4. I feel the same way about you. You promote belief. That is ridiculous. You should be ashamed of yourself. All that stuff you share will never help others. As we all can see you don’t embody nonduality one bit.
  5. Liberation is not somthing one gets through a teaching smart guy. Lol Accumulation of abstractions only perpetuates duality. This is a fact. Only you don’t see that. This is because you don’t get it. I quetion that very much. Teachings, methodology will never bring about an end to the self (psychological entity) You will never see your true nature through all the ideas and traditional conceptualizations. This is a fact.
  6. @Etagnwo everything I share specificly states you have to learn and develop an understanding of yourself. So how does that imply that I want a following?
  7. Yeah I never accumulated non dual teachings. And I did do it myself. There is no other way. Nobody can teach you. You should know that.
  8. @Etagnwo These are not nondual teachings. To understand this stuff takes self observation. Something you know nothing about obviously. And I don’t want a following.
  9. Ripping off how? I have shared videos before.
  10. @Joseph Maynor nobody can give/teach you this stuff. And We must explore without bias. I have simply offered some possible questions that may be valuable. Never know right.
  11. I don’t understand why you are getting all defensive. Look at what I asked you originally
  12. I didn’t say I could give you an insight. Besides that implies duality. I just asked if you had considered that there may be one insight. And that insight may not be the result of anything within the field of knowledge, experience, memory. (Accumulation) No one can give you anything. You see that right?
  13. Well if it was that easy communicating it i would be a lot more successful in sharing it lol But have you ever considered that before?
  14. @Joseph Maynor What if there is really only one insight? What if by us continuing in the direction of time (psychological becoming) we are preventing that one major insight that ends the movement of time altogether? What if the reason there are so many partial insights is because each of those insights is fragmented and a movement of duality? Could there be only One whole insight? What is insight? Is insight gained through the accumulation of knowledge, experience, memory? Something that may interest you buddy
  15. @Anna1 Krishnamurti is not a teaching lol And I recently came into contact with what he shares around 4months through few videos. What he talks about is spot on with how I approach observation. But he is not a teacher. He doesn’t promote filling our heads with concepts and jive, as I don’t either. His sharing promotes self learning. Not conforming to authority and imitation. The way he communicates is efficient. And I appreciate that approach. Also David Bohm and Allan watts. So I use some of K’s and Bohms words because don’t fix what is not broke right.... I have acknowledged and shared videos of there’s in the past, but knowone takes an interest. So I stopped. But I didnt learn from anyone. Lol You can’t learn about yourself through somebody else. i understand thought through ‘self inquiry’
  16. This will prevent seeing, observing the fact. Because in this you the analyzer is attempting to analyze somthing outside yourself. But you are not observing somthing other than yourself. The one who is analyzing is the same thing analyzed. So that will not work. All movement in that direction will evade the fact. If one doesn’t see that the i and it are the same movement then there will be no “what Is” the fact. Just ponder this for a while.
  17. But that very movement is the cause of the psychological insecurity.
  18. This is how thought/the psyche opperates. It seeks security in abstraction instead of facing the fact. Thought psychologically avoids the fact to maintain continuity.
  19. If you are observing the fact with an intention, idea, motive, which is the same as ‘the observer’, then you are not observing (the fact) of the movement of fear. You subtly are imposing your accumulated idea on top of that fact. Therefore not observing actually the fact.
  20. You suggested learning about addiction. Thought is the root of all such problems. Thats why I am going into this.
  21. Pleasure as we have said is a movement of thought. So to pursue pleasure (idea brought about by thought) is to escape what is (the fact) is the idea, pleasure, gratification? is the fact, sense of lacking, sorrow?
  22. When we seek pleasure aren’t we escaping something?
  23. Could we say that all movement of the self moves in the direction of psychological security?