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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. What is thought? In this understanding and seeing maybe we can find out what is not of thought. Make sense? This is very important for those who really want to live a holy life. To have a quiet mind. To not be dominated by the fragmented mechanicalization of thought/ego. This takes more than someone else’s conviction. To accept in this case implies to conform to an authority. This is something we must learn ourselves. Good luck friends
  2. Just investigate what anxiety is. What is the driving force or root. Where does this movment of thought come from? Could it be desire? Who or what is the entity that is anxious? Is this feeling of anxiousness a symptom of thought that is a direct expression of an impression or expectation of what we think should be? Maybe a good start is realizing that thought is the cause of anxiety. It has been said that nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. Who ever said this was on to something.
  3. Acceptance of what is. This is the acceptance I meant. To not escape to what should be. Is it possible to remain with what is? And in that staying with the fact without the intention of escaping, can conflict or discord cease? Conflict is inevitable due to usage of thought within the psychological realm. We must accept that thought in the direction of the psyche produces this conflict, but we don’t have to accept our reactions to the never ending process of conflict. If we learn/see how conflict in its nature and structure comes about and moves in action can’t we prevent unconscious reactions from catalyzing? Isn’t this the art of inquiring?
  4. Isn’t conflict a manifestation of the center. The “me” trying to improve myself. Isn’t this a movment in time/thought/knowledge? Time being I am this but I want to become that. Time is a movment of thought. We escape from what is to what should be which becomes a state of confliction. Also isn’t the fact that there is a division made by thought that the self is seperate from the thoughts themselves a direct cause of conflict? Where there is division conflict is inevitable. So are we aware that this separation is a self projection created by the thought itself? Ego, thought, Knowledge, time, are not seperate. This is the “me” “you”...Without this realization conflict is eternal.
  5. Willpower in a particular direction with a motive to alleviate suffering will further intensify any conflict, contradiction, and amplify psychological suffering. Willpower implys control, suppression, or to cover or escape the problem by a movment of concentratration. In this case to escape from the fact ”what is” because the pain and sorrow is unbearable. In this escape we seek any way possible to gain a sense security from the reaction to that fact. This movment is a manifestation of the ego “thought”, to protect. What we do is avoid the problem because the pain and sorrow is to much. So we try to control what we think about to prevent that particular thought from reacuring...Through this movment of thought there is also an imposition to begin the process of introspection. The problem with this is thoughts in there very nature are the entity trying to impose this concentrated attempt to alleviate suffering with willpower. How can willpower be used to suppress impulses and thoughts that cause suffering when the entity that suffers is those very thoughts? Willpower used in the psychological realm seems to be a never ending battle to get through conflict and suffering. Instead of trying to control, suppress, inhibit, our impulses, thoughts, and feelings, maybe we should use the art of attentiveness rather than concentration. To simply watch and learn the total movment of thought “The ME”. Not escape the pain, but watch it. If we are our thoughts doesn’t this imply that the controller is the controlled? And if this is the case what option is there to be free of this suffering if that is part of what we are? Should we control, escape, and never see or learn this movement as a whole from the beginning to end? Or should we simply watch this movment of suffering objectively without escaping? Through objective observation maybe we will see that when the observer is the observed there is nothing we can do but watch anyway.
  6. Unless there is something physically wrong with the brain couldn’t mental health problems be a consequence of core values? Values being what we hold important, significant, based off what disposition we have that is influinced by our sub culture. Our beliefs, convictions, theory’s, and conclusions. Doesn’t a mental health problem imply confusion, conflict, and contradiction on how we view ourselves, others, and the world? Seems reasonable that mental health problems are the reflection of our dispositions. Why do we hold these values? This is worth investigating honestly isn’t it? If these values are passed down through knowledge and we accept them without questioning them objectively, this may be a red flag and the reason for this contradiction. Isnt it our responsibility to inquire into ourselves? Isnt it irresponsible to accept values passed down through knowledge without investigation of there nature and composition? Are our core values when not inquired into diligently and honestly the reasons why there is so much mental health problems?
  7. Cool... yeah I have had similar experiences like that. Lately I don’t even dream at all. Maybe such states of sleep could be an extension of how we live day to day. Anyway that sounds rather nice??
  8. Is reality a manifestation of thoughts? Isn’t reality the evaluation and dissection of an observational experience? We see the actuality of a fact, “A truth”, then from that impression there is a reflection. This reflection of the actuality being our interpretation of that fact becomes distorted by the limited nature of thought. Is this the nature of reality? Anything of recollection and anything produced and added to by the faculty of thinking. Is reality different from truth?
  9. We are the world. What ever state we are in inwardly will project outward into the society. We can’t change society from a divisive standpoint. We are society so that implies we have to inquire into ourselves rigorously. If we can live psychologically healthy lives with the capacity to maintain a quiet orderly mind this will extend outward into society. Society as it is now is a reflection of each an every one of us. Its an obvious fact that we are responsible for this society. And if we are responsible for this reality in which we have created, doesn’t this imply that we can change it? The question is do we really want to. Can we change this reality if we don’t claim responsibility for it?
  10. The unconditioned mind Intuits truth Bruce Lee
  11. The approach is most important. If we are approaching this desire to get a glimpse of truth isn’t this desire strengthened by our idea of what we think truth might be? How would we know if we were projecting our own interpretations of what we think truth is? Seems that one way to go about this would be to understand the nature of truth. To be able to identify the false in the false and with such an insight truth may just reveal itself. Striving to attain may very well be the barrier that prevents this state of awarness.
  12. If your meditation is a movement of concentrated thought than it makes sense this disconnected feeling from the body. Concentration or centralization implies focus on one aspect of a specific objective and excludes everything else. There’s concentration and then there’s attention. Concentration-partial or fragmented experiential observation attention-whole or totality experiential observation Personaly...when I first realized the me was an illusion I felt I was beyond the realm of thought. But later realized this movement of thought was disguised as the timeless state. I realized that my imagination”thought” was creating this sense discontention and isolation. Anyone else experience this?
  13. Leo is on to it.. Truth is beyond the realm of reality. Truth can not be attined in the movment of thought. Truth is active, dynamic, alive. Reality is different than truth. Reality is of thought/knowledge,time. Reality is a projection of thought itself. It is limited, static, and a dead thing. Truth in its deepest sense can never be attained by the limited nature of reality..“no thing” or emptiness of the mind is getting close to this timeless state we call truth. What do u guys think? does this seem like a rational observation?
  14. U think so? Why do we need conflict psychologically? Isn’t self improvement a movment of desire by the center? This attempt to be better is the reason we are not. How can the “entity” that needs to be better improve its self? This seems rather contradicting to say the least. This attempt to be better is a movment by the ego to become psychologically secure. It’s a projection by the self according to ones dispositions. Isn’t the idea of self improvement going about it the wrong way? It seems like this “improvement” of the self is nothing more than an attempt to become liberated through the movment of time/thought/knowledge. What do u think?
  15. Do we realize that we are conflict? Conflict is not an idea. We can see it in ourselves and in society. The nature of thought is divisive, contradicting, misleading, and a movment of confusion. Conflict is psychological disorder. Anyone else see this?
  16. What is the nature and structure of the ego? In the understanding of the whole process and it’s implicaations we can distinguish with clarity when we are inattentive of the ego and it’s movmet. If we do not know the nature of ourselves “ego” we will not be able to identify various motives as they arise. If we are not aware of the substance of our motives honestly arrogance, antagonism, violence and so on will be projected on to others.
  17. Isn’t the intention to become “enlightened” motive to sustain and validate ones sense of self esteem? Both are movemts of desire to self gratify. So doesn’t this imply that enlightenment and self esteem are both subjective projections of the same movment of thought “desire” Is there actually any distinction between the two? The root of this movment is the center “Ego” is it not?
  18. Thought has its place. But nothingness is freedom. A mind with “no thing” as its content is free. Maybe Afonso means thought in the context that we attempt to capture a sense of security in the relationship and reaction to fear. Thought in its very nature is to anylize certain stimuli through subjective awareness or perception to establish a sanctuary for the body or mind. That is what I got from that comment. He might imply that thinking in this sense is the reaction to fear and the desire to self sustain. This seems reasonable, rational to me...I could be wrong though.
  19. Thought in its very nature works in abstractions. But insight “to see” the nature and structure of thought is a form of truth... To see the falseness in the false the truth is revealed.
  20. Desire is a movement in thought. Any movement in thought is a movement of the the ego. The desire to “become” enlightened is a progression through the realm of thought. Any movement through the realm of thought will never go beyond thought. Isn’t that what we want? To be free from the the self... Desire is a manifestation of thought “ego”. How can we say we want to be become enlightened when we don’t know what it is to be so? Is this desire to become enlightened just another product that thought has created and projected?
  21. Is the higher self a conceptual construct based off the assumption and disposition that the lower self is actual in its nature? Is there a self at all? Or is the self a series of thoughts trying to identify itself through thought?
  22. How do we know there is a higher self? How do we know there is a lower self?
  23. How do we know there is a higher self? How do we know there is a lower self?