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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. How do “you” kill thought? Control? How do “you” kill the fragment of thought that identifies as “you”?? If this was achievable and it seemed like a good idea to “u” wouldn’t it be a better idea to not have to kill ”IT” at all? Why not use it for what it’s function actually is? I mean there are good things about it like remembering where u live, learning a language, learning how to knit a sweater. Lol It’s when we are unable to keep an orderly mind that this ego becomes a problem. Everything needs to go in its right place. Thought goes with function being technological knowledge , vocational knowledge, communication, and so on. But in the psychological movment of time “past, present, future, knowledge being thought has no place.
  2. If your trying become self actualized that implies that u haven’t yet. If u haven’t then that means u don’t know what it is. And If u haven’t become self realized maybe your not in any position to show another how to become what u have yet to attain. Sincelry, it sounds like u are trying to find something immeasurable. If this is so chances are u will change dramatically from day to day. U might be on to something one day thinking your close to your goal, then some form of insight reveals to you a deception that reveals itself. I would just pay attention to your thinking. I wouldn’t even bother with guessing or assuming what others are thinking about you. This is the function of thought “ego”. Maybe if your so interested in this “self actualized” business you might not want to fuel what your trying to dissolve. If u dedicate 100% of your attention to the self and it’s content then your actions will speak for themselves soon enough. Freedom “order” has to be in the beginning. It’s not at the end of “self actualized work” I would forget this way of thinking that any one of us can grasp what is truth anyhow. Truth is beyond all subjectivity “thoughts, knowledge, time, ego or the self. It is of itself and only when the center and all that implies is not. It’s a rare thing to be able to live without the center. But there are moments when we can get a small peak into the imeasurable. THIS IS ONLY WHEN “WE” ARE NOT
  3. Anyone have something fresh to bring to this. Maybe someone with something to say. Maybe something worthwhile What do u guys think about the pursuit and attainment of enlightenment for the pursuit of status and respectability? Sounds absurd doesn’t it??? Lololololo
  4. It’s about observing, seeing, understanding, and realizing thought in it’s structure and abstract nature.. Dropping ideas and concepts about what we think enlightenment, self realization and so on are. To have a quiet mind not in a constant state of becoming. Thought is the vehicle of these ideas and concepts. And yes there is nothing wrong with thought as a function. But within the psychological realm thought has no place. Anyone who claims to be enlightened and doesn’t see this is sadly mistaken and will only live a life in division, conflict, and will suffer.
  5. But if we go into to this in depth with oursleves in our daily lives these questions would reveal themselves.
  6. @Principium Nexus I would say it’s about neither a path nor destination. In this projected idea of thought we would be chasing our idea of enlightenment and not the actuality or fact that the word enlightenment points to. Dropping all ideas and concepts is what freedom implies. Freedom from the prison of thought. Freedom from the past implies the capacity to meet the present. So I would say its more like a patheless journey without the destination holding any significant value. Just enjoying the beauty along the way. And while this journey does end when the physical body dies, this journey could never begin without the the death of the psychological entity that I call the Me, which is thought.
  7. I think maybe if these question were gone into we would be able to come close to understanding why most people dont seem to be interested. And I would think that after going into these questions one would realize if they were being deceived by thought “ego”
  8. And how does this “perceiver” get to this realization of being “no thing”???
  9. Let’s go about this one question at a time.. who is the perceiver?
  10. Isn’t the motive behind why we want to meditate to be in a timeless state? Dont these popular methods of meditation imply concentrated effort? Isnt that what one is trying to get away from when engaging in this activity? To be in a state where the “me” ceases It seems that focus, concentration, and control is the opposite of what is needed to to inhabit this timeless state where the self is not. This movment of concentration, focus, and a centered focal point in a particular direction implies thought. And when we move within the realm of thought the timeless can not be approached.
  11. Isn’t consciousness simply “mind” and it’s content? What do u guys think?
  12. If we were to go about this rationally, logically, we would need to remain with facts. What is actually happening within the realm of conciousness? Not any speculation, theory’s, presuppositions and so on. I mean all one would have to do is be observant of all whole psychological movment of man. Psychological characteristics, idiosyncrasies, conclusions, beliefs,and all of the other constituents of thought/mind/ the self This is why it’s seems reasonable to say that the content of the mind thought/knowledge/memory/experience/the Me and U is the conscious of man. When a question like this arises it’s interesting to observe how we take a fact “what is” and make it into an abstraction. Any way this a practical, simple, way to look at the consciousness of man/woman. What do u guys think?
  13. It’s seems reasonable to say that psychedelics are a temporary fix. It’s also an experience that u will probably propetualy chase. Also its safe to say that the experience “memory of that experience” will be what you approach each present moment with. So u will be approaching the present in terms of the past “the memory/knowledge of that experience” . This is classic meeting the present according to the past or “ approaching the dynamic, active, “the now” with that which is “static” the past. If we approach the new “the now” with that of the old “past” then we really aren’t living now. We are living according to past knowledge and remain a slave to thought. Anyway im not saying u shouldn’t or should just something to keep in mind. If u want to go about it with chemical changes to the body and so on so be it. But it’s reasonable to assume that it takes more than tripping balls to learn the art of inquiry. Remeber care must be taken to avoid various deceptions and so on. If imagination is going crazy I don’t see how this could be possible. Then again I’m not sure what psychedelics actually make u feel like. I do this without the dependency of any outside agency. For me this is an art. The art of living. Good luck ??
  14. Use all these forms of suffering to your advantage. And this hierarchy of need jive I’m sorry to say will be a limited way to resolve these rather common issues your have. We cant solve our problems according to someone else’s ideas, theory’s, and other forms of analytical investigations. These false premises are contradicting and confusing when applied as a method of the eradification of suffering. Knowledge has no place in psychological order. The anylizer is the anylized ...Inquire into what this implies good luck friend
  15. Is the quality of knowledge within the field of Truth or Reality?
  16. Ego is a reality in it’s process meaning the movment or idea of the false self is a process taking place whether it’s true or not. It’s a movment within thought.
  17. @maynor Lol Yes I know ego is a self image, story, self made concept created by thought. Do u ever listen to anything I write lol. Ego the me is a thought fragment formed by the dualistic nature of thought. Please don’t try and play guru with me By the way self inquiry is not work it’s a way of life. I don’t remember where I heard this but it seems like a good time to say it The goody-goddies are the thieves of virtue
  18. Hell isnt the ego .. hell is not knowing the ego is a reality in process. Ego is a tool.. when it becomes our master we suffer the consequences “hell” Ego is like a chainsaw, very useful but when used carelessly very destructive Its like saying knowledge is hell. Knowledge has its place but when we are slaves to it then Hell awaits us
  19. Fact is what is so of itself. What is actual. Anything beyond that is a fact becoming distorted into an abstraction. So I hope your not going to get all speculative on me lol
  20. Your talking to one who holds absolutely no beliefs whatsoever ... belief implies fear
  21. The word is never the thing that’s a fact
  22. We are using mind as thought/knowledge/time/ego the U and Me
  23. Yes mind is a concept lol But remember the word is never the thing in which it is pointing to
  24. Maybe U forgot knowledge? Consciousness is always of the past, never of the present. You are conscious only of things that are over. You see the interval? That is our state of consciousness, which is conditioned by the past and our thought. This conditioned response challenges a fact and the more you respond according to the conditioning of belief, of the past, the more there is strengthening of the past. Watch and you will see that consciousness is functioning between the past and the future and that the present is only a passage of the past to the future. Anyway awareness is generally influiced by conditioning or knowledge. Of course when there is a capacity of tremendous attention to the content of our conciousess “insight” we are not slaves to that knowledge. Knowledge and perception can coincide without knowledge interfering with that direct observation and so on.