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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. @RawJudah Respectfully, ??, isnt trying not to control a subtle form of control? You don’t have to answer.. just shows how subtle the movement of thought can be. Very very subtle
  2. @DocHoliday Lol yeah ..I try not to explain in to much detail. I like to give a little and have another investigate into it for themselves lol. It’s nice to share with others. Most people don’t care so it’s nice to communicate with others on this forum that do like you. Thanks for reply friend ?
  3. @DocHoliday The movement of thought transferred over to the psychologically realm or is the root of conflict. And where does this ego or self come derive continuity? Thought/fragmentation right? This sense of “I” that identifies with various sensations, thoughts, feelings is the result of fragmentation of thought itself. It’s not my or your ego. Ego is in of itself is an image constituted by multiple fragmented images which is attributed and given continuity by the movement of thought within the psychological realm. Time as a function is carried over to the pyche. That’s where this conflict such as “becoming” leads to conflict. And its ok I don’t get offended my friend. ??
  4. @DocHoliday ??? These words absolute nothingness words are used a lot on this forum huh. Anyway, thought is the root of fragmentation. Thought is a movement and so time is a movement. What I have been in the past, how I am now in the present, and what I want to be in the future. Thought, the me, and fragmentation are the same movement, which is part of time. This is a movement of psychological time. This movement of time serves as a function. But psychologically this movement has no place, and in fact is the root of conflict.
  5. @zazed ?? I appreciate you asking friend Yes I am able to be headless when I so choose. I know that the me is a means of function and that the entity I call me is just a fragment of thought itself. When I first realized this as actual I was headless in a state where “I” seemed to not be there at all. But after a while one sees that balance enhances this art of living. So sometimes I am headless and other times not so much. Depends on what I need to do. But yeah I can be in a center less state say while doing something like cleaning house, work that is not to thought consuming, going to the store, and so on. The times when I really am in this state which seems to be fully is when I walk, ride bike with my son, sit in observation of a mountain and it’s beauty. I don’t meditate as in the whole siting cross legged, breathing, control or suppression of thought, and so on. And I don’t necessarily seek a higher state. I just watch or observe thought as it arises. And in this watching over time compulsive, or inner commentary, just seems to fade. It’s just once you see the truth of what and who you are that truth “perception, insight, acts directly on your being. Then you see that there is actually no self, center, or entity we call the me. So there is no reason to need this higher state because your are in a way, not. It’s crucial to see and understand the structure of thought and the me. I am ordinary, and this is not a special ability. Just takes ones full energy and interest. Anyone who really wants to can do this. Once this is grasped there is freedom from the self. And when there is freedom from the self life actually begins.
  6. Time is a manifestation of fragmentation ??‍♂️
  7. Real meditation is an all day affair. Not a technique.
  8. @Nahm ?? Friend Well it depends on what one means by meditation. And I know a lot of people promote it but personally I don’t see the necessity of using psychedelics. But I’m not a hater either lol. To me in seeing and understanding this field of reality there ceases to be any psychological involvement, any psychological demands, which are all forms of illusion. To see all that is intelligence. And the truth, “perception, insight, then operates on reality or “thought” through that intelligence. The beginning of meditation is the seeing and understanding of the whole field of the self,”thought” and without this understanding, what is called meditation, however pleasurable “mechanical and fragmentary”, can easily become a self deception and self-hypnosis. It’s simply about being attentive to what is or the the whole nature, structure, and substance of thought. To see the truth in the false sets the mind free from the false. And in this freedom from the false is the beginning of a center-less state of being. Or as I like to refer to as the headless state. The state where I am not. To me this is the art of living. I’m sure you see this already though friend? always a pleasure Nahm??
  9. @Nahm How does one know when thought is not attributing to itself a false sense of that which is limitless? Or in other words how does one know when thought is not moving? Or do we know if we are deceiving ourselves or if we are caught in an illusion? Thought in its very nature does not know when it is acting. An example is the self. Thought attributes to itself the image of the me, and you. This is a very subtle self deception. Thought is very very subtle. If thought is unaware of its action and its own movement how do we know when thought attributes to itself somthing that is beyond its limit. Or how do we know during this state of “meditation” which is supposedly free of thought that that is so? Do you see where I’m going with this? If we do not understand thought how do we know when it is moving and when it is not?
  10. @Buba what is used when investigation of reality? Thought right? And if so how can thought investigate reality if thought is not able to function with clarity? Is not reality everything that thought operates on, fabricates on, or reflects about. If we do not know the nature of reality how can the investigation maintain coherence?
  11. Belief itself implies fear, and clinging in of itself implies an attempt to sustain a sense of safety, security, and affirmation. This movement of validation serves to protect the psyche “ego” by means of measure. Not only does one hold various beliefs but the very identification with these beliefs becomes a part of the psychological structure of the center. Identification of a belief becomes a part of that ego. So when that belief is challenged not only is the belief attacked and challenged, but the entity which is composed of those various assumptions and conclusions is itself challenged and attacked. This clinging to belief acts as a safety net to secure the movement and continuity of the psychological entity we call the self.
  12. @Joseph Maynor I was actually referring to measure in the sense of comparison.
  13. Wouldn’t that be terrible though. From the psychological death one finally starts to live then bang that’s it. ?
  14. This state that this word enlightenment points to is a centerless state. It’s a freedom from the self or the known. In this freedom there is joy, beauty, creativity, and compassion,love. Seems that these are actually all in one. That’s why it’s very important to have a grasp on the nature of thought/reality. If we understand the substance reality we can steer clear from various illusions, self deception, and not be so easily gullible. Only in the understanding of reality can we see with clarity what is true or false. Correct and incorrect.
  15. @egoless perhalps to many psychedelic trips chasing the image of enlightenment. Lol
  16. Lol There’s thought therefore I am