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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. In the absence of experience there is no registration, recollection, identification. No-thing identifies. Only things of the conditioned consciousness are identified with, as an experiencer. It’s quite mysterious indeed. A question to ask oneself, can experience cease to project itself in time as the i?? Can we stay empty-nothing, without the impulse to add more and more to the conditioned consciousness??
  2. As long as there is “you” (conciousensss as it’s content), there remains “levels”. As long as these levels remain, consciousness remains conditioned, therefore limited, finite, and all still the movement of the conditioned mind. As long as consciousness is limited to its content “The sacred” is not.
  3. The beauty of joy cannot be premeditated. This sounds like desire pursuing pleasure through thought. Fear evading itself and seeking pleasure to end that fear. Desire, pleasure, fear, all the movement of the i seeking security in time (to become psychologically secure) psychological becoming prevents the beauty of joy.
  4. Yeah we’re not quite meeting one another yet. Perhaps we may soon.. We should probably communicate with as few words possible to keep a straight clear communication next time. I appreciate your reply back though. This is very interesting this. Soon maybe we will continue on this. Thanks again friend.
  5. You are experience-time. “The i” is all of that. The experiencer is the experience. Time is the movement of (the i) gnarly eh
  6. I understand what you mean by this. This is the movement of thought. Can this movement end, and therefore can time-experience end? Then there is no past-present-future (time) at all. This is what is meant by the timeless. Or what I call headlessness (emptiness-nothingness)
  7. If you are not aware of my original post, this phenomena I speak of, then you will not understand what I wrote. It will take much more then me explaining it to you. I will give you a hint to explore into. Experience implies a recognition. To recognize something that has already happened in the past, which is thought responding from memory as knowledge. All these subtlites must be understood when approaching all of this. To be a conciousensss with no-thing in it requires we don’t get caught up in our own inventions of the conditioned mind. I have read this again and again on the forum. If you say this, yet don’t understand my original post, you have been caught in your own invention of thought-experience. We must be able to navigate all the various traps thought will construct. This requires understanding and consistent observation to that understanding. Investigate into it. See what is said for yourself. It’s quite a mind bender. And once you see all this, maybe you will then end the veil of experience and actually be no-thing. If you see that you are nothingness experiencing, does that come from things of the mind, or is that an actual fact that is the case? Is there an obseveration totally void of an observer, which is the past,(experience, knowledge, memory) ?? This is the actuality of being (No-thing). Anything other than this remains an idea-belief, that you are nothingness experiencing yourself, which implies it has been born of THINGS, and therefore not no-thing. We must ask oursleves, if we want to be honest, is this notion of being nothingness the product of the accumulation gathered from the stream of thought. There is a big difference between being nothing, and believing you are nothing. One is unburdened by the distortion of thought-experience, and the other is depends on that distortion of thought-experience. I encourage you to explore this buddy. It is quite a beautiful non-thing indeed for ones head to go missing P.S. i don’t want you to accept what I say, but I want to you explore it for yourself. This is sacred and beautiful.
  8. Uh oh I’m afraid you are not understanding what is said. Perhaps you have been reading to many books my friend. You might want look into that a little deeper. Watch out for them books, they will get you?
  9. Experience implies an experiencer. One and the same movement of thought. Without the experiencer is there an experience?? Does this not imply that experience is subjective?? Pure perception is absnese of the experiencer in which is the ending of experience. When memory ceases to project the past, (thought), onto the present and into the future. Experience is the result of thought, and by no means is it direct. Experience is a distortion of the now. Experience, knowledge, memory that is then imposed onto each “now moment” and interpreted as being new. All thought is old and never new. Just as all experiences are a projection of the old, and never new. When, or if, experience ceases to blanket the now, is when the new comes into being. Until then all experience is simply a projection from the past that is modified and impressed onto the now. Pretty groovy huh?
  10. You are memory-thought. Stick with the fact. Any movement to evade that fact is also a movement of thought (memory) that you act in accordance to from your own past conditioning (what you should be) The i is experience, knowledge, memory, as is what that i seeks to get away from. So there is the projection of past memory attempting to evade what memory has put together, the content of mind (fear, suffering, compulsive chatter and so on)... You and what you want to escape are one and the same movement. To escape is an action that is influenced by the false notion that the you is seperate from that which you are trying to silence. The one who wishes to silence the mind is the compulsive chatter itself. In actuality there is only the movement of mind. The you is it’s invention. This is where all conflict arises as what “you” can do to silence “it” (mind)..The movement of duality-division. If you see this you see that there is no difference between “the you” and what “you” think about. It’s all one unitary movement of thought. Does this scare “you”, or do you see the significance of such beauty?? Stay with the fact. Observe the impulsive tendency to identify with anything other than what is. Any movement of memory that projects itself onto the future implies resistance to what is actually the case. The thinker = experience, knowledge, memory. Thought-intellect = experience, knowledge, memory. The thinker and it’s intellect = mind-thought The you is the result of thought.
  11. I wouldn’t say that. One would need know what one was attempting to be aware of. You can’t be aware of something you cannot identify, or see. You would also perhaps want to know what was “being aware” so you would want to understand the self. Also investigate into where that self manifests from. How does it come about? What are you attempting to be aware of if you don’t mind me asking.
  12. You will not find that in a book. What do you want to be aware of?
  13. how do I enjoy life without dependence on circumstances?.... Most important thing is to stop asking how.. And Love has nothing to do with you or other people. LOVE IS FREEDOM, and that doesn’t come about by asking “how to”. As long as we seek psychologically there is no freedom. Freedom from all that thought-self tries to put together.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion friend.., I have tried that before. It tan be very useful indeed. I think for my particular condition it is not very helpful and is actually harmful. You see I have a herniated disc, so that separation or decompression of the disc can cause more problems than help. I do recommend that for one who does not have any serious disk issues already though. Also one thing I learned using that, warm up prior to use. You will have much greater results that way. For me I have notice that if I relax-lossen the nearby muscles of the torso and hips-glutes, with mayofscial and stretchkng the spine will decompress as a result of that.
  15. With the problems you speak of I would be carful with the cracking neck and back chiropractor scene. I would look into a sports medicine coach-trainer. I have lower back herniated discs. This has severely limited my athletic activity. From my experience chiropractic was a waste of time and money. I have built up a routine through understanding my own movement patterns and apply techniques that fit my specific situation. I do a lot of myofscial release for stiffness and pain. As far as healing movement-circulation, hydration helps me, as well as yoga, or other mobility based exercise-conditioning. Be careful with that body popping stuff in the chiropractor. It’s not necessary one bit. And with buldges dangerous. Anyway I would look into sports medicine coach. Especially with cervical spine issues. Its best to investigate things on your own as well. What you can apply to your daily life will benefit you greatly.
  16. As long as there is a particular direction being pursued (a means to an end) in that places a limit on how deep we can explore. If we have set out to accomplish something we have imposed the movement of will-desire. In that movement there is no freedom to observe. Desire limits our very freedom. To really go deep freedom is a necessity. There is self inquiry (movement of will-desire) or (time) ...To seek an answer to a question “a means to an end” (to seek) And there is observation (no movement of desire-will) To observe the entire movement of self without any imposition of desire. (Just to observe and nothing else) check into the difference between these if you want to know more about what I am saying.
  17. Has to do with registration, recognition, and motive-volition, which are all one and the same movement of thought.
  18. Yes...that will not do. To escape is still a movement of thought-the thinker. This has to do with fear, desire, seeking psychologically.
  19. Would you say Identification is the relationship(joining) of as I said earlier, perception, contact, sensation, and then thought (experience, knowledge, memory of the self) comes in and identifies with the perception, contact, sensation?? so thought is what causes identification ultimately. Right? ultimately you will as robdl says... You will have to see it yourself, through observation
  20. Indeed. The moment of a thought implies there has already been identification. Then another thought comes along and says to either accept or deny that next thought. The movement of perception, contact, and sensation identifies with thought(or thought identifies with sensations and son on), and then is missed and taken as independent of thought. The original movement of identification is missed all together. So we are not aware of the original movement of identification, then we identify with the next thought and say we should or shouldn’t identify with it, as you see. Because the original movement of identification that was missed, all following identification is influenced by the notion as being independent of thought (not of thought)... Because there was no awareness to the original identification with perception, contact, sensation, and thought (desire pursuing pleasure and so on) the notion of a dualistic entity is nourished. Can you see this process in movement Tsuki.
  21. @cirkussmile Sure Thought is conditioned. DNA could have an influence indeed. Thought being a material process and all would make that a possiblity. And thought is conditioned by the past. There’s the personal and collective conditioning, personal being ‘his’ direct experiences, and collective being egos reaction to society and so on. And what he had accumulated psychologically through that stream of thought. I don’t know for sure, I would have had to talk with him more. Lol
  22. Thought trying to rationalize its own fragmented movement as being whole. The Contradiction, the confusion, the conflict, expressed in, and as fear-violence. Such actions taken are not the result of wholeness, but rather the action of one who is alienated, or sees themselves as an isolated entity. Action born of duality. Or the incapablity to put thought in its right place.