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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. @Angelo John Gage that’s reasonable right?
  2. @Angelo John Gage Where there is pain one seeks pleasure. And when one seeks pleasure then comes pain. Its a perpetual movement of conflict in becoming.
  3. Still whole “one” my friend
  4. Pleasure and pain....Are they actually opposite is the question. Or are they two sides of the same coin. ??‍♂️
  5. I’m sure u do suffer. If you don’t see that psychological ‘becoming’ implies suffering then it’s only obvious that you will suffer. I’m not attacking anyone friend. To attack another is to attack myself. Simply sharing an all so obvious fact.
  6. The fact that people don’t see that any movement in becoming for example enlightened, self realized, or what ever, is a movement of time, and still a conditioned pattern of thought. The fact that any movement of will in any particular direction is still a movement bound by the self and therefore a thought induced projection. And that this projection is mistaken for something greater than just mere illusion and deception. Any movement of becoming is a movement of thought. If we could only see this with clarity.
  7. Generally morals are taught, conditioned, programmed according to ones family, sub culture/culture, religion, nation, and so on. So if one is conditioned according to these patterns of thought that means those morals are part of there very identity. Therefore morality is subjective. They are based on ones past. Just like the self is a construction of ones past. So if this is so do we hold moral values or do they hold us? Do we create theses morals or do they create us, the me and the you’s. It’s obvious that these conditioned morals are subjective and influenced by ones cultural conditioning, therefore this type of moral action is not objective at all is it? So it’s apperent that this “morality” that implies conformity, acceptance of authority, with its divisive nature are in fact totally immoral. Conformity, imitation, to any ideal, concept, theory’s, and other presuppositions is in fact an action of irresponsiblity and immorality. Only when “morality” as generally accepted in society is negated because ones sees its irresponsiblity and immorality is there actualy a sense of genuine moral action. Moral action is only when one ceases to cling to ones past conditioning, which is the same as ceasing to react in accordance to that conditioning. And when these reactions according to one's past cease by negation due to the awareness of there destructive nature, is there a self acting at all? And when there is no self in reaction according to its past is this not the essence of moral action? So understanding, observing, watching oursleves, as in our reactions in our relationship to one another without the conditioned biases and prejudices of our past, is the beginning and a ceasing of the self which is genuine moral action.
  8. Yes indeed...Division due to conformity to ideals should be seen as they are as destructive, antagonistic, violent, and harmful to any type of community be it online or in our daily life in society. Does tolerance imply compassion. If we had compassion being no sense of division between ‘the ME and MY thoughts’ or division between one another would there even be this choice to tolerate one another or not? Is tolerance an action of compassion and love? I QUESTIONS THIS. I think it’s our responsibility to be aware of this.
  9. SOMETHING WE SHOULD ALL BE AWARE OF Can you know another and yourself according to past memory, knowledge, and experiences? If we are in a constant state of change can we approach this dynamic movement with the images that we have formed about ourselves and one another? Or should we not understand how approaching self learning with the accumulation of the past will distort what is actual in that observation and learning? This self if you look very closely will alter for its own security what it observers. Do we see this fact? So I create an image about myself which is according to the past and I act according to that. Self knowing is surly not merely the accumulation of knowledge about ones self and acting on that knowledge is it? Can we be aware of all that is happening with complete attention to the movement of the self. Watching this compulsion to act according to past memory, knowledge, and experience. Wouldn’t this be self learning? We try to know ourselves according to philosophers, analyst, psychologist and so on. So generally we are learning about ourselves through others. Do you guys see this? To know myself means I have to observe myself in relationship with others. Relationship acts as a mirror in which I see myself actually as I am. If we manipulate what that mirror reflects back then is that reflection actual? Isn’t this an attempt to bring about security psychologically, and therefore an illusion. So can we be aware without making any choice in what we want the mirror to reflect back to us? Which means being aware if we are projecting an image or not. If we are constantly approaching that mirror “relationship”with that desired image gathered by the me being the response to memory, knowledge, and experience, are we not creating perpetual illusions? If the me is approaching that mirror, isn’t all movements from ‘the me’ contributing movements of illusion and therefore conflict. So can we look at our reactions in relationship with others? Can we look in that mirror without choice? Is it not clear that if there is choice in that observation, there then follows illusion and deception? Can we look in the mirror without the movement of division between the the controller and the attempt to control? Do we see that the controller is the controlled? Something we should constantly be aware of friends??
  10. @Angelo John Gage Your on to something buddy...What is the root of this selfishness? Why are we selfish? Can we do something about this selfishness? Seeing these facts that you have just pointed out so very clearly what would be the next step of action? And are you sure that there can not be an operation witout the self? Have you inquired into the nature of thought yet? Have you inquired into the nature of the self in depth? Are you aware of the relationship between the two? You are on the right track. Break down all the walls that have been constructed by conditioning, and the subtle selective hinderances that thought ”the self” has constructed. But go about this as objectively as possible. If you feel like you can not look directly at yourself to inquire into this thought, message me and I’ll find a way to share this with you more in depth. Until then ?
  11. I’m not smart. I have never been educated. Mostly self taught. Smart/intellect is not a requirement anyway. Intellect helps in explaining though. You can do it. Just learn about yourself and the relationship to thought. It’s fundamental my friend.
  12. Seeing and being aware of the contradicting, divisive, fragmented, mechanical, nature of thought is the very movement and reason for disorder. Because thought “the self” is always seeking security, validation, and so on. This very movement of self affirmation is what brings about illusion and deception, and distorts the quality of thought. To see the danger in something and in seeing that danger avoid it all together. This is intelligence, wisdom, and negation is this very state of “enlightenment”. A man/woman who is free of the past. It is the past, with its tradition and its authority, that has to be negated. Dont accept what I say. Investigate/inquire for yourself. Acceptance of another as an authority is irresponsible. I hope you investigate this my friend. Freedom from the self is the ultimate freedom.
  13. Only through negation of the self can there be order of thought. Negation by seeing it’s the very corrupting factor of the self.
  14. No offense but opinion is corrupt. If this is worked out very cafeully you will see that it’s not based on my or your opinion. It’s seeing that opinion is part of the very limit of thought. Only in a dialog can one meet another in this inquiry.
  15. @Shin Im just wondering if I was clear. Please I appreciate your input If you would be so kind friend.
  16. To understand the falseness of these concepts one negates them totaly.
  17. Yes learn about thought/the self. The nature, structure, substance, processes and so on. Start with that. Freedom from those is limits essential to move forward.
  18. when the disorder is understood there comes clarity, and Quietness. The conditioning of the brain/mind is the disorder. To see those limits is its own action of order. All we can do is learn about reality. We cant with our limited, conditioned, thought understand that which is beyond thought.
  19. Negate everything the mind has accumulated through time and this becomes much more pleasant and clear. All these concepts and such are a hinderance