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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Idk This is not my field lol i am probably misunderstanding ?
  2. @cetus56 that quantum computer that you were speaking of.. Is that capabale of operating free of a program?
  3. I know. Just messing with my buddy. Its natural to say it that way
  4. Right on. i like that. Would you that consciousness is everything that the self/thought touches upon? The conditioned consciousness of course. Fear, belief, sorrow, suffering, and all the rest of the problems we face? How did you start with creation?
  5. @Azza i mean what would it take for us to commune with that which is whole (timeless) would we have to be moving dualistically or would that all have to end?
  6. Q Is “consciousness” from your perspective of it dualistic? Is it a dualistic movement?
  7. Yes what I mean by duality is any action taken in accordance to that accumulation of thought/self. I’m speaking psychologically of course. All that implies duality. Therefore always a movement of fear, contradiction, conflict
  8. @Azza Have you explored that before? The nature of experience.
  9. You mean you had a moment free of experience? ?
  10. Spiritual enlightenment basically Ah yes. Theory/abstraction will never lead to embodiment. Whole action/non-action.
  11. I think this is what I mean by conditioned consciousness. Right. So what I’m implying here is, if we are not aware of that “standing in the way of content/conditioned movement ”, we will project that content as being “AWARENESS” itself. Or we will just live in conflict. We will be creating fear by desire unknowingly pursuing pleasure, gratification, and so on. All the troubles that thought/self creates. As the tilte of this thread is suggesting.
  12. Does the quantum computor eliminate the limitation of thought as the self?....Can the computer run free of its program?
  13. Theory’s have there place in practical matters. But theory (abstraction) has no place psychologically that determines how one perceives and acts in daily life. Especially in relationship.
  14. I agree Tagteam didnt he work with Einstein? @cetus56
  15. Idk check it out man. Maybe I can drop you a couple of videos on thought with bohm? To me it makes for a much more orderly movement of thinking anyhow. It benefits anyone who is willing to listen.
  16. If thought is observing itself then it is observing itself according to its content, you see that? Which means there will be contradiction. Right? Not really observing at all. In that it escapes the actuality and projects abstractions in the place of the fact. Which then creates this conflict of thinking.
  17. Quantum mechanics is a specialty. The investigation is limited to the movement of thought itself. The observer and the observed are not separate. So the investigation is always partial, limited, fragmented, influcend by false assumptions and so on. Influenced by the bias and prejudices of the investigator/ and entity born of thought. Do you see what I mean? Bobm had gone into this quite deep. Something to check into. He goes into thought in depth. As thought is what is used to explore quantum mechanics, or any other science for that matter.
  18. Ah I see. Have you gone into David bohms implicate explicit theory? I do all my exploration inwardly. Although the observer/observed phenomenon is in direct relationship with that theory of his. We can observe this in self observation. You gone into that?
  19. I understand. I’m not on any sides. I just wanted to know what you were referring to by intelligence. Are you interested in science?
  20. Ah great question ?? What do you think? Do we agree that thought is the response of memory through knowledge/experience?