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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Well I was speaking more about there is nothing to be taught as far as maintaining psychological well being. No dogma no physiological jive that needs to be accumulated to simply be right? And be carful for non dual philosophy for it is the result of duality and the limited stream of thought. All one can truly know through direct experience is duality ‘the known’ Non duality can not be experienced. Non duality is when you from the perspective of ego ‘thought’ is not. Isnt it all very interesting?
  2. To me all prophets are false because there’s really nothing to be taught. Teachings ‘answers’ imply ‘questions’ and choosing between ‘duality’ implies conflict and problems. Thought creates problems and tries to use thought to solve those very problems. The very asking of a question is the result of a past answer. Knowledge that has been considered in the past creates this impulse to ask certain questions. To see that thought creates all problems and that problems dont really exist outside of thought is wisdom. Therefore no need for the falsness of a prophet at all huh. lol
  3. Has nothing to do with ideas of enlightenment. Im talking about what actully happens in thought/ego..Whether one accepts it or not doesn’t matter. It is what it is. As far as one who thinks there enlightened I would say that embodiment expressed through the unbound action of liberation implies an ability to not be caught in the mechanical movement of pleasure. Because in this state of liberation time ‘psychological becoming’ would not influence being or complete action. Athough one may still participate and induldge in various activities/substances and such, they would not be bound by urges to repeat such pleasures in order to maintain equinimity. They could have a drink without ever being caught in the movment of pleasure. They would be able to see pleasure as it arose and cut it at its root instantly. This is action that is whole. An action free of the bias/prejudice of the ego/thought. Although this is easier said than done, it is absolutly possible. And this is what separates one who has all the necessary knowledge of “enlightenment” and one who actually embodies and expressses that actully in ones daily life.
  4. Habit is a reaction to a certain action ‘movement of thought’ To say the habit will drop off or perhaps it won’t is a copout. This is Not bad or good but it is what it is. The habit ‘action’ wasn’t an action without reaction on the part of ‘self’...The habit didn’t arise out of know where. It was the result of thought in reaction to its own movement. All habits are the result of attachment to repeat that sensation/identifation over and over again ‘pleasure’ ... the self seeking ‘pleasure’ and the other side of that same movement , ‘pain and conflict’ , brings about a perminence and validity to the ego. Pain and pleasure are one and the same. Seeking pleasure is the same as seeking pain. Saying what ever happens happens in that sense is obviously then just a movment to sustain permanence to the sense of ego. Again, This movement of pleasure ‘habit’ is a product of reaction through identification to that pleasure. Without the self and pleasure which are the same there is no habit at all. To say a certain habit will end on its own accord implies the self didn’t create that very problem in the first place. Which is false. To say this habit will end on its own is simply procrastination. Simply needs to be a perception of the movement itself without the distortion of ego/thought interfering with action. And why would one beat themselves up over somthing they instigated anyways??‍♂️ Never the less I don’t condemn habits, pleasure, and so on. Just calling it like I see it. ? party on dudes!! ?
  5. Never chase an idea. The chaser is the chased. Considering thought is always partial and never whole see the fact that you ‘the conscious obsever’ or ‘thought/ego’ is always missing something. All the questions you ask are the result of past answers past down through the stream of thought. If there is no accumulation of possibilities ‘answers’ there is no need for the questions therefore no conflict between the question of am I enlightened and ‘how’ can I become enlightened.
  6. So what I’m saying is don’t let the ego ‘idea’ alienate you from the body ‘fact’
  7. The value of the organism/body is determined on the position/standpoint of thought. Your point of reference, in that case being measure, is the product of the limits of measure itself. The organism/body is of itself and does not give itslf a specific value nor does it need to. However the health of the organism is in direct correlation with the movment of mind and sense of space. To say that a wise one cares less about the organism implies complete ignorance of what is ‘fact’ and gives great importance to what one thinks it is, which is an ‘idea’ ..this is an indication of still being caught and slave to the stream of thinking and forming opinions from the standpoint of self/ego. Being wise actully means not giving absolute importance and authority to what the mind/thought formulates as significant or actual. Seeing the limits of the stream of thought brings about true harmony of the organism/environment. Your idea of the value of the organism is determined on your bias and prejudices through your own personal experience and personal circumstance. Not clinging to the physical body is one thing. Not appreciating the organism as the vessel and tool to experience life is another. I think this position of ‘thinking’ the body isn’t that important is just a viewpoint that one has at a certain point in there life/learning.
  8. @egoless Also If there is this movement of ‘advancement’ this implies adding to yourself. If anything you should be breaking down not building up. Like I said this just hit me all of a sudden although I had a sneaking suspicion throughout my life. But at the time I wasnt in any type of self improvement state so i feel there was a freedom to just let that action do it’s work. I spent a lot of time alone in nature when this happened. That might be an option. Just chill out and watch ‘the happening’
  9. I understand. In my case this was an instant action. This freedom of being is not the result of time, effort, and so on. In my experience it’s not a gradual process either. And to me the beginning of true wisdom is seeing that no one else can ever help you. When this is totally accepted that’s when true wisdom acts and there is actual embodiment.
  10. I question these major shifts. This makes me think that self/ thought is in action and one is not aware of that. The compulsion to Conform to society is the self/thought trying to maintain permanence.
  11. Don’t be scared. What ever happens happens ??‍♂️
  12. If you feel alienated then you are not out of this matrix you speak of. So what if there are different interest. Who cares if people understand you as well. Just live your life.
  13. There is no need for a guru unless you think there is
  14. @electroBeam I understand why one might ask these questions but if we already know deep down in our bones that the self is false then we shouldn’t have to keep asking. This problem may arise because one might see the self is false as an idea and not fact. This is the difference between one who doesn’t embody this truth and one who does. Never the less your dilemma is understood and most likely very common? Personaly this just hit me all of a sudden and it was clear as day. For me I didn’t have any knowledge acting as a block to lead me to seeing that truth of no self as an idea though. Only after did I learn about this no self through past knowledge. I believe this made it a lot easier and instant for me.
  15. Doesn’t it make sense that if there is this repetitive asking of questions this implies an asker, questioner, Ego/self that is giving itself continuity by asking that very question?
  16. Well I would say so yes @cetus56 Still thought ? but never the less on the right track huh?? Tao ??
  17. Seeing yourself as different psychologicaly makes for more divisions though right. Morals will inevitably be different if we see ourselves as different/unique to one anohter. Not saying I reject anything, but the absense of morals seems like a more efficient way to bring about orderly relationship. But idk ?
  18. @abrakamowseEverything is a whole but unfortunately that is not ‘actually’ embodied and a reality. But yes as I said, there are really no individuals at all. But individuality is a fact as it is responsible for the current behavior of man kind. Thought is what brings about this division, fragmentation, segmentation.
  19. Is there really individuality? I question that considering all selfs/egos are the products of the stream of thought. Thought being conditioned by culture/society and also generations of the past. Thought is the response to memory, knowledge, and experience. We think we think but actually our thoughts are not ours. Thought is not yours or mine but we and what we think are the products of past thought.
  20. This is what I said. Its up to you to decide if your efforts have been wasted.
  21. Identification with any race, political standpoint, religious prefenrece leads to conflict and therefore violence. This is a fact. Action according to process of identification is the very problem of conflict in relationship. Any action in relationship according to ideals leads to conflict and violence. See this fact and in that seeing there is complete action. Don’t evade the fact and seek personal psychological security in an idea. Seeking personal psychological security only creates physical insecurity in society and the world.