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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Yeah lolol I see a lot of talking about reality yet there seems to be an unclear consensus of what that is or implies. I posted that question before but know one seemed interested. maybe that needs to be cleared up so we can meet one another??‍♂️
  2. If thought attributes to itself as being different or independent of thought “reality” this is disorderly thinking.
  3. Although I’m not familiar with sakshibhav this objective observation of thought is essential. To suppress thought is to change what is “fact” to what should be. “Idea” Good advice by @Shanmugam
  4. It’s important to know when thought is moving though. Thoughts tend to go unseen and atttrinute a quality that is not thought. If that makes sense
  5. Sensations, feelings, thought all connected all one system
  6. There can be no freedom from thought “the self” through the acquisition of thought. Thought can not transcend it’s own limits, though it tries to..Only the action of perception/truth can capture the whole. If you go deep enough this will become clear?
  7. It’s not about the the accumulation and response capacity of the program it’s about having the capacity to view the entirety of the program and it’s limits. It’s about the capacity to perceive the whole of thought. Which thought itself can never achieve. Wisdom does not come by cultivation of thought.
  8. @MaxvladU need nothing but energy my friend? Dont be deceived by the propaganda. People saying that they got the goods and these goods come at a price. Freedom from the self is not for sale. It can not be given or sold to you. I hope you consider this before somebody picks your pocket and sells you your own watch?
  9. Ok buddy Well being to me implies order. If there is no order of thought there is inevitably conflict and suffering. Order can only be sustained by seeing what is false in the false which points to its own action of truth. My reason for this communication is to simply prevent further conflict and perpetual suffering in others in which are obviously just another me. It was not my intention to have a dispute “conflict” between the “me” and the “you”. We are one and the same, a manifestation of thought that perceive ourselves as separate. There is actually no division between you and I. Only through thought does this this distinction seem as so. Anyhow of course we are cool.?? I have no enemies. To me the only enemy of man and the world is the contradicting, confusing, deceptive, illusory nature, and process of thought within the psychological field. Thank you again for listening friend??
  10. Didn't philosophy start about by the Love for truth?
  11. I’m sorry friend but you will have to explain how you come to that conclusion for me to even consider such an idea. I’m open? So how do you come to this conclusion? How do you think the mechanism of thought began? Through love??? That seems kinda romantic, sentimental, no ?? How do you think the brain “thought” evolved? Could it be fear to bring about safety to anticipate danger? Or the ability to self sustain the physical organism, in which later evolved the process of the psychpsychological sense of “i”. “awareness theough self”. The movement thought is an obvious defensive measure to bring about total security for the organism in relation to its environment. Does that seem reasonable? Seems rather clear, to me of course, that the self is simply a symptom of one point of thought that manifests as part of the organism in the evolutionary process. Does this seem clear? It’s fairly obvious that the brain has developed substantially over time. U seem to agree by your photo usage with the ape ?. Are we meeting one another?
  12. I appreciate your re-participation my friend?? Isn’t the basis from which we act which is formulated by how we, think, feel our senses, feelings, imaginations, romantic demands, MY sense of having possessions, “wanting”, MY qualities, MY struggles, MY achievements, MY ambitions and etc. And “MY” aspirations, MY unhappiness, My joys, pleasures and so on etc. These all constitutes the self right? The essence is this center “THE ME”, MY house, MY family, MY bank account, what MY impulse is, I want to do this, I want to do that. I want to find truth, I want to find a sense of well being, and so on. Do you see this fact and feel what I’m saying deep in your bones??? MY nationality, family tradition, the desire to have more intellectual capacity, more knowledge and so on. And from this center all action takes place being our disagreements, judgments, all centered around the ME and YOU. All the different levels of within consciousness are the ME and the you. The self divides itself between the ME and the other, and where there is division there is always conflict. The self identifying with its ideas, and fighting for those ideas. But this is still the ego “the self”. The self struggles, denies, grasps, deeply attached to ones own experiences, ideas, fears, opinions, longings,and so on. This center is the essence of all trouble, all pleasure, all fear, all sorrow, and it says how am I to get rid of this center. The center may be superficially caring but this is just on the surface. There’s always that deep rooted center that cries ME,ME,ME, right? The self “thought” is very very subtle. For an example some say there is the highest principle that is “the self.” The higher self, sublime self, transcendental self, supreme self, infinite self, the moment we use the word self, or use any word to describe that which is beyond the self, the me, is still the self. Attachment to this idea that there is a self beyond the self is still a movement of self. Through desire for the idea “infinite” is a movement of wanting, longing, strife, and becoming which is an act volition. DO YOU SEE THIS MY FRIEND!!!!???? Please try and see this. If you observe yourself very honestly you will see this fact....So isn’t it obvious the attachment and identification with something is an attempt to escape fear. The self “thought” formed as a movement of fear, in that we identify with various ideas, theory’s, concepts, and other abstractions to escape the what is, which is FEAR. All movements by the self “thought” are movements that manifest from fear and try to escape very fear. Notice the words ME,MY, And ?. Thought is very tricky me friend, we have to be aware of its limits and when it is moving. If we are not illusion and deception is inevitable. If we do not know when thought “volition” “the self” “ego” is or is not in movement, how do we know what our true motives and intentions are??? How do we know if there is an actual relationship with one another or share the immense action of love???? Is this getting through buddy? If we can some how commune maybe we can go further into a solution of how to be free of self. But it would be much more depth to it than simply surrendering. I am open to explore this with you obviously. Let me know if this catches your ?. ??‍♂️ Thanks for listening?
  13. @Serotoninluv He went crazy? Maybe in trying to bring about order through the very mechanism that causes disorder things only got worse. Is he on the extreme side of mental?
  14. Travel is fun and all that but if one has a quiet, clear, sensitive mind they are free of any form of wanting what so ever. Because they feel as if they already have everything they could possibly ask for such as an opportunity to live. It’s quite beautiful?. Every place in which they reside is a paradise. Situations do not determine the degree of satisfaction because such a person is not deceived by volition. They perceive the implications of resistance and insufficiency and therefore there is action in regards to that perception. This is freedom?
  15. @SOUL I’m not seeking truth. Truth can not be experienced.. Just an attempt to share that with another who is willing to listen. Again thanks for your time?
  16. @SOUL That’s the point there compadre, these are not my truths. Truth does not belong to any individual. Just as love doesn’t. Simply trying to communicate this. I obviously failed. Be as it may I appreciate your participation. ??
  17. @SOUL not wasting my time friend, this is very interesting to me. I appreciate your sharing?
  18. @SOUL hmm just to be clear so we can commune..how does love create the self?
  19. @SOUL Also there is nothing idealistic or abstract about what I have told you. It’s simply observing thought and the self. I don’t look to concepts, theory’s, and any forms of knowledge to come to these truths. Seems that any resistance of this obvious fact is a reaction of fear and escape from that fact. Do you see that buddy?