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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. It’s transparent lol ? ??
  2. One who lives out of time doesnt need to escape time ??‍♂️
  3. @Charlotte I have always been into martial arts as well. Started out as a defense psychological/physical, where I created a means of expressing the built up anger and reactions to fear, anxiety, and depression. The feeling of aloneness/seperatness was a prison in which I remained for a lot of my life. I used martial arts a means of escape from fear and the formation of a self image. Martial arts just seemed to temperaly sooth the psyche. I also love martial arts as far as its art factor of course. But it started about with much more sinister motive. This path of escape through martial arts has its very route in the pattern of thought in which I remained. Thought If is not understood will enslave us and when there is no room for freedom from thought comes fear, anxiety, sorrow, desire, pleasure, pain, antagonism, and therefore violence. To understand the structure, nature, and processes of thought/self is to identify certain mechanical or ‘habitual’ thought patterns. In the identification of these habits we can become more aware of there movements and therefore there is a possibility to free oursleves from them. I still participate in martial arts more the love for movement, but i don’t depend of martial arts to maintain an a self image or to express my reaction to the conflicts of the human mind. When there is freedom from the conditioned mind all that ends instantaneously. Here are a few quotes from Bruce Lee. The greatest martial artist perhaps ever and very wise human being on the nature of mind. Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light. Bruce Lee The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits. Bruce Lee Bring the mind into sharp focus and make it alert so that it can immediately intuit truth, which is everywhere. The mind must be emancipated from old habits, prejudices, restrictive thought processes and even ordinary thought itself. Bruce Lee if I were you and him, which I do feel we are very similar being human beings, A. Show him his habits and violence in a way that doesn’t invoke reaction and defense to his current condition. B. I would somehow or another very carefully communicate the importantance of seeing the fact of ones own thought habits. C. See the significance of living free of these thought patterns. How this understanding of thought can free the mind and end conflict. This would have to be very subtly convieghed though. Slowly sensitively of course. Communication would have to be by physical communication being how you conduct yourself non verbally around him and also every now and then verbal communication. But nothing to abrupt of confrontational. Think indirect? hope this somwhat is useful to your situation ? ??
  4. As do you. All of you
  5. ????????????????
  6. Lololo nooooo!!! no matter what there is always ❤️
  7. ? I understand. I’m not asking you to do anything with timelessness, that would be an impossibity. Instead suggesting to grasp the nature structure processes of of time. If we understand that we see it’s limits. That’s all ?
  8. I agree. But freedom from perspective is timeless?
  9. Ok ....Just look into it my friend?
  10. Lololol i got you ? Haha ? just keep it in mind guys. It won’t hurt right? I’m not trying to be a pest. I see it very clearly. Anyway I’m glad you guys are listening even if you don’t agree?? In the end we are on the same team. ?
  11. Your a scientist right?
  12. I feel ya.. but if we see very deeply that ‘psychological time’ is an illusion than we end the desire to become and end the movment of time altogether ? but we have to see the false in the false that time can not move to the timeless. This is a truth. You can take a psychedelic though if you want ? just isn’t necessary
  13. Again I don’t think it’s the psychedelic that is the problem.. it’s the becoming ‘psychological time’ ? not hating.?
  14. To move in time which that is moving in time is merely expanding or altering one’s reality. This is so obvious my friends. You can not move from reality to truth. its a mistaken truth. Thought is in action and one is not aware. It’s so simple guys
  15. Realty is conceptual lol someone has to see that taking a chemical is merely changing one reality to anohter
  16. The understanding of the nature and structure of knowledge experience leads to see the falseness in moving from time ‘thought’ to the timeless ‘truth’ but mere accumulation of knowledge/experience leads to to another reality... not truth Isn’t present thought a product of past thought??? Thoughts spring up from past thoughts and those past thoughts are conditioned from toddler/childhood by society and it’s influences.... there is the stream of thought in which we all share
  17. If there was freedom from time there would be no need for movements of time to escape time. So simple it’s hard ?
  18. We can’t assume ‘think’ anything about timelessness or wholeness/truth. We can theorize/conceptualization about timeless but that is actually movement of time. Right? ? When we have a motive to become ‘take a chemical to experience the timeless’ this is a movement of time. Its kinda simple but people miss the fact that thinking about the timeless isn’t the timeless. If that makes sense?
  19. Those thoughts are some of the thoughts ‘images’ that form the image of ‘the you’. Those thoughts are not a truth but are the result of measure/compassion with a particular image that you hold as ‘better or worse’ thought plays the game of good vs bad. But those conditioned opinions are based off other opinions of the past perhaps. Not facts but opinions/ideas not truths but movments of duality
  20. Thought is sneaky. So sneaky that we don’t know when it is in operation
  21. ? but any movement from time can only lead to more time. Do you see that? To start with time prevents the timeless. Do you see that? Maybe you misunderstood? the chemical doesn’t seem to be the issue. It’s the movment of becoming ‘time’ if you go into it very carful you will see that time can not move to anything but more time. Any movement of thought, fragmentation, duality, leads to further fragmentation and duality. All movement in time/thought must end, and becoming is part of that time/thought. Look very closely. It’s so subtle man?
  22. We can never really know for sure as we can not sit down with him and discuss. Any attempt is speculation based off assumptions. But still interesting to try and piece together right
  23. Buddha seems to have been well aware of psychological time. Seems as though eventually he saw all the futility in various traps being the practice of methods, techniques, and systems to bring about liberation from the self. As though he saw that ‘volition/desire to become’ was in movement with any of those activities and that where there was a continuity being given to the self/time was as a result, and that when Time/thought was moving in a particular direction this would never lead to that which is timelessness. Maybe there was an action of perception ‘understanding of the falsness/or truth of that which was false’,, that through the operation of psychological time one could never escape the blockade of being time bound. Although we can ever really know for sure what actually took place??‍♂️?
  24. ? I understand the motive and reasoning behind its function and yes it makes sense that one would have to do ground work as a foundation prior to the additional support of chemical assistance. I see the reasoning for this and I can see how that may seem sound. But unless one sees that there is still a movement of self/thought projecting/and anticipating that that experience will bring about a freedom from time is still a movement of time/measure. Can the self ‘time’ move from time ‘thought/reality to truth/nothingness? So this is movement depending on an experience to become free from experience? Is this correct? It’s depending on time to become free from time? So this would be a good question to go into... Is this a movement of inviting time as means to that which is timeless?....How can that which has no measure ‘nothingness/truth or that which is independent of thought, be integrated by measure ‘things/reality or what we think about and reflect upon??? When it comes down to it, is the chemical the issue and preventing factor of not becoming free of time? Or is the movement of psychological time the very preventing factor?? Have you gone into this before? It’s pretty cool man?? Check into it if your interested in this ?