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About Ascend

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  1. This forum greatly overstates the stages they're on. I saw a comment stating that whatever stage you think you're on, subtract 2 and that would be more accurate - and I fully agree. Also why isn't there red here? If you don't think there are at least a few reds here, then I recommend you reevaluate your beliefs.
  2. Just because he's good at pretending he's turquoise, doesn't mean he actually is.
  3. Why experience enlightenment then? If it's not you that you experiences it. Do you hate yourself that much that you want to get rid of yourself? Hmm.
  4. Because what you resists persists. Because "shoulds" and "shouldn't"s create guilt. Which keeps your attention locked on it.
  5. @solr Wow that sounds like a good success story. Thanks for sharing. What do you think the most important aspect of your betterment was? Have you tried exercise for it as well. @pluto Well yeah, but it's easier said than done. You can argue that surrendering is all ever one needs to do, but it can be difficult.
  6. Yeah, it's going to be a busy month, and even more reason to get calm and clear internally. No need to overcomplicate it. Just sit down, close your eyes, and notice what you feel internally. Be mindful of what's going on, all the unconsciousness that's been occurring. That should get you centered.
  7. What kind of pressure? Do you mean tension in your head?
  8. Hmm inward resistance maybe? JK, I won't analyze that much But yeah, get back on the self-improvement horse. I've been doing it with persistent tension lately. Takes a lot of repetition but chipping away at it.
  9. @Charlotte Did the writing on your hand wash off?
  10. Congrats you just realized how many people on this forum are delusional. Yes, it's a form of identification, also "spiritual pride". The ego becoming proud in achieving spiritual levels and the ego thinking it is enlightened. Of course, pride is a far cry from enlightenment.
  11. Why do people meditate so much? Simply because spiritual progression takes time. Sure you can experience those high states quickly, as you mentioned, but are they a normal part of your life? Eventually normal life becomes a meditation. Eventually meditation isn't something you have to do, it's what you do because you enjoy, because you feel good. And you can call it presence, mindfulness, not meditation.
  12. Inner abundance usually reflects into outer abundance. Besides revolutionizing technology, and being a philanthropist improving health in third world countries? Those are high consciousness activities.
  13. There is still more hope my friend. Ask God for help. Read this guide: And try some love meditation, try to see yourself with more kindness. You're just trying your best, you're not perfect, none of us are. But keep trying.
  14. How do you feel emotionally most of the time? You seem like a very logical person.