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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Yes? It’s going from a fragmented/partial form of processing to a holistic non fragmentary/impartial form of processing.
  2. First off awesome that you have a daughter. And Awesome that she is in aikido. Yeah man J. Krishnamurti really gets into things deeply and in a way that you can see it all in yourself. Very experiential. I am slowly but surly looking into more and more of his sharings to find that his work really resonates significantly with my own experiences. I haven’t found anyone who more closely makes sense to me. Even his deeper stuff that is not spoken of by imposed imagery. I mean he makes it to where you have to go into personaly to see what is said. He doesn’t give you anything to form a intellectual or conceptual framework. The same as I learned through self inquiry. Not being influenced my writings and such. By the way how old is your daughter?
  3. Yeah by you doing so in itself has changed the pattern since you started all of this inquiry/investigations right. You can see the pattern first hand huh. It’s very cool ?
  4. Exactly man?.. Nature of fear needs to be understood and in that understanding one doesn’t persist in that same old pattern. As the zen reference you made before about attention, attention, and more attention? In this attention the old pattern of thought dies/changes and a new pattern of thought emerges. And maybe if one is lucky there can be no thought at all. Lol
  5. Yeah? That’s the function of the ego. To protect itself. A defensive mechanism. It is constantly looking to establish/maintain control.
  6. ? Well enlightened being doesn’t depend on a community. It depends on understanding/comprehension of ones own nature. But this forum is where you might find like minded people so??‍♂️
  7. Thought is only as rational as the measure the thinker is free from the compulsion to gain any sense of psychological security, ‘self assertion or self validation.’ If thought is influinced by any such movement it inevitably becomes distorted, corrupted, muddled, and therefore irrational. I will still try and find something that shows what I mean.
  8. Yeah early in his life he was caught in the trap fragmentation. He and Einstein both. They disagreed on things throughout there lives. But they soon saw that they were looking at things from a finite, limited, and partial point of view. They were bound by there own particular map in explanation. They both towards the end of there lives realized this and saw it’s siilyness. And in there realization have influenced others after them. People are becoming more and more aware of the limits of thought these days. This is to me a step in a healthy direction.
  9. Oh idk them either. I know what rap/hip hop is though ?
  10. I could explain but it takes more than a simple explanation. It takes deep self inquiry. I will try and find a video that expresses what I mean. Give me some time though. I’m new to investigating outside sources ?
  11. Yeah understanding/comprehending the limits of thought is a necessity. Thought is limited, finite, fragmented. This needs to be understood.
  12. I don’t know who anyone is lol Kanye West??
  13. Thought runs you. Thought, however, gives false info that you are running it, that you are the one who controls it. Whereas actually thought is the one which controls each one of us. David Bohm If thought runs you how can it be rational, logical, and reasonable?
  14. ? ?? This is what we all deserve. And when we live as such we are doing our part in regards to the whole. If you are at peace that reflects out onto others. Relationship with yourself and others important.
  15. ? I see how you might not think it is,but if you examine deeper you may see what I mean. You can’t find out something new if you cling to that which is old. This is classic form of resistance. If you can’t suspend your own point of view you are not learning you are protecting a certain standpoint. So a good thing to do is inquire why/what am i protecting. This would be a start and indicator of how disorderly thought can be when it’s nature is not investigated. If you are not aware of the bias/prejudices nature of thinking from the center you will never be actully rational. Rational thought does not take a side. Rational thought suspends itself to investigate with order. A Rational thinker is aware of thoughts fragmented nature. This is or should be a common sense. If people want to use thought they might want to understand what they are using. Check it out man?
  16. Considering yourself part of a particular group is a circle jerk. You know what I mean? It’s a limiting yourself to your own particular bias and prejudices. If you understand the nature of ego/center this becomes quite obvious. I think what we as people need is a capacity to suspend our own points of view so we can inquire as objectively as possible. Only then can there be a genuine learning and order of thinking.
  17. Big booty is pretty good. Probably my second choice. ? My first choice is not giving a name at all.