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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. So awarness without the movement of thought implies that the dualistic movement of the self has ended? Therefore self consciousness is not. It is then pure observation without an observer. What is without the imposition of what has been, modified to what should be. In this the movement of time as the independent entity has ceased.
  2. @Joseph Maynor everything I communicate has a specific purpose. Did I invoke interest in anything in particular for you? Everything I share can be found in the movement of self. It’s there for anyone to observe. The question is do we want to?
  3. ??‍♂️ Take some time and investigate, or don’t
  4. Remember wothout knowledge, experience, memory) is there a psychological entity @Joseph Maynor? And do we not act in accordance to all that movement/content of the i ??
  5. Just see the significance of what is said. I can tell by your response that it is not clear yet. Give it some time.
  6. Without that content of thought (knowledge, experience, memory) there is no identification of an independent psychological entity. Thought is the root of identification/duality
  7. I don’t get into changing an unchanging personaly. Nor do I use the word dream. I like to keep it simple becomes the mind is very complex. To me ego ‘is’ the process of indentification itself. It is an identifying with its content (knowledge, experience, memory) To me any movement away from what is involves these processes and instantly qualifies as dualistic. Can you see that?
  8. Or the utinlization of any movement of time/thought/the thinker, to end that movement of time to cross over to that which is timeless. Time being memory, knowledge, and experience which is the thinker.
  9. @cetus56 Sure. When I speak of duality I am implying any movement to become psychologically secure as a sepreate independent entity. Any seeking as an escape from what is. Do you see what I mean?
  10. Who is utilizing memory, knowledge, experience (the known) to go beyond to the unknown? Is the knower/known (the movement of time) attempting to capture the unknown with all the static content of the past? (Past being what is known/the knower)
  11. Could there be a totally different approach that does not imply duality?
  12. Do we see that duality is in movement when we depend on the utilization of knowledge, experience, through memory? Do we see that when we approach a psychological problem with registry (thought) and attempt to solve that dynamic problem of self with the static content of thought there will be an automotic movement of duality/division?
  13. As escaping is a movement of duality. As this is also a movement of duality The question is can we identify when duality is in movement?? This seems very difficult to a mind that demands that very movement.
  14. @Ether To me pleasure is when thought has come in and seeks security in a memory of a pleasurable experience. If we indulge in that pleasure which has have been influenced by thought (remeberane of an experience) them arises an action according to that very wanting. (Like Addiction) Let me know if you see this in your experience... The general process.... There is perception, contact, sensation, then thought comes in, identification identification of the i, then desire. Then that desire (i) pursues through thought the remeberance (memory) of a past experience and seeks to relive that experience. The movement of pleasure
  15. Indeed Do we see where there is a psychological wanting there will never be peace? When we have utilized thought to solve our psychological problems, which is the root cause of those very psychological problems, we further perpetuate and nourish problems such as depression, fear, confusion, conflict, discontentment, and so on. If one lives ‘as’ unconditional peace, there would be no question if one lives free of the burden of psychological time. All such questions seeking answers end. As all that is a movement of time.
  16. Some are unaware that they are in a dance with there own psychological shadow. This shadow is very sneaky indeed.
  17. Yep Theory leads to illusion/self deception. I think one one should start by understanding ones own beliefs ( conclusions, theory’s, and so on. Not to hold to any of that. Start and stay with what is. Don’t invent with ones imagination as a means to answering certain questions. This all implies thought has created its own fantasy and seeks security in it. Classic movement of the conditioned consciousness.
  18. I’m no guide. I share with others who are interested. And they share with me.
  19. Sure all that I talk about about the self must be seen for ones self. That’s the issue. We can’t look at oursleves without the burden of..... Theory A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. As in, hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation, postulation, postulate, proposition, premise, surmise, assumption, presupposition; More
  20. Remeber what I said about if the accumulated content/movement (memory/experience/knowledge) ‘self’ is observing then the fact will not be seen? To get involved with theory/abstraction is to resist the fact in oneself. This fact can not be seen until the holistic insight (an Insight that is whole and not a movement of fragmentation, thought, ceases. To me it’s only in understanding the fact in ones own inward movement without abstraction that there is actual understanding of the fact. This is refered to as choicless awareness. No positve or negativitie movement/action of thought/self. Look up choiceless awareness
  21. Great questions @robdl we have to remember that the mechanism that has the capacity to accumulate theory is the very preventing factor that prevents timeless union.
  22. Doesn’t all “theory” imply the same movement of self? Does theory lead to anything else but abstraction. If one approaches anything as an entity who accumulates theory, doesn’t that imply that the movement of duality is only being nourished more? If we continue to inquire into abstractions does this not perpetuate the questioner. Can theory negate, or do facts (what is) only have the power to do so? Do we see that to end the continuity of the i all theory/abstraction/time must cease. Do we see the fact of this?? Is it a seeing the fact in ourselves as opposed to a theory/abstraction that actually sets ‘us’ free?