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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Indeed. Fear trying to escape itself creates expectation and creates the image(abstraction) and pursues that. The conflict comes in the hope,(psychological time), that attaining that abstraction will end the fear in movement. Conflict comes when the self, (being a fragment of thought), seeks security in thought-time(psychological becoming). This implies action has been influenced by the notion that the entity is seperate from thought. Conflict (ALAWAYS) follows when there is this division. Any action that is product of division will continue to fragment over and over again,a perpetually sequence splitting itself off, and fragmenting a new pattern of separation. Dividing endlessly.
  2. Says the fragment your doing great?? Dont let measure-thought distort and distract.
  3. I meant.. The fragment, (the i), can never see the whole of “i”. Only (whole perception) can see all the “apparent” seperate and distinct parts of thought as the self as actually being one unitary movement of time, as the drama... (the i),
  4. Indeed?? Whole undivided (attention-awareness), doesn’t exclude, fragment, divide. The fragment can never see the whole. Only the whole can see all the “apparent” seperate and distinct parts, as actually being one unitary movement of time, as the drama... (the i),
  5. @Feel Good To simply be.. ATTENTIVE TO INNATENTION??
  6. ?? Or we could say ‘SEEING’ the futility in escaping suffering makes for healthy living. In the communion with what is, ultimately shines its own light of expressed intelligent living. (infinite action).
  7. Just because this can perpetuate the false sense of division-duality. To put more emphasis on one sensation or another creates an imbalance in the necessary harmony needed to “transcend” that false division. If you observe very closely, you will see that when “the thinker” focuses on a particular thought, sensation, feeling, as a result of that there is an induced domination of one overactive sensation, feeling, thought, that imposes itself over the others, in which nourishes the movement of division-identification,(self). If you go into this very deeply you will see that to not sustain this movement of identification, there must be a total harmony between feelings, thought, and the senses. To see the futility in contributing to domination of (the one, over the other), or (the one, over the others). All this movement of exclusion, only perpetuates the movement of desire, (fear), in which is the followed pursuit of pleasure, searching for gratification, satisfaction, through the image we ourselves have invented, to capture and maintain a sense of psychological security-satisfaction. All of this preserves the division that the perciever is distinct from that which is perceives, which ultimately fuels mental masterbation, which could be said to be the product of compulsive thinking.
  8. For me writing does seem to add an increased depth in ‘connecting the dots’ of the “apparent” seperate and distinct movements of thought, where actually they are really one unitary movement. So there is an added-increased holistic understanding of the whole of thought.
  9. Fragmentation Control implies division, the controller and the thing to be controlled; this division, as all division, brings about conflict and distortion in action and behavior in relationship. This fragmentation is the work of thought, one fragment trying to control the other parts — call this one fragment, the controller, which tries to control “apparent parts” of thought. This division is artificial and the mischief maker. The controller is the controlled. Fragmentation is the effect of seeing oneself as ultimately separate from that which is thought, felt, perceived, and so on. Or for the controller, “the i”, wants to control fear, but the controller is also a fragment of fear. Also the controller wants to control desire, but the controller is just another fragment of desire trying to control an opposing fragment of desire. Thought in its very nature is fragmentary and this causes confusion and sorrow, which effects the psychological field (psyche), and is reflected out into the world, just as @tsukihas shared above. @Charlotte, use your understanding that we have gone into about fear. Are you separate from fear? “The i” that sets out to control fear...a fragment that sets out to to control a fragment, and so on. I purposely waited to explain this because I figured it would be better to get familiar with the example we have gone into about fear over the last few months. ??
  10. Points at words, thought-thoughts, (inward happenings), are actualities just as much as a rock, tree, and mountains in and of themselves. And that through the false division we introduce fragmentation into the equation, which in itself is manifested by this duality between the thinker and the thought, the experiencer and the experienced, and the observer and the observed. When in actuality, there is only thought-thoughts, an experiencing, and an observing. As Watts says, “ the inside is not separate form the outside”, or “people are not separate from the world, but are something the world-universe is doing.” Or as I have put it “THE HAPPENING” Or as he has said, “just as an apple tree apples, the world peoples.” ? Good stuff. Indeed so @tsuki, ??
  11. I have heard this one as well. When I started to investigate what had happened to me I stumbled upon this and was shocked at the similarities in what he discusses with my own experience.
  12. @tsuki That is one thing that I was always rather aware of; that the word is not that which the finger points too. In this aspect conditioning never ran that deep. Basically non-existent. But, boy did I get a lot a grief for that as a youngster. Amongst other things? For me there was, and especially is now, a capacity to observe free of the image. Oohhh, the utter beauty in so doing. People have always thought I to be rather strange to look at the same tree for such a long period of time. Or be so lost in a sunset as to not socilaize, which to others seemed like an odd and uncomfortable silence...What they did not see was that it was in the absence of time that caught the attention of an unconditioned eye?. This for over almost two years now has tremendously deepened. It’s all very interesting to observe it all now as well. I sometimes get lost in the beauty of sound, seeing, smelling, and BE-ing, to such a extent that some may see it as odd, disconnected, “not all here”, oh but on the contrary, that is not the case one bit. Absolutely wonderful indeed! To me life is spectacular, and this joy derived as THE HAPPENING is significant in, and of itself. ??
  13. I understand 100%, and see it the same way indeed. I see reflection through text as being a great way to reflect as well. I think cool that you use that as a way to reflect. And yes reflection through relationship; be it between persons and person, observation of fragmentation “me” trying to control fear and so on, is to me the best type of self refelection. To commune in relationship, so there can be a holistic understanding through the movement of, in, and as relationship. To me leaning-understanding in relationship is perhaps the greatest tool to self-reflection. It is for me anyway. Well expressed post up above my friend??.
  14. Ah I see, you mean we treat meditation as being separate from everyday life. Oh yes To set time aside to be aware. Lol...Subtle form of control, exclusion, indeed. Routine set to escape, self sooth the psyche. Thought seeks security-feeds off of routine, anticipation of schedule, familiarity. Another example of the self perpetuating loop ⭕️
  15. The more and longer this awareness is in movement the less fear-time moves into the next moment. The more consistent, the less carry over. Not moving positively-negatively as time-self, makes for less “future” thought movement.
  16. ??Indeed....death, which makes for “birth” or creation is every second. This depens dramatically when I am alone and such. It brings about a total cessation of registration, recollection, identification. Your experience is little different than mine, as I don’t use the text (writing) the way you do. But I am new to reading-writing. For me it is direct through whole perception-insight As in constant inward Awareness of psychological-thought movement. I like your applied text reflection idea. Pretty interesting indeed. I think because of my “nonverbal thinking” its more effortless for me to just observe inward-outward (being unitary) phenomenon. So a constant watching of psychological time and all its implications. Again, it is interesting this text approach. I’m going keep an eye on your posts, friend??
  17. Definitely.. because it projects choice- (conditioned movement) reaction-action. To accept or condemn according to bias-prejudice in the pursuit of gaining psychological security in the image
  18. To recognize positive action(fear) in movement in all its subtle forms that are disguised by “apparently” being distinct-seperate from fear.
  19. Implies a non-holistic understanding of thought-self movement. Holisitc understanding of thought-self allows for a unitary, effortless, and simplistic awareness of the movement of psychological becoming. This movement of psychological becoming (movement of fear evading itself), nourishes division-duality between the thinker and what it thinks. Which will project that dualistic incomplete movement (positive-negative)action that causes perpetuation of identification and the arising of compulsive thinking.
  20. Same movement of innatention which influences incomplete action, which further nourishes the false division between the experiencer and the experience.
  21. It’s an all day affair. Everyday life (all day) is for me ongoing meditation.
  22. @who chit you see it all being one unitary movement of fear-time?
  23. Yes attachment being a movement of time-fear-anticipation. Which also is one and the same movement of desire seeking security in thought-self . Self feeding loop ⭕️