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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Good question Seems obvious to me, could it be the resistance to the reality in which thought has created.
  2. @SOUL Also there is nothing idealistic or abstract about what I have told you. It’s simply observing thought and the self. I don’t look to concepts, theory’s, and any forms of knowledge to come to these truths. Seems that any resistance of this obvious fact is a reaction of fear and escape from that fact. Do you see that buddy?
  3. @SOUL So does love create the self or does fear create the self? Have you concluded that the self can love? Or is it somthing to investigate into still?
  4. @LaucherJunge Self love implies love is particular, individual, personal, or an action that can be grasped and expressed through thought or by the self. Do you see this as correct my friend?
  5. @LaucherJunge...I understand friend I’m simply implying another question. Does the action of love have anything to do with the individual? Or is there an action of love only when the individual separate self is not? Is the action of love particular or universal?
  6. It’s not for anyone to claim one has or has not gone through something and it plays no part in your Daily life. Dont get caught assuming and speculating. Be careful what you absorb through thought. Such accumulation of impressions may lead to premeditated self induced states. If you want to avoid various traps and deceptions of course. Be aware of this friends? ??
  7. When it comes down to it nature is everywhere. We are nature. It’s a transactional relationship between organism/environment. It’s simple, live where u can and follow your feet?
  8. @SOUL ?? Can we ever say we know someone? If we know someone then we know them only according to our memory of them in the past. And people are always changing so can we say we ever know someone really? So when we think we “know” someone isn’t this actually only an image projection or “idea” put in place of a fact of what is. And as you mention fear. I would say that if there is any psychological fear within ones psyche such as, fear of being alone, fear of not experiencing certain sensations and pleasures. Fear of not having mental support, and fear of not being validated and so on, that one would depend on the other to fulfill there subjective needs. So it seems this application of images is a movement to serve the self. And i simply question if such images are placed upon one another if this qualifies as a “TRUE” or genuine relationship. Is love an action expressed through the association of dependence? If i have an image about myself and I depend on you to fulfill that image by confirmation then in doing so that gives me a sense of security, which raises an important question, AM i USING YOU? If I have an image about you that also serves my self image, for example, I create an image about you as being less important in comparison to me. This serves as a self affirmation and further stimulates my sense of self worth, respectability, and so on right? If this compulsive pattern of image making is an attempt to self sooth, protect, and cultivate a sense of security for the psychological entity i call “THE ME” then it seems that the self is more concerned for its own well being than another’s. It also seems that if this type of image forming is being applied within a “relationship” then there is a movement by the self “thought” which obviously is the very acting mechanism responsible for this image projection. And if this image projection being a product of thought which is mechanical is taking place, perhaps we are not aware of it. If I don’t see that I am motivated by perpetual desire to self sustain the center in which I call the me, how can I know when my expression towards another is genuine and not self centered in motive and a movement of willful intent? If there is a need to constantly create security psychologically in my self doesn’t this imply that I might be unconsciously creating an image that serves my own? If this image isn’t validated by the other person doesn’t this generate fear that that image may not be met as the self has so subtly projected it? And if that is so doesn’t this cause me to cling to the other person and depend on them to fulfill my needs of self reassurance? In that case am i not using the other as an escape form that fear? So what I’m asking is if there is thought being projected or an image, and “a movement of volition” or “THE ME” that needs to be validated to preserve my self worth, and to maintain a sense of security, then can there be a relationship at all which is mutual? If my number one priority is directed at self soothing my own psyche first and foremost then how can the relationship be mutual? Especially if both parties are doing this. This seems to be a contradiction if a relationship is suppose to be based on mutual reciprocity. So if I have an image about myself and project one onto you and vice verse is this a relationship at all? Or is that merely a relationship between illusory images that we have created out of self interest? And if so couldn’t this pattern of illusion and deception take the form of love as well? Wouldn’t this be a false love or conditioned love therefore not unconditional??? Seems rather obvious to me anyway that the action of love could only be when there was a ceasing of images all together. If there were no images being formed by either person in association to relationship then there would be an abundance of FREEDOM, BEAUTY, CREATIVITY, JOY, COMPASSION, and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE expressed between one another. So doesn’t all this imply that thought within the field of relationship/love has no place what so ever? U stated earlier the following “In my own experience love is a multifaceted thing not easily defined” I agree with that totally because love as I see it is not the product of thought and therefore not a thing “think”, of thought. So yes it makes sense that this action of love is not easily described or defined. To conclude this drug out explanation and overly used word, “image”, My question remains the same, If there is no freedom from thought “the self” or “the center” can there be this action of love???? Well I Leave that for you to decide. What do u think friend, and friends?
  9. @Torkys your purpose should be I accordance to what you find the most interesting and significant?
  10. Is the structure, nature, and essence of thought positive at all? Does anyone else see this contradiction?
  11. @Slade yeah lol negation of concepts????
  12. @Slade Only when that essence is not influenced by the corruption of thought “the self” though right? ??
  13. One could also negate all the ideas, concepts, theory’s accumulated through knowledge about how we think we should be. Then ask oneself if there is no measure and no projected image would one suffer and ask this question about self worth at all? Is this measure “thought” as in comparison between this and that the cause of this self questioning?
  14. @SOUL Oh I totally agree buddy, but love seems be outside the realm of willful intent. The question is is Love conditional in accordance to subjectivity?
  15. @SOUL Yes...Thought which is conditioned effects the brain cells to. So if there is disorder of thought that disorder alters and effects the chemistry of the brain cells. And if there is order of thought the brain cells are also altered and create a different pattern of chemistry and order. Thought being a material process brings about a mutation on the brain cells and the brain cells determine an establish a particular pattern of thought right? Does that makes sense friend? Are we meeting one another?
  16. Can the self being a result of fragmentation from thought express the action of love? “The self” being a self sustaining mechanism and volition implies a means to an end and a mechanism of function. Can this entity that is a manifestation of thought “will, ambition, strife, desire, love at all? Again can love be cultivated by thought? Is there any relation between the two, or are they independent and seperate from one another all together. Interesting?
  17. @Outer I don’t look to others to explain what is so obviously observable within my own consciousness. But I appreciate your video recommendation friend ?
  18. Mental illness “disorder” causes suffering and suffering intensifies mental illness. The cause is the effect and the effect becomes the cause...These are not seperate.
  19. Yeah this process of mental illness “disorder” is actual. It’s a happening. Can’t argue with that??‍♂️
  20. Lolol In that case I’m addicted to Native American wood flutes?
  21. The art of dying may become mechanical ? lol
  22. When there is desire is there love? Great topic?
  23. The psyche or spirit doesn’t need cultivation. But I think I understand what your asking. Yes being out in nature is essential in my opinion. Inquiry into nature in comparison to inquiry into myself lead me to the insight that thought was the phenomenon that presented this sense of division between the “me” and nature. This sense of seperatenes is a product of thought itself. I enjoy walking, standing, sitting, along creeks. And it’s a great way to spend “time” ?