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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Jeez friend.. books are great for functional knowledge. To learn mathematics, language, science, and so on. If your are reading these books I don’t see a problem. If your are reading books about psychological, spiritual, and so on then that’s ok to. But remember in the psychological realm the book of yourself is all u need. “The book of man/woman” How can we learn about ourselves through the theory that somebody else has formualated? And a good question to ask is what’s the motive behind this addiction to knowledge? Be honest with yourself. U just might get an answer.
  2. If your mind is running when you sleep you are not getting the rest that you could if your mind was quiet.
  3. Leo is in the same boat as the rest of mankind, No better no worse I have only watched one vid he has posted and he seems to be leading people in a favorable direction. But you have to go beyong what he is showing you. I personally have taken his advice and went deeper into my investigation in various ways or methods and found that there is no path or method in this self learning and self knowledge. We have to go beyond any authority and be our own teachers. One thing I do appreciate is this site that Leo has put together. It’s just what society needs.
  4. Nice ??.that sounds like an excellent adventure...I just appreciate when the mind ceases so when wake I feel totally reenergized.
  5. @Shanmugam ...absolute infinity is still speculation my friend. And creation implies a creator. So I don’t think that sounds like rational way discribe the start of this happening. And I question anyone who claims to be a yogi. If we are inquirers of thought,knowledge/time/ego. We have no need to follow some “yogi”
  6. @Dodo ..dreams seem to merely be an enxtension of our daily lives. The feelings,thoughts, and rememberance is carried on into sleep. The disordered mind of the day becomesthe same when we sleep. Fortunately I don’t dream or am lucky enough to totally forget them.
  7. We’re we created? Who’s god in this case? Is this an attempt to gain security in an idea? Can ideals ever solve the problem of division in relationship? Or does this very attempt to bring about security through an idea accelerate insecurity to greater extents?
  8. The enjoyment of life is important. What you hold significant is important. Understanding yourself which is thought is important. Everything else is secondary. Dont get caught in the motivation through fear game. That will only bring about conflict in your life and will manifest as psychological disorder down the road. If You can get paid to do what u enjoy, awesome. If you enjoy it enough you will become good at it or maybe even great, but being great at it shouldn’t be why you want to do it. Doing something u love even if you were not getting paid for it is an intelligent way to live. Getting paid for it is a bonus. And finally just live for heaven sakes. Death is always closer than we think. Don’t waste all your precious time in the realm of thought “fear” relax friend...inquire into yourself which is investigation into thought and action will become evident. Remember in an age of leisure it’s important that we enjoy oursleves. If we don’t the world will fall to pieces. Conflict in becoming can be very destructive when everyone of us are slaves to desire. Good luck friend
  9. How do we know we think differently? How do we know how others think according to Mr Jungs ideas, theory’s, and conclusions? Is this something we need another’s account of to find an answer to?
  10. Shin?? There is no division psychologically between You and I. There is only a division within the movment of thought.
  11. The world and life is the way it is because we made it that way.We from our inward state project our outward state. We are responsible for this reality. If this is not realized we propetuate this position of “life is not fair”. This disposition then is handed down to new generations that we unfortunately influence. Life is not fair, life is beautiful. Only “WE” thought distort it’s beauty through conception of its actual nature.
  12. Thought/knowledge is always old and of the past. If we are not aware of this fact then we can’t live now. The me is the past. To understand myself as the past gives rise to the capacity to live in in now. Now is actually all there ever is, but psychological knowledge being the me and it’s content prevents that now experience.
  13. As far as a spiritual growth diet... just give the body the nutrients it needs and keep away from what it doesn’t and you will be fine.
  14. Just use good judgment when deciding what to eat. I know Paul chek recommendations seem to be real reasonable. For me personaly I eat 80% fruit/veg 20% either salmon or chicken (meat twice a week maybe three times tops for dinner) This works well with calisthenics/little weights/and mobility routine. Running is not preferable for me anymore. I over did that years ago I keep muscle on and keep lean and most importantly feel great try and keep things simple
  15. To me mindlessness comes about when you see and feel with your whole being the nature and structure of thought in your personal daily life. In that seeing/feeling the internal chatter “thought”or “mind” is not taken seriously, it is taken as internal noise. An inner commentary..Also once this process of inquiry becomes natural the compulsion of thought slows and may come to an end. Usually in smaller increments but usually in my experience grows to longer intervals. But don’t get caught in the trap of moving in a particular direction. Desire, gratification, chasing experiences will only cause further division and conflict. If we see that the mind is a problematic process and we are that mind “ego” then we see that problems come and go and that the center “becoming” is the root of this state of suffering. Just let the process be. Nothing else “you” can do. The process creates the you “duality” Knowing this you see the division is not actual. It’s a kind of symptom of thought. To live the mind must first learn the art of dying. Anyway it’s an never ending learning until the day the body dies. U see the significance of this?
  16. Simply ask yourself what is pleasure? How does it come about? Pleasure is fueled by thought and becomes mechanical, and compulsive. Inquiry into thought is the only way to see when pleasure is arising. There is the memory of the sensation felt in that experience and now you want to recapture it again. It gives you a feeling of calmness and security. Like a self soothing state. Pleasure is the remeberabce of that feeling derived from thought and there is an impulsive drive to repeat that experience over and over again. Don’t just meditate for one hour. True meditation is an all day affair. Meditation is diligent inquiry into thought “ the You “ It’s an art Art of living
  17. Who or what is the entity that wants to improve?
  18. Doesn’t mindful detachment imply mindlessness.. Maybe there is a time to be mindful and a time to be mindless. To have a full mind we become blinded by its content. To have less full mind is to see with greater clarity without barriers of its content obstructing our view and perception. Mindfulness in the realm of the egoic function “an ego tool” or “thought” Mindlessness implies freedom from the self or the absence of the center “ to not be blinded by the nature, structure, and substance of thought. Anyhow this is how I view these words
  19. You have created an image of yourself. What u should be like. How you should act. What position or role in society your should play. This image is a projection that is abstracted from the fact of how you actually are. This abstraction “the movement from what is actual to an idea, what should be” is creating a never ending conflict of expectations to be met. If this image of how I should be is not so it causes pain, sorrow, anxiety, and so on. We assume we should be better in what ever way we project because society demands conformity and imitation to its inhabitants to engage in a role. When we don’t want to conform to a path that has been chosen we close our selves off from the outside. We then become uncomfortable in the presence of others or social settings. We create images about ourselves and images of what we think others are projecting about us. This fear of public opinion creates a division between ourselves and another. If there is a division then fear is imminent. In this thinking creates this image making process. If there is no image there is no conflict between what is and what should be. From what I have witnessed in myself and others is that introvert or extrovert both can be in states of conflict and there energy decreases similarly. The extrovert just ignores it or gets used to this process. The introvert sees that this energy is replenished when alone time is granted. To me balance is key. I personally like to be alone 90% of the time. People call me introvert to. But to me a mind that is alone can be diligent in the necessesity of self inquiry of our own thought processes. If we can’t identify these images and there abstract nature this process goes undetected and we start to suffer the consequences like, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, and so on. If there is an image between You and I There is no relationship. There is only a relationship of images. It’s that simple yet it seems to be otherwise.
  20. Lust implies desire for the pleasure in the experience. Ultimately thought is the root of this movement. We are thought and within that thought is a fragment, lust. So we are lust. To refrain is to go from what is “lust” and controlling oneself according to an idea “non lust” ultimately escaping the fact that we are lust. So instead of the idea of what should be maybe we should stay with the fact. Face it, learn about it, observe this movement of desire, pleasure, and gratification objectively with denying or accepting
  21. This word god is not a good word to use for what I think it is being directed towards.. knowone can agree on its significance
  22. If your mind goes blank we’ll thats good. If u feel that u are easily distracted and this “contemplation” becomes a chore then figure out why u are contemplating that specific question. Maybe it’s not what u want..Maybe this inquiry or contemplation is only of interest because you haven’t questionsed the motive or intention behind it.. What is the ground of it? What am I trying to get out of that question? And so on. Motive honestly revealed is essential. If you are bouncing from interest to interest but not staying with one very long and start to wonder” inner cometary and compulsive thinking” then maybe you might want to limit activities that tend to bring about a mechanical movement within your thinking. Just limit distractions like media, habits, entertainment, and so on, temporarily. This tends to quiet the mind and gives one the energy needed to inquire into such questions. But if your are in this blank state than what’s the problem...Besides a glass that is empty has room for somthing new. And remember when it comes to contemplation of the self the one who contemplates is contemplation Lol..This is a rather common issue good luck friend
  23. Maybe u should learn about why this inattention is happening. Its good that u notice this inattention in progresss Maybe u know deep down that what ever content is being communicated to u is limited. Maybe u want something more. Maybe it just doesn’t seem to have real value to you. Who knows why.. If you don’t know yourself then what chance is there in knowing what u want? This sounds like contradictory thoughts you are having. Thought being fragmented becomes conflicted because each fragment is pursuing something in a specific direction contrary to another. One fragment wants success another wants freedom from desire. Do u see this contradiction? I would learn this movment of thought “psychological content of the yourself” and in this inquiry the mind will become quiet. These contradictions of thought will cease by objective observation. In this observation motives and intentions will reaveal themselves and you will be able to negate what motives and intentions are not genually valued. The capacity to attend, and the quality of a quiet mind are essential in abilty to avoid distractions.