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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. It’s a wonderful sight to see the sun rise and fall. The moon is nothing less than spectacular. ? I’m usually headless as the sun rises and falls. It’s what I do??‍♂️
  2. @Saumaya Anyway what you said about truth and knowledge makes sense ?
  3. Lolo noo... im a simpleton. I like to observe myself is all. Can’t really make it any easier to understand as of now. But I’m working on it. But i assure you it’s quite simple. I just started communicating this so bare with me. Plus I always have my 2 year old seeking my attention lol i find it hard to understand people on here to. Mostly old concepts theory’s or various words like soul and what not
  4. @Saumaya To disbelieve and to believe in accordance to ones background/knowledge An assumption, presumption, supposition, or judgment according to ones knowledge which is conditioned response from ones conditioning of thought. Both would fall under the conclusion based off the faculty of thought which is limited. The theist and the atheist both are caught in fragmentation/duality of thought. And are not aware that there very desires create contradiction, confusion, and disorder in thinking rationally. It’s only a mind that constantly learns about its own nature that sees ‘through perception’ that thought will always choose between the opposites, and distort what is actual for its own security. Perception sees the whole of thought and in that seeing there is action that is whole. An action free from choice all together. The self that chooses is conditioned to duality/fragmentation
  5. Coming to a conclusion according to knowledge ‘thought’ implies a misunderstanding of the nature of thought itself.
  6. She actually thinks I’m using psychedelics as it is. She says I’m there but not lol. She says She will call for me and I’ll totally block her out. I don’t recall this lol Last few months have been longer intervals of this centerlessness. It’s kinda hard on her so I have to keep one foot in reality
  7. Lol my girlfriend gets jealous when I loose my head
  8. Either way I do appreciate your invitation. Although if I were to be any headless I think I would loose my family lol if you know what I mean.
  9. I appreciate that nahm??. I was just attempting to explain how to get to the beginning of meditation or headlessness. This seeing with ones whole being the falsness of the false is it’s own action of truth. This is the beginning in seeing ‘thought’ has its limits. In this post liberated state there is no self or psychological becoming at all. And when there is no self and becoming the immeasurable/timeless is. Its not knowable if that makes sense. Maybe that’s what you are meaning when you say ‘know’. You can not recongnize this state right??
  10. Who is feeling pleasant (good) right now? beautiful day?
  11. First undestand what is said before you criticize it. Lol
  12. Thought/Reality is a function of the substance of the whole/truth. When reality is taken as all important or the underlying substance of ‘what is’ then that’s where distortions occur. If reality is taken for truth then all movements of distortion lead to further distortion. Hints contradiction, confusion, illusion, deception, conflict, and so on... Don’t be concerned with truth because you can’t ‘Know’ nothing about truth. Just be concerned with reality/thought. The seeing that thought distorts reality is truth. One who sees and understands this lives is or is truth. They see that they are blind when it comes to truth. Seeing this is truth. I wouldn’t go any farther in explaining than that because from there space of mind would most likely vary for person to person. But in this seeing opens up the door to meditation/headlessness.
  13. Lolol ?? That’s all we have to do is pay attention. Thoughts are a function of the whole. Not bad, but there is no need for thought psychologically. That’s what’s important to understand.
  14. Well done.. a free mind is mind incapable of being hurt. Yeah antagonism is an expression of ones inward poverty. Where there is fear follows antagonism. As long as we don’t react to it it’s all good.
  15. Absolute truth lol ? No there is only the known of the false lol
  16. @SOUL If you haven’t claimed the mountain yourself you can not know what’s at the top. If someone else climbs that mountain and attempts to discribe what’s at the top. That description is never the described. The description is not the fact.
  17. Ok ? lol The seeing, understanding, grasping, and comprehending that time/thought distorts the WHAT IS is ‘TRUTH’ TRUTH CAN NOT BE EVOKED OR INVITED. A PATH IMPLIES KNOWLEDGE AND A WALKER IMPLIES THE SELF. BOTH THE WALKER AND KNOWLEDGE ARE OF TIME/THOUGHT. Myth a traditional story, especially one concerning early history, or the past. False not according with truth or fact; incorrect. Truth is not something that is fixed in time/thought. If you understand the nature of thought which you say you do you would see that Truth can not be maintained in accordance to thought. That’s explains the false myth statement. If you don’t see that ??‍♂️ Good luck ??
  18. That’s for you to explore friend. See for yourself. Don’t trust me lol. How do you know what anyone says is true if you haven’t investigated for yourself. YOU DONT RIGHT?? It’s not a matter of trust. It’s a matter of finding out for yourself. This is the kind of people needed to bring about order in society. People who are responsible. If there are walls built around yourself dividing you from truth/liberation they must be destroyed. I am only sharing the significance of freedom to inquire. Not teaching, sharing.