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Everything posted by Ascend

  1. Wtf. Dude, DMT hasn't and will never make anyone enlightened. You're delusional if you think otherwise. Sure, it may be good to try once or twice, to experience something new and get experiential evidence of something you know intellectually, but beyond that it doesn't lead to higher realms.
  2. Interesting, so at least you have an outline of all the things you need to clear. I can attest that it does work, I completely eradicated a severe case of OCD I had. However, I still have other stubborn problems remaining, but it's a journey and you have to keep going I've had a similar experience (with a pathological liar girlfriend), that's definitely traumatic for sure and the source of some fears.
  3. I'm a little late to this topic but of course, you've hit on something important. Of course many unhappy people here are looking for enlightenment (before self-actualizing first). And many here are deluded as well. No one here is enlightened - no one is even close. And this forum, while providing much value in some aspects is becoming quite cult-like. The reason so many people are seeking enlightenment here is not because it's a genuine desire (for a minority few it may be), but for most it has become another escape. They have an aversion to Life, the earth, physicality, and their resistance towards WHAT IS is driving them look for the "escape". A desperate search for the magic pill of "enlightenment" that will solve all their earthly problems.
  4. This. How do you define what a sage is? Seems like a subjective title. A wise, spiritually-advanced person? Enlightenment is a very, very exclusive club. So if being a sage is less exclusive, we can conclude that some are not enlightened and some are.
  5. You're obviously not enlightened, I'm sure you've had some enlightenment experiences. An easy giveaway is your intellectual analysis/discussion. An easy way is that no one enlightened would ever claim they're enlightened. Don't fall into the ego trap of spiritual trap. Just because I've had 100 experiences/glimpses of enlightenment and can talk about it, doesn't mean I am. Far from it.
  6. So there is no room for relativism in your model of the world? No thoughts, deeds, words are inherently better than others? Sounds kind of nihilistic to me. "Death is the most wonderful thing there is" Death isn't any more wonderful than life. Death is Life. Life is death. "Most people go to the gym because deep down they're scared of death" - They go for various reasons. Many might do so, or out of insecurity, fear of survival, and what not. But not all. Some do have other HIGHER intentions. There are better and worse intentions for doing something.
  7. So it seems it might stem from a fear of being made a fool of, humiliated etc. Get to the core of it, identify your deepest fear in that regard. Then I second what shin said, you can be mindful/allowing of the sensations as they appear in your body.
  8. BE the change. Change yourself, then when people see your changes, they'll come by themselves.
  9. It's hard to say much without knowing the details/quality of your thoughts. I myself suffered from pretty bad ocd, and believe it's caused by shame/guilt and also fear. Have you tried being aware of it and stepping back to watch as an observer?
  10. I do believe he was enlightened, but it's really jarring to see. Can you imagine Ramana smoking? Or even guys such as Eckhart Tolle - lecturing about the pain body and being conscious of the egoic tendencies that arise, and taking a smoke in his next breath
  11. Interesting to see him talking about being unidentified with the body, but then lighting up a smoke
  12. Pms

    I've never experienced that, as a man, however perhaps some mindfulness during those difficult times may help. Eckhart tolle talks about it in his book regarding periods. Take a look at this post that references it:
  13. This is so true. As humans, due to our ego, we really have a tendency to inflate where we think we are, especially when presented with hierarchical scales.
  14. You do know mindfulness is also meditation right? Sometimes it can be the best form of meditation.
  15. Since i'm seeing a wide variety of reports, it would be useful to see statistically the percentage of good to bad trips. This is generalized to all psychedelics.
  16. zan perrion perhaps
  17. Papaji seems like a good teacher. Wasn't Mooji his student too? and many others as well
  18. @Toby I'm not sure what you mean exactly, but yes I've seen lots of misinterpretations online. Which nondual teachers would you recommend?
  19. Well, my knowledge is a combination of many sources. His work is pretty good though. What's wrong with his scale?
  20. I don't disagree @LaucherJunge Indeed in his earlier stages was enlightened, had a powerful presence, and that gaze. That seems pretty obvious. Later on in life it's quite debatable if you're aware of his history. You're also right, there are stages above enlightenment too. Ascension continues on and on. @Nahm I'm not sure if this is a trick question. First of all, I actually do not wish I was enlightened! Why? Because we come from enlightenment, I just want to maximize my joy/success on earth. However, to answer your question - what would I do with my life? It wouldn't be me. It would be a completely different person, as I'm sure you know. It wouldn't be my individual identity anymore, so I have no idea what that person would be like. I can only guess. But it's a truly radical departure from the normal view of self, the world, and God. note: Also what I would "do" wouldn't be important at that stage. It's about presence, awareness, beingness. Everything else would be secondary. @Dodo I see your point. That's a different way of seeing things. I'm talking about a permanent state that doesn't leave you. It is true that the Self is ever present, obscured by the clouds of ego and contents of our minds.
  21. @Shin You're right.. - to the general person, it really doesn't matter if they're enlightened or almost there. Still very useful and spiritually advanced. The problem is, like this thread's subject, that all of a sudden people are now claiming that all kinds of famous actors, dancers, etc are enlightened when that's obviously not the case.
  22. @Toby I just meant that it's rare. I can name historical figures, but no one i know of currently. Perhaps if i did more research I would find some.