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Everything posted by Erik

  1. As Jed Mckenna said truth realization is a booby prize. Do you really want to lose yourself and find out that you do not exist, and that no one have ever existed? Is there a possibility that you will not want to interact with people once you become enlightened? Maybe you will want to completely isolate yourself from other people? Do you really want to experience void and nothingness? Will you still be able to enjoy the activities you once enjoyed? Didn´t Jed Mckenna say that many people that become enlightened isolate themselves and keep their mouth shut about the whole thing? That they become lazy because there is no desire to become anything at all or to improve yourself. "I think the bubble is a magnificent amusement park, and leaving it is a damn silly thing to do, unless you absolutely must" - Jed Mckenna Steven Norquist said that if you have a good life in the "dream stat" with wife and kids etc, then it is stupid to become enlightened because you might become completely detached from them. What´s your guys thoughts on this? Have any other teachers talked about this? I´m still a novice on the topic
  2. Unless you are enlightened yourself, how can you know it is so great? We don´t really know. Steven Norquist also said something along the same lines. You can´t predict how enlightenment will turn out for yourself. You can´t imagine what it´s like until you have taken the step for yourself.
  3. I know someone that has lived in east Asia for many many years. And he said that the vast majority of monks are not enlightened at all. Just a small minority of them are. Maybe you should question your beliefs more.