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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. I understand my friend. I don’t have to much time to explore these days but I try and keep an eye out for your posts. When I get a long enough period of time I will watch those videos ?
  2. True. This movement is an actual process that takes place. Infinity lol. Sorry it’s that word. Lack of knowledge no. I would say knowledge being a part of the structure that forms thought is the root of all psychological suffering.
  3. I’ve been sleeping on the floor for 5 years now. Sleep a lot better. Don’t need to sleep as long. And wake up in better body alighnment.
  4. Ha!!! Ah man. I’ve spent a lot of time in the wilderness and Alaska is no joke. Takes years/life time to develop the skills to live out there. Either way his heart was in it. He seemed to demand more to life than the modern jive. And we can only assume what he saw. Maybe instead of doubting if he saw truth you should ask yourself why you doubt that he saw truth. Anyway unfortunately living out in Alaska as he did is extremely difficult. Two years is pretty good actully.
  5. Psychological time ‘the moment of becoming’ brings about a sense of security, hope, or that there is that goody at the end of the tunnel. Somthing to look forward to that might solve that particular problem or problems. This movement is the product of thinking. Brings about a sense of permanence to the ego/thought. The continuity of will, desire, effort to achieve that goal sustains the validity and permanence to the ego. That is the purpose of ego/thought. To solve problems. No problems no use for thought. If there are no problems thought will create them to sustain its own movement and process. You will see that the higher and lower are only forms of measure. That’s how thought works. Just like your said about duality between good and bad. If there is a motive to achieve a higher state you will always be let down and in a prepetual state of conflict. Because thought/ego thrives off conflict. pretty cool how it works actually?
  6. If I am not the mind and I have no control over it how can I make it repeat a mantra? You are your mind which is why you are compelled to repeat mantras. The controller is the controlled
  7. That’s all I am saying it is, another experience. We can call that experience whatever we want, absolute, god, or whatever but this is still the movement of thought. It is simply the changing of one reality to anohter. That’s all I’m saying.? Do you even see the significance of no longer seeking experience? If you only knew what such a empty movement leads to. Seems if one did there would be no need for an experience at all. Harmony is of itself. ‘We’ don’t need to to impose any experience on top of that. And it’s free?
  8. I understand? but you don’t have to have that particular experience to know that it is nothing more than anohter experience. Experience being a movement of the center/thought. Just saying an action/movment of the infinite does imply a non experiencing right. No center. A non recognition. Im sure it’s quite an interesting experience never the less ?. Again I’m not against the psychedelic experience. I have friends who have done them. I just see that experience and knowledge given continuity by memory/recognition are movements of the self/thought.
  9. Harmony already exsist without your imposition of self centered activity. There’s no need for any of that psychadelic jive. Unless you feel there is of course.? If you feel you need to take anything as means of attaining a certain state of being your addicted. You are caught in habit. You are still mechanical/fragmented lol And how do you guys know what state of being he is in anyways. How do we know what he needs or doesn’t need.
  10. Ego/thought is a self perpetuating system. All problems are the result of the very mechanism of thinking. Without the accumulation of solutions maintained by the stream of thought in which create the conflict of choosing between, there would be no problems. And without problems there is no reason for thought. Thought/ego creates disharmony in man. And in no way will thought bring about harmony. This is what dawned on me and how I came to actully see the very simplicity of simply being. For me it just came out of knowhere. I was already in a state of nonseeking. I had already accepted and came to peace with the disharmony of thought and didn’t seek to change what was actual happening. Then it hit me that thought with its motive, desire, effort, hope, was the very mechanism that created the disharmony with the flow of nature. I saw that harmony is already there. And that ‘the me’ that imposes, or ‘thought’ by its divisive nature, is the origin of discord. I see that most people get stuck in the hope of paths, methods, techniques, systems, and so on. They don’t see that these are still movements of the self/ego/thought... But??‍♂️. This must be seen personally I guess. I’m just thankful I didnt have to seek and strive through the difficulty to see the simplicity.
  11. @How to be wise Trust?? Who needs trust??‍♂️ And never try and dissolve an ego with the movement of volition. ? This is a futile attempt. Actually any ‘attempt’ is futile.. lol that’s what makes it cool ? Can be a learning experience though I guess.
  12. They don’t. They measure everything according to there own personal responses to memory, knowledge, and experiences ‘thought’. They make a judgement according to there own conditioning.
  13. Because this gives people hope. Somthing for thought to imitate. It’s easy for self/volition to seek security in thought ‘memory, knowledge, experience’ because that is what thought is ‘the old, the past, desire’...our thinking is the result of past thought. The thought that we think we think is not ours. It is just the movement of thought, not yours at all. All thought is old, never new.
  14. @Shanmugam I put a sign on the wall saying no religion/politics discussions allowed lol
  15. It’s ok man. I see things similar. And I do see your point on sharing this message with people who are totaly fresh and people who have already been into it already. I have gone this self learning alone and feel that is totally necessary. I want to share with anyone who wants to listen. But at the same time from my own learning experiences see that there is nothing I can actually offer anyone. I can only point. I don’t want people to think there is somthing to be gained/added from learning about themselves. But more something to be taken away lol. I am all about taking away and staying at that empty level. Most people don’t like that. I see my sharing only being of interest to certain types of people. Maybe those who are ok with being insecure and facing that emptiness.