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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. @cetus56 The me and you are an expression of the collective. U agree with this? In saying one can have recollections of being at Atlantis would this imply this recollection is the product of knowing ones own nature? And in that self knowing seeing that each self is basically of the same structure therefore being able to relate the society of Atlantis to the reality of society in which we have produced and live in now? Or are we saying something else entirely? Just want to meet you mutually in this friend If we can keep it simple I think we can get somewhere together
  2. @cetus56 I understand time and conciousesnss. But what do u think consciousness implies?
  3. @Ruby White not sure I totally see what u mean friend
  4. @cetus56 hmmm what do u mean by that? Simplified if you could be so kind
  5. @cetus56U mean story of Atlantis? How was there a recollection of being there?
  6. Don’t escape, see the negativity and compulsion to think positively. Finding somthing positive about yourself is an escape to self sooth. And on the other end why do you believe this image of yourself to be negative? The ticket is to have no image of oneself. No positive image and no negative image. Images are created ideas of oneself and not facts. No image means no comparison between this an that, no measure, no judging, no competition, no movement of thought in field of psychological time. Which means no me and my desire to change what is to what should be which means no conflict whatsoever. Just watch not trying to change anything. See the fact “I am this” and don’t escape into the idea “I want to be that.” This is movement in time “becoming” and will only cause further suffering. In this watching without the compulsion to judge oneself or a desire to change comes clarity into ones actual state of being. This clarity brings order.
  7. I think I get that.. doesn’t hurt though right ?
  8. The thinking process is the conscious process, the hidden as well as the open. This whole thinking process is consciousness. There’s not your brain or my brain but just the brain. We all share conciousness. Not yours or mine just conciousness. You and I are a fragment manifested through conscious thought.
  9. We project an image of the “me and that thing” and in that image there is pleasure. Not really the thing but the me in search for pleasure. Images are formed by motives of pleasure.
  10. Is everyone able to be loved? Can you love? What is love? What is it not? Do you love?
  11. @zazed Lol Yeah we tend to divide parts of our conciousness. That’s what thought does, fragments. There’s the “real self”, “ego”, “sub concious”, and so on. This is all a movment of thought that creates this division through fragmentation. Of course the center which manifest as a fragment of thought further exaggerates this division.
  12. Could it be that when we worship somthing this is actually self worship? ??‍♂️
  13. This no self state doesnt happen through will, effort, and time as in ‘’becoming” has nothing to do with it. The “me” the image has to cease for this to happen. Any movement from or by the me which implies various methods, practices, and so on will only prevent this from happening. Anyway if you are not in this state of being, how could you known if someone else was?
  14. An image is like a two sides of a coin. One side pleasure the other pain. To have an image pleasure and pain are it’s product.
  15. @AleksM ?? I understand friend. Although it’s seems feelings are influenced by thought “images” I have not gone much into vibrational frequency and such and i wouldn’t necessarily want to raise the “vibrational frequency of conciousness”... For me what is important is this conciousness “content and its images to cease” or to remain in a centerless state. Do you see where I’m coming from buddy?
  16. Im not really familiar with a low or high conciousness. Is there just consciousness and in watching that carefully when images are formed there is a sense of freedom from the image...Is this what you mean by higher consciousness?
  17. What do you mean by low concious and high conscious friend? Do you mean there’s an identification with an image and sometimes there is not an identification and image projection?
  18. I haven’t watched the vid but would we say that an unconditional relationship implies that there is no image of oneself and another?
  19. @Psyche_92 lol yeah.. The image is like two sides of a coin. One side is pleasure and the other is pain. Really both are one. This is the nature of an image. This is the part that needs diligent watchfulness. These images are very sneaky. “We” usualy don’t know we are making them because we are even blind to the fact that we are an image. If the me is trying to look at these images then there will be confusion because the me “thought” is the root of image making. But that’s the key I think. To investigate into how we make these images and if we can stop. If we could stop there would cease to be pleasure or pain. No me or you.
  20. Yeah.. or can u see that this wanting “clinging” to be right is influencing the quality of thought. This rationalization according to ones bias in the attempt to bring a sense of security is where thinking becomes crooked.
  21. Yeah.. The confliction in becoming and so on fall away. The me and my images are why life was a constant conflict. Thats the function of thought “me” a problem solver that needs problems to continue its movement. Lol interesting isn’t it
  22. Security, validation, and so on. The image in which we have put together gets questioned. We cling to this image of “knowing” for security. This is one reason thought becomes corrupt.
  23. A fragment of an image clings to another fragment of an image and manifest to form another image, and on an on it goes. The mechanical process of fragmentation. Lol
  24. Your getting it, keep moving... We are neurotic. The center is neurotic.. See this fact in oursleves. We can’t turn it off, stay with it. In observation and awarness of the fact then comes order. The disorder comes when we try to change the fact into an abstraction. Thought is a movement away from this fact. This make sense friend?