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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. This is the story of man kind. non-violence/violence doesn’t solve anything and only creates more violence. The imposition of thought to maintain permanence inevitably will lead to disaster.
  2. Problem with using non-violence as means to solve the problems of violence are they in fact create further violence. This is very subtle but it is so. The Fact is when ever thought is applied as the determining factor of the maintaining releationship between man/woman there will always be conflict between various ideas like non-violence. Thought ‘beliefs’ tend to divide people. Do we have to adopt an idea such as non-violence to approach violence? What is the root of violence?? Seems rather obvious thought is the root of all violence. Where there is man with its capacity to think there is violence.
  3. Also good call? we wouldn’t and he wouldn’t ??‍♂️
  4. I understand that...but If you are experiencing then wholeness is not. Harmony is of itslf. The disharmony comes with experiencing experiencing is the product of memory, knowledge...thought. Thought implies fragmentation. That which is fragmented can not contain that which is whole
  5. Easy buddy? Such an experience is thought induced.
  6. This is important to see the significance of.
  7. This is a rather common trap for sure. Thought is not aware of its own movement. This is an example of how thought is not proprioceptive to such movements
  8. It’s safe to say this Buddha characters sharings were distorted by past interpreters anyhow right? I think it’s better to start from scratch without the assumptions of past knowledge. But that’s just me. ?
  9. @robdlNo it’s just showing that you quoted me. I just highlighted off of your quote to explain the consciousness part as Leo speaks of it. My bad
  10. This is what people mean by absolute, truth, god, and so on. That which is complete/infinite Harmony is of itself. Only the conditioned mind/thought creates disharmony.
  11. Just commenting on it. Maybe others will be clearer ?
  12. Thought and experience are the same. Without thought no experience. And to say consciousness is nothingness is an idea. As far as all of you are concerned consciousness is thought which determines experiences. If there was no memory, knowledge, and experiences then this would imply this nothingness. And we could say consciousness was then free of it’s conditioned/content/perspective. In actuality consciousness is everything the physical stimuli ‘senses’ and then thought being the response of memory, knowledge, and experience. This shows how you all seek new great experiences
  13. People with there thinking destroy the earth. This compulsion to develop society destroys society and everything around it. The ones who becomes interested in spirituality are seeking psychological security. This perpetuates further psychological insecurity and creates physical insecurity in society and the world. If we could only stand still instead of wanting, longing, hoping for somthing other than what is. Then there might be a slowing of the inevitable chaos. As far as I’m concerned, as long as there is this need to become psychologically secure there is no love/compassion at all.
  14. The more you/thought/Satan fights, the stronger Satan becomes. The fight is the movment that gives continuity to and as Satan.
  15. If there’s a goal this is the movement of thought. If there is a self centered movement through volition the the more self centeredness. Meditation as means to escape the self is a movment of self. Although this may temporarily lessen the conflict between thoughts and the the entity you call you, this will only soon develop the habitual mechanical movement to repeat this more and more as means to suppress. The more you engage in these ‘control’ activities you will find that this routine must be fulfilled more and more on a daily basis just to get through the day. This becomes a dependence. This dependence becomes mechanical and strengthens the sense of self. Only thought plays a trick on itself and tells itself otherwise. Thought wins and gives ‘the you’ the impression of otherwise.
  16. To negate all the ‘spiritual’ jive because you see it just anohter form of the very mechanism that created ‘spiritualism’... Thought creates the problems then tries to implement thinking ‘spirituality’ as means to escape itself. Dog chasing it’s tail.
  17. @Ether The imposition of one reality for another
  18. @EtherYeah that’s thought for yaz. Thought is contradictory by nature.
  19. The meditator is the meditated
  20. without thought there would be no you. Which if not understood creates the conflict and suffering. Even Mr Watts would concur. And yes I don’t say thinking is good or bad. To choose between each of those opinions is anohter manifestation of thought
  21. One sufferes psychologically because they think. Thinking is the process of desire, will, motive, volition. And the only way they can think is because knowledge influenced that very thought. The capacity to contain Knowledge created the problem and we think it can fix that problem. But thought being memory, knowledge, and experience is a function that thrives off of problems. Thought creates problems even if they were not actully there. Also thought creates the distinction or seperatness between the observer and the observed which brings about this conflict. And there is no wrong or right desire. Desire is desire. That is a trick the bias/prejudice nature of thought plays on you. Thought is tricky, it doesn’t even know when it is in movement. It’s so tricky you think you are actully the entity you call you lol. Psychologicaly to meet ‘new’ problems with old solutions is ignorance. If you go through this carefully you will see what I mean. Thought psychologically is the cause of all problems, conflicts, and suffering. You can observe this in your own thinking if you can brush aside all the bias that thought has put together over the generations. If you don’t see that thought is the cause for all these problems you are in for a life of illusion and deception my friend. Thought creates multiple solutions to solve problems that thought itlsef created. Lol watch out thought will get ya ?
  22. We have to figure out a better way to describe that which is not experiential huh lol