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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Life is action
  2. As this?
  3. Isn’t this a beautiful thing?
  4. If action is influenced by duality then accepting non dual teachings has no relevance and is meaningless. Thats why exploring duality very deeply if one has that perspective becomes its own action to wholeness. It’s not about one vs the other after all that’s action born of duality
  5. Spirituality is a word I use because most people on this forum use it. Just a word. And yes I understand personal experience. I understand that the known determines experience. And honesty...that’s what I meant by discovering how action born out of duality is influencing your daily life. It influences what you believe to be true and what you disbelieve to be true. Like the atheist and theist for example, both myths and false beliefs. And as far as enlightenment...yes if you are influenced by writings, what others have said, and not gone into your own conditioning then you will remain bound by conceptualizations. If you are identified with a certain point of view and that brings about psychological security you will be caught in your own illusion and deception. That’s what I mean by going into yourself ‘as the ego/thought’ and exploring duality. It’s about taking away the bs when seeing its falsness not adding more. ‘You’ do not become enlightened. There is only that state of enlightenment when there is no movement to become, or when the movement of “psychological time” ceases. When the movement of will, demand, volition, and the compulsion to attain or accomplish is no more. When you are free from the desire to be free and when the already inherent quaility of harmony can be expressed as intelligent action. As as I said before don’t get caught up in books with there methods, techniques, knowledge, and the trap of experience influenced by the known. You have all you need to explore in yourself.
  6. @Thanatos13 you guys read to many books ?
  7. Like I said don’t worry about non duality lol
  8. It will pass. It’s just a position your taking due to what you have been digesting. Lol
  9. Don’t worry about “non duality” lol Observe the dualistic nature of how you live your own life. See how it plays key roles in relationship with yourself, others, and environment. Explore how it effects your daily life. Until you see the total nature of duality in relationship to how you live and conduct your own life you will remain in a divided, fragmented, and conflictual state. Don’t project non duality. Deal with duality and once you realize that is created by mind and self imposed by thought deep in your being. Then that perception becomes action that negates all that. You no longer are working in that particular pattern. Then move beyond. Its not about knowing non duality it’s about embodiment free of duality. Complete action that is whole. Again if you are new to this self knowing/learning don’t fill your mind with non duality writings. Learn about duality. Explore the ego,thought, and consciousness when all that is blocking you from SEEING.
  10. There is nothing you can do to become spiritual. It’s inherent in the organism environment and conscious awareness itslf. Time plays no part in the actual timeless realm of spirituality. You can undevelop what has been constructed by thought and prevented harmony with that inherent built in relationship. ‘If’ psychedelics can help deconstruct those bariers so be it. I personally have never needed to read spiritual books, or take psychedelics because everything I needed so obviously was built in by conscious awareness and organism/environment. But I also keep in mind that circumstances, experiences, conditions may differ from one to another.
  11. Be alone. Don’t depend on others to maintain a certain level of psychological security. That’s an illusion. If you are willing to remain alone inwardly you will reach a point where you actually know what it takes to be in a real relationship and how false perhaps old relationships were. Be willing to remain alone and this emtiness will fill your heart with joy. Then you are ready for relationships. Relationships not based of the self imposed images projected onto others to self sooth our own sense of self. You got this?
  12. Haha ? All I can say is... There is no limits set up by measure or time. There is no seeking, striving, or motivation to accomplish any objective in the direction to become psychologically secure. There is freedom from the desire for freedom. There is freedom from the desire to experience any type of experience. Headlessness is a daily affair. ‘I’ don’t do anything to get there, meaning I don’t use volition, will, or any movement of self ‘thought’ to get to the timeless state. This timelessness is only when the me ‘the known’ is not. So no “I” am not ‘WOKE’ ? There is just a perpetual movement of awakened being.
  13. Spirituality is not somthing you do. It is when all the bs and nonsense ceases in your life ?
  14. Thought psychologically has no place only in practical matters it does. If you are bombarded by thought of the future and past then when the prepetual dynamic movement of now comes you will not be present to it because thought has bounded itself in its own movement. Seeking security in the future or dwelling on the past. @eputkonenmakes perfect sense. I think perhaps you might be misunderstanding. But??‍♂️
  15. Freedom from needing a purpose works well for me. Just taking in the significance of being ‘the happening’ is good enough. Maybe I should care about LP as far as career but I don’t. Lol My only LP is being headless, experiences with my fam and friends, observing nature, and in the joy derived from that expressed by sharing/expressing compassion in relationship. In this I feel I am doing my part by conducting my own daily life in a way where I’m able to contribute to the overall consciousness of man kind. By being present.
  16. Have you gone into the nature of thinking? What is thinking? Have you gone into the nature of all the different types of meditation? I assume when you say reality you mean what is before thought interferes...Have you gone into the nature of reality. For me reality is anything that thought touches upon or reflects upon. The way others use the word reality is the what I call truth. Have you gone into the nature of truth? These are great to explore if you haven’t already. If not very important? And the root of the problem is due to the conflict of trying to stop what is happening to change that to what you want to happen. The mind will not become quiet that way. Also another great thing to understand is the difference between attention and consentration. Consentration will exclude part of the whole and focus on one part. So when you are trying to stop thinking this is a form of consentration. And attention is observing the whole of experience and not trying to impose will in any direction but just observing. These are also great to understand when it comes to deciding what type of meditation you are going to use as means for a quiet mind. Personally attention really quiets the mind. This seems to quiet the mind most. Hope this helps a little?
  17. You don’t need anything. Because you are it. Haha shhh
  18. I think @Shanmugam has said something about whether or not genetics play a role or not. Might want to ask him. I wouldn’t say that it is or is not possible though. I think it would be a combination of things personally.
  19. Enlightened being is timeless. It does not depend on time as means to get to there. You do not become enlightened there is just a s state of enlightenment. It’s not like acquiring knowledge and practicing various techniques repetitively ‘being the movement of time’ is going to get you there. Those ‘time’ bound movements will only lead to more time disguised and timeless. Mind is a very tricky and thought is very subtle. Seems Ike a lot of people start with knowledge and mechanical habitual practices and make this a lifelong journey. Depending on your current state of being makes a big difference. Certain circumstances that play out in your life also play a role. I think it really depends on a capacity to let go of everything ‘the known’ and an ability to explore freely without motive, volition, and striving for an end result. A giving up of dependence on self is essential. When you reach a point that there is noting you can do to change what is. And when this is grasped and understood you are free to explore objectively in the nature of things. So what i would say is it takes as long as you want it to or let it take. It all depends on the approach and whether you allow that timeless action to take place. You will see a lot of prescriptions to get there but none of it is absolutely necessary. It’s actually very simple and can happen on its own accord. You just have to in a way let go of the wheel and get out of your own way. It’s good to remember as well, it’s not something you work for that becomes a result of a lot of knowledge, practices, time. It’s in a different realm all together so the mind will always use ways of mind to try and capture that which is beyond mind. So the approach is very important. Cultivation of thought will not get you to a timeless state. There is nothing wrong with practices but they are not needed in order to become liberated. They are suppose to be fun or help with perhaps concentration. Plus if you are able to enter the timeless realm these meditation practices become even more easy. The degree of attention found in a timeless state in a way becomes its own dicipline. Not disciple of conformity but the dicipline of complete order. I always say keep it simple. Stop looking for a result and enjoy learning about the nature of yourself, reality, and truth. If this beautiful realm of timelessness does not present itself to you on its own you are still grasping on, clinging to, attached to the movement of becoming. The very mechanism of thought/ego. But most importantly do all this because it’s interesting. The question of who you are is to me anyway the most important question you can ask. Not to get somewhere but because it’s so fascinating?