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Everything posted by Faceless
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jack River Thank you, friend. Great video shares indeed?? -
Faceless replied to Jack River's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The self is one and the same movement of “its” content. ?? -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Indeed it does. ?? -
Faceless replied to Manjushri's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Did the past ever happen? Interesting question another question would be is the past still happening as the you? Are you a projection of the past? -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Ok -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Start nearer to home Viking. Seeking what is not known to you already has no meaning whatsoever. Start with understanding your own fear and how that fear is always looking to escape itself in daily life. See if there can be an observation of that in all its subtle forms. Be aware of all its tricks to disguise itself as other than fear. Start there. Don’t go beyond where one has not yet began. Leave all the books, practices, methods, and substances alone, and instead, face what is actully happening in and as the ego. Or don’t -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To me direct experience is contradictory. The absence of experience is no-thingness, or what some might call being-ness, although I don’t use the word bEing, but instead might attempt to describe it as a happening in and of itself. -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When I talk about experience I mean anything we experience in the present, is a projection of thought,(experience, knowledge, memory) -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No no exams ? I’ve never taken one before. Sounds not so favorable. -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Kinda sounds like a doing. What qualities as a doing? -
Faceless replied to Viking's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Thought-self That which knows and experience, One and the same movement of the i. Experience or “knowingness”.... the accumulation of past, present, projected future as experience. But If there is no experiencer is there an experience? That is the question -
Faceless replied to Shanmugam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s interesting how we evade the problem in search for solutions lol At the end, the priest confused about the self. We ignore and evade the obvious problem in search for answers that cater to our own insecurities. ??♂️ -
Faceless replied to Pamela Zamora's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Who is this “I” who wants to free itself for karma?? Isn’t karma one and the same movement of the self-you?? And if so, how do “you”, (karma), end that movement of the self? As any action that self takes is a movement of karma(action), or self. Do you see that any movement you “self” makes is a movement of karma (incomplete action) ?? The attempt to “free yourself” is merely a reaction of incomplete action. Any action by the ego-self will nourish that very continuity as the i, (karma).. The exploration into the experiencer is the experience is essential.. Perhaps exploring into the significance of that will bring about a more holistic understanding, in which is the only way for complete, and holistic action. To have a holistic insight into the problem, is action in the ending of that problem. Remember, karma is the result of incomplete-partial action. Any action as such, makes for contraction, confusion, conflict. Anyway, this may be something to look into. -
Faceless replied to Ingit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Perhaps “you” see yourself as being seperate form thoughts. As long as this division is perpetuated, (all action influenced by me as being distinct from thoughts), this conflict-nervousness, anxiety will continue, and even worsen. In this movement of escape you merely nourish conflict. I’m not sure what your motive is, but if one wants to end this conflict, anxiety, nervousness, instead of evading all that through meditation practice, another option is to instead commune with all that conflict in relationship. As in, don’t escape, but stay with it, observe it, or embrace that relationship in and as conflict itself. If we see that we and it are one and the same movement, the sense of conflict is dissolved..This is the most direct way to end conflict. It is also perhaps so subtle, that the majority of people totally miss the beauty of it. Its all about the approach... We can stay with and therefore understand the problem, or we can constantly evade the problem as a reaction to its pain.. If we don’t stay with what is, we will never understand the problem of what is. If we continually escape the fact, the fact will always remain. There can never be understanding when we resist to have a relationship with the problem. This all may sound contradicting, and it may be, but that’s for you to inquire into. -
Faceless replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes that is the stream as it flows as an actual process of reaction-action-reaction... This stream presents itself as mine and yours, hence, “psychological”, as the i... The Psychological stream of thought. The stream is the constant human psychological struggle; the seeing through our own “particular” imagined-invented image, our being divisive by the notion as being an “individual”, our antagonism, violent reactions, all of which imply fear in reaction. Also the contradiction, conflict, confusion, sorrow, anxiety, anticipation, attachment, dependence, and so on. The stream being the conditioned “I” who seeks security in time, or the perpetual movement of psychological becoming. This is how this psychological stream, or conditioned stream of consciousness flows. In this there is a repetitive compulsion to accumulate various information (content), and cling to that content. This accumulation and attachment to content is in itself the “i”...That “i”, is perpetualy attempting to escape from itself by means of psychological time. It’s a constant movement (conditioned process), of fear, (the content), attempting to end that fear through that very content. This is a conditioned reaction-response, and noirishes that very conditioned stream. This is what I mean by the conditioned movement-content of thought, or the stream of conditioned consciousness. An endless conflict of conflict, contradiction, and suffering. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@tsuki thank you buddy Just seems to improve by mere repetition. In this area of (practicality) I feel cultivation is a necessity. Although I wouldn’t say it is something I am consciously motivated to improve, the simple act of continuous application (posting on these forum threads) makes for a the improvement in and of itself. Anyway thanks again, friend?? -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That seems like it might be quite futile as well. Best thing to do is to apply all ones energy to observing the movement of thought as a holistic understanding to start with. This all must be observed in oneself. Plus it’s quite interesting indeed. All these words in which I am pointing at, are to that which cannot be put in words. The words are never what is being described... Never believe or disbelieve anyone, especially me. We have to see for ourselves. This kind of exploration must be explored with a suspension of ones own bias-preconceived conclusions. So ones own experience, knowledge, will ultimately distort the investigation. This is why I say to expire thought-self in depth, So we see that fact. “Empirical investigation”, will get you nowhere in this exploration. ? I would start with investigation of the relationship between self, thought, experience,knowledge, memory, psychological time. If You understand the whole movement of that, which is one and the same movement of (time), then you will be able to go on from there. Plus it’s quite interesting to put tnall together in a much more holistic understanding. You will be amazed the kind of action that follows simultaneously with that holistic understanding. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Beautifully laid out. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Seeking implying a seeker (duality) or (time) attempting to capture that which is absent of time, is futile. So when I refer to truth acting in thought, I am implying silence-emptiness-conciousness empty of content-movement as the i (experience, knowledge, memory) when that actuality takes place, (to be empty of things-the movement of time), that is truth in action, but does not imply that I live in truth, but that I am truth in action. Meaning, by that psychological me (experience, knowledge, memory) is not in movement, and the falseness is also not in movement. In this there can be actual order in thought and healthy living, void of all the illusion, self deception, and so on. Keep in mind that truth is not to be experienced or known, but is whole action itself. Closer to what I would refer to as “being truth” is the absnese of experience being carried over to the next moment at all. So when truth acts on thought it puts total order in thought, and in that, depending on the extent of order, comes that silence, and consciousness is then empty/nothing(not containing things of the mind). Whole action being not fragmented by minds dualistic nature. To go beyond the movement of conscious awareness as the self is quite mysterious...In this experience ceases to manifest and distort what is, moment to moment. Of course this is speaking of that Which is sacred, or what I call headlessness. In this there is no registration, identification, recollection, or past reference at all. To be without any sense of i actually involved in “ the happening” This is not to “know” THE TRUTH, or to live “in” truth, but to embody truth itself. Empty of all conditioned-dualistic movement of the i(experience, knowledge, memory) as time. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You read the last post? -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To keep it simple, to seek truth has no meaning whatsoever. Truth is not an object to be obtained. People always seek truth, but the seeker prevents the what is. All movement of the i and the seeking (which is the onenand the same movement of time) prevents what is. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don’t understand your question my friend. -
Faceless replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The i and the content being one and the same movement (experience, knowledge, memory) volition, will, influenced by desire that seeks security in pleasure, gratification, validation in time. Which implies anticipation-projection-distortion. -
Faceless replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Self Consciousness awareness, implies being self aware. As in, being aware of the phenomenon as a me as an independent an entity seperate from that which “i” think. The thinker being a manifestation of thought but it thinking that thought is a product of the thinker. AWARNESS..Being aware without the movement-content of the i influencing that awareness incompletely. Thought can be aware of itself, but in that is still a division that takes place. Its only in “AWARENESS” that this division is not. -
Faceless replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Your saying that the movement of thought itself is just a concept (content) ? Or is this movement an actuality taking place? Anything said takes the form of a concept. But we are pointing at the actuality (that which is taking place) or “movement” itself. The word Movement is concept describing a actual phenomenon taking place.