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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. I totally understand that? The conversation started with discipline ‘reward and punishment, and the pro spanking/hitting a child’...The father believes the ‘mental illness and lack of respect from the new generation’ is the result of not enough organized religion ‘biblical stories to learn from’ being taught to the kids. That that is a means to a moral society. I simply stated that is not a fact, is an opinion based of his conditioning, and is in fact immoral. That we are responsible for the way that things are now. Of course they were all I’m not and pointed there fingers elsewhere. But said once again no we are responsible for the way things are now and how they will be. Some just don’t want to put themselves out there u know lol. Uh oh lol... imagine how the room must be reacting at this moment lol He/they didn’t like that to much. Anyway he kept denying and so did the rest of the room, ‘being the product and continuation of his conditioned point of view’ Anyway no matter what I would say to them wouldn’t be considered because they haven’t gone into themselves. I mean even people who have somewhat gone into that are even difficult to explain something like non violence is still an action of violence. i don’t try and teach people this because I don’t feel that will get through to them but I do suggest they look into things themselves...Anyway they just antagonized and ridiculed me which was ok??. But one thing that did bug me was that my girlfriend who I have a child with was joining them is this assault. She doesn’t take an interest in learning the self/thought either so she doesnt get my different point of view either. You can only imagine the problems that can raise from this lol? Usually I don’t get involved emotionally as far as ‘the movement of self distorting my clarity of thought’ but i did when she started in with them. Mostly because the fact that I have a child and I see now that I will have to deal with opposition in how he is raised. And when it comes to violence disguised as morality I do tend to act according to the movement of the self. This may be one of the deep rooted fears I still hold as I see that every action made by us now leads to a result down the line ‘consequence’....To me seeing something being very dangerous and staying away from it is a must. Only in this case I see that my son will inevitably have to be subject to that with the family and obviously in society. I think the only thing that brings out the sense of self ‘disorderly thought’ in me is the fear for my son growing up with all this and of of course others having to suffer those consequences based off the actions of the past. Anyhow I do understand what has happened in myself and have learned from that action of experience. I consider every such experience as learning. I understand that relationship is the best way to learn about oneself?
  2. I understand? although I didnt attempt to teach. This was just somthing I threw out for fun lol
  3. Having a reason ‘motive’, or knowing your destination is projecting that particular destination. This movement implies fear of the movment to the unknown, and only leads to the known. Therefore no ‘dying’ takes place. Therefore nothing new takes place. Therefore back where you started.
  4. I asked my girlfriends dad if he didn’t have thoughts would he even exsist. He didn’t like this question and evaded I’m in the dog house now lol
  5. Yes The truth, is the seeing in ones self that the thinker is the thought.?
  6. Well I don’t see non duality there. You? I see a thought induced movment. Never the less there is a evolution taken place for the origin of those teachings. But the evolution from that orgin will inevitably only lead to further thought induced projections.
  7. Isn’t this the very thing that people spend there entire lives trying to achieve. Therfore the question is answered right
  8. There are simple ways to go about this..are we free from thought? Memory, knowledge, experience And Is will/volition free??
  9. The question should be what is the motive for wanting to know such a question/answer Whats this all about? Why do you want to know? These types of questions interest me more personally. Good luck?
  10. As far as concentrated meditation, one would go insane doing that for so long.
  11. I Question whether he did. Whether he meditated for that many days that is
  12. Yoga is suppose to be fun. That’s it. Right?
  13. Effort implies time,self, thought.....dog chasing its tail
  14. The you and how ‘it’ interprets/experiences reality is all the movement of thought. The you is a combination of memory, knowledge, and experience.
  15. Experience is a movement of ego/thought. Any movement of ego leads to more ego
  16. Your whole life lol You would have to make it a routine. A machanical movement of volition/thought. And all the implications ‘feelings, sentiment, reactions, responses, that accompany that series of movements/movement. Talk about a nightmare?
  17. Just speaking of the inseparability of the dream and the i. The dream is determined by the i and the i is determined by the dream lol although I assume when I hear Dream I think you are saying thought