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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. In a much more simple and close to home way to understand, thought is a process that takes place in the brain cells. That process gives rise to thought (the response to memory)
  2. Interesting Are you aware of yourself? Is that awarness/observation, free of the accumulation of thought(experience, knowledge, memory)?
  3. Truth can never be found in abstraction. Truth is when abstraction is not.
  4. Fear of losing myself.... Thought is the root of self.... Without fear thought/self has no role, which brings fear. So the self constantly looks to escape fear, yet at the same time clings to fear to fulfill its very function. Fear is born of thought, and thought born of fear. The cause is the effect and the effect is the cause. Thought fears fear, and depends on fear to sustain its own continuity at the same time. The perpetual conflict of tuggawar. The self and fear are one and the same movement.
  5. I understand. If you go into the nature of thought you will discover all this for yourself. You will also be abel to detect when thought has exceeded its boundary. As far as noticing inventions, fabrications, that thought constructs. If you cannot distinguish between fact and abstraction there will be faulty thinking.
  6. Indeed. Thought seeks security which in so doing corrupts its own capacity to be rational, logical, reasonable. Thought/self then is to emotionally involved and distorts, condemns, rationalizes, to sustain and validate its own continuity of self affirmation. Fear causes thought to run crooked and in that manifests in disorder, which is then followed by action. This is incomplete and fragmented action.
  7. Goodness (truth) is not relative. Conforming to traditional theory implies relativity. So in that, relativity expresses itself in duality. Can we see the self deception and illusion? To say goodness can’t exist without evil is an illusion. It’s a movement of self seeking security in its own pattern of thought. The problem is we don’t see we our thinking is corrupt by our own need to self sustain psychological order. If that is being enlightened then enlightenment is hoax. A movement of fear.
  8. An abstraction is never the gateway to the “present moment” It is in the absence of abstraction that total freedom becomes an actuality.
  9. I understand that totally... That is the nature of thought/self, it separates, makes distinctions, divisions and is not aware that it has done so.
  10. You are directly responsible of society/the world. The society/world is a reflection of your inward state.
  11. This is a movement of the self seeking security psychologically. A movement of fear, attempting to evade that fear.
  12. I understand, but is that an idea you seek security in? Do we see that only thought purposely avoids the fact, and creates the abstraction of such an idea? To see the fact (what is) is not a “thought-story”
  13. Ah I see im talking about the more subtle form of illusion. Seeking security in that idea. You see what I mean?
  14. I’m not sure what his intent was. Never the less, to change ourself “individual selves” is to change the whole of mankind. We don’t start outward. We work with the inward. There is no division actually, only thought divides.
  15. Is it fear seeking psychological security? Do wenseenthat seeking psychological security makes for psychological and physical insecurity personal and collective?
  16. Indeed The individual is humanity. Dividion only takes place because thought/self makes that separation. Really individuality is an illusion.