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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Can the observer ever see truth in the deepest sense. Truth is the limitless. That which is beyond the limited mecahanical fragmentation of thought and consciousness. Truth implies the whole before fragmentation “thought” distorts a fact or actuality and projects a reality “processed projection” . How can what is limited by fragmentation see the whole? This is a good one to ask oneself
  2. Hmm...frequency measure seems rather interesting....So as far as everyday life as we actually perceive it is our conciousness a manifestation of only our experiences or does knowledge/thought “conditioning” also a part of this content? I mean we are a product of such content are we not? ....It seems reasonable that consciousness is the mind and it’s content. Anyone else?
  3. Progress implies a destination. A movement forward or onward in space or time. A common movment of thought which implies time as in becoming. In this case becoming what u have constructed as an achievement, accomplishment, or what has been self projected by thought to be attained. If u feel u are like a dog chasing your tail maybe u are. This revolving door feeling is an indicator that there has been a false sense of awarness in action. If there was a sense of emptiness there would be no revolving door in which u were trying enter or exit. U would be outside the realm of thought at that point. U seem to be very passionate about learning the movment of thought/time/knowledge which is the structure and nature of the self “ego”.. just keep at it. Don’t get frustrated. This is your journey. Enjoy it. It’s the most important, interesting thing we can learn about. There seems to be an unidentified movment takkng place. Thought seems to be deceiving itself at some point in the process. Just keep watching the thoughts. Don’t let the “U” distort what is actual in its process. This is very common to all my friend. Good luck
  4. Outward expression of minimalism tends to be superficial in the sense that it’s only scratching on the surface. But isn’t to be minimal in its deepest sense imply ones psychological state to be as minimal as possible? To be simple outwardly is an attempt to alleviate, the effects of accumulation of things which we become attached to inwardly which causes conflict and suffering and so on...If we are simple inwardly wouldn’t this desire to outwardly become minimal which is fueled by anxiety and it’s effects on the mind cease? Just like outward accumulation effecting the inward state of being, isn’t all inward accumulation going to further effect inward states of being as well as the outward states? Sorry about the communication run on lol.. What I’m trying to say is...If we are inwardly simple wouldn’t outward minimalism be an expression of that inward state of being?
  5. Respectfully, Do we need to watch a video on what consciousness is to see its nature? Personally I don’t fill my head with such ideas. We have all the reference we need. We are our own book to learn. Now what is consciousness when u observe your own? Without someone else’s idea of what it is.
  6. What is kundalini? How does it work? This is a good way to approach whether we want to engage in such an activity. Good luck
  7. Isn’t meditation an all day affair? To inquire scrupulously from moment to moment.To have a religious mind. A quiet mind.
  8. Anxiety is the gap between the NOW and the THEN. So if you are in the NOW, you can't be anxious, because your excitement flows immediately into ongoing spontaneous activity. Bruce Lee
  9. lol give it a try If the thinker is thought how do u personaly stop thinking?
  10. Du u mean appearence as in a feature or action/process ?
  11. I’m speaking of the appearence in the sense of an image or impression
  12. An appearence is an impression. A representation of an external form. A production of thought.
  13. Mindfulness or mindlessness? Which one seems more accurate? Lol
  14. Thought can never know everything, that’s the point. If thought is limited which it is how can thought capture what is limitless? There’s nothing “wrong” with trying to know everything persay, but there’s just more significance to “Know” that we cannot. Trying to know everything is an idication that the one trying know everything doesn’t understand there limitations. And if we don’t understand our limitations do we really understand oursleves? Lol..I do enjoy discussing this stuff with u guys though. Thanks ??
  15. Doesn’t anyone value the significance of a quiet mind? I do. I realize that all I need to learn and understand is myself/thought. In this understanding the mind becomes quiet. A good question to ask oneself is why do we need to know everything? What is the motive behind this? I aprreciate not knowing everything. What do u guys think?
  16. I see what’s being said here Leo. And this is grasped once the ego which is thought are grasped in there true nature. But this word reality I see as being a process of an interpretation through thought projected as the absolute. What ever is influenced by thought becomes a reality. So in this case these theory’s, concepts, presumptions, dispositions are a reality. They are realities in there process but they are false realities. I think you are speaking of truth or what is true when you use this word reality. What is so without the interpretation of thought/knowledge/time. Does this make sense? I think I know what u are implying though. And I’m with u on this observation. It’s very important that this is communicated because these false truths can be very destructive in what and how we view life in its meaning. What we value or hold as significant is determined by what dispositions are conditioned by our sub cultures and society. If we see the structure and substance of these dispositions in there true nature these false realities wouldn’t influence our view of true meaning. We would see that reality is only a perseption limited by our finite capacity to understand the whole. To see that every theory, concept, presupposition, premise, are only speculation in the attempt to capture what is immeasurable or immense is quite a beautiful thing. Most would be frightened of this and are. That’s why we hold to these assumptions. They offer us a sense of security and safety. Comfort in the idea that one day we will be able to control our environment. But the fact is we are our environment. We are our environment trying to explain itself.. But to me personally I think it’s a beautiful thing to know that there is much more to exsitense than these extremely limited points of view.
  17. Yeah even science is limited in its nature because it is broken into fragments. This is how thought/knowledge works. It focuses on particular points of a whole, not on the whole itself. Thought/knowledge can never capture the whole. The more we use thought/knowledge the more concentrated and narrow our investigation becomes. To get the most out of science we need to understand the limited nature of thought and knowledge. To be able to see the fact that theory’s are extremely partial, limited, a type of attempt to capture the whole. For example, this is similar to the fact that the word is never the thing in which it is pointing to. It’s only an attempt to capture and explain what is being described. It becomes a reality “fragmented” because thought makes it so, but it’s never “whole”or Truth in the deepest sense because Truth is beyond the realm of subjectivity.
  18. As Pluto said trust, honesty, and active communication are key. The only way to actually trust another is to trust ourselves. The only way to be honest with another is to be honest with oursleves. And the only way to communicate with another is to listen without the images we have projected about them. This seems rather rational does it not?
  19. The capacity to not hold an image about oneself and another would be most important. If there is an image there is no relationship between people. There is only relationship of images.
  20. I guess we would have to be clear on what meditetion is before a recommendation was accepted and utilized. There’s different types of meditation practices that have been popularized over the years. Are these methods an escape from the monotonous daily grind? Are they movements of concentrated thought? It seems like from what I have seen this is the case. These methods seem to be in the realm of thought. Mechanical, fragmented, measurable. Doesnt meditation as it is generally applied imply controlling thought? Is this meditation? What do u guys think?
  21. We should probably be clear on what we mean by meditation considering that opinions vary on this subject. Maybe the person we say that to doesn’t know what that is. Maybe the person recommending doesn’t either.
  22. Ah yes.. Pluto has got the right idea. If your going to do something don’t do it just because it’s good for u. Do it because u enjoy it and it just so happens to be good for u. And when doing something like yoga and similar exercises don’t make a chore out of it. Those kinds of activities are a great way to enjoy the art of no mind.