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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. ? It’s not complicated if you explorer the self, thought. Check into that. You will see then?
  2. We cannot know what is false until there is an understanding of what is said. That is the corrupt nature of thought as (The me) at work. This is what is spoken of as imposing an image(assumption, or holding onto past conclusions. Maybe investigate into a bit more and you will see what is said.
  3. Where there is this psychological reaction to thought, follows an incapability of Love. As long as we are relating to one another through the veil of thought, (past memory, which is static) we never actually meet them free of our own imposition of images. As long as these images are being impressed on to one another there can be no relationship, and especially no love. The ending of that veil (the image, the past) and only in (FREEDOM) is there a possibility for love to flower. Love is always now. As long as Time, (the accumulation of past that meets the present and projects a future) is in movement, its static influence is in operation. As long as this is the fact, Love is an impossibility.
  4. And we were not arguing. We were talking. Lol communication can be difficult
  5. Look what you write.. Look what I wrote. I didnt bring up enlightenment buddy. Only you do.
  6. I’m not talking about “enlightenment” my man. We were talking about observation free of thought.
  7. Hyper-vigilance lol we are taking about awareness-pure observation. If you are not aware of that, your keen awareness is rather limited, narrow, selective and therefore finite.
  8. Yes. If Thought being (experience, knowledge, memory) is observing then observation is fragmented, partial, not whole. Observation that is whole implies thought (assumptions, prejudices, conclusions from the past) are not in movement at the moment of observation. In that Observation, everything that thought has created is not observing. Only pure observation void of the thinker (the past) can see the whole.
  9. Again relatively speaking. An illusion is a fact. That process of illusion is actually taking place. That’s how I’m using it. Also if I am seeking psychological security in an idea, that is fact that I am doing so. If I believe an in Santa Claus, that is a fact. If I am clinging to thought (experience, knowledge, memory) that is the fact. Thought is fragemted. That is a fact.
  10. You can’t talk about your objective reality. Because all your talk is bound by thought. TRUTH is independent of thought. Again speaking relatively.
  11. Not truth, fact. Truth is unknowable. I’m speaking from that which thought can touch upon. That which is relative to thought. When there is fear, violence follows.
  12. If you are bound by psychological fear you are violent. Love is not in that case. This is a FACT
  13. a thing that is indisputably the case. An actuality
  14. No it needs to stay. What is the fact. If you are violent, they is the fact. If you live in fear, that is a fact
  15. I have no idea what the concept of freewill says. I just went into the words (free) and (will) and through my understanding of thought as a fact through direct observation wrote that on that thread on freewill.
  16. That’s it. To see that the self is an illusion. But that illusion is a fact. Caused by A process that is happening with the brain cells.
  17. To see the fact in oneself. Has nothing to do with belief
  18. I laid out facts about thought. Thought is old, never new, thought and therefore will-desire follows by action is predetermined I do Not seek security in what I wrote. Talking about observable facts. That we can all see if we want to that is.
  19. I am simply aware “choicelessly passive” of all that goes on within the self/and environment. Which means not bound by thought.
  20. I don’t seek security through the illusory psychological time. All seeking psychologically is a movement of fear.
  21. No, there is no dependence on thought “belief or disbelief” for security. Because I see that thought is the cause of psychological insecurity. I don’t even go there. lol so if one says I believe in free will or I don’t both still imply fear.
  22. Why do you even use “belief” for that ? that is just using thought for practical-functional purposes. Has nothing to do with psychological becoming.
  23. We get caught in illusions out of that need ”longing” for psychological security. illusion.