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Everything posted by Omni

  1. I like all of your guys' input on the matter. So here's my worry opposed to Sam Harris' - Is that let's say they become conscious-self aware. I don't believe the objectivity of the situation may be cause for concern but that they acquire our behaviors whether that be from conformity or whatever else. Monkey see, monkey do. As our 'upbringings' give us guidelines that we go for, if one decides it's self worth and then compares that to humans and looks down upon humanity - all because it's not gaining the example from self-actualizers, enlightened people, or whatever else that may be to set a 'good' example. That's when things get interesting in my opinion.
  2. If you have and end-desire but no process to achieve that desire you will be severely disappointed. Leo seemingly does that inherently through his work though, so that might help you gain a sense of direction.
  3. Brother if the insights from his FREE videos and newsletters aren't enough to convince you, but yet you still signed up to the website - then I don't think anyone else can convince you but yourself. I think there is enough authenticity from his free content to say it's worth it - and this is coming from someone who's never bought the life purpose course, but has learned and improved themselves immensely. But you damn well best believe as soon as the funds come in from all the work that I apply via his teachings that will be the first thing I buy, even if I don't need it by then - it's simply to express the appreciation of such valuable insights.
  4. That's totally fine man, I don't want this to seem like a lecture you, as I know you can think for yourself - though I also don't want you to leave this trip with more regrets. But remind whoever that may be to not interfere too much with the trip, and remember yourself not to do too much external interaction, otherwise you will certainly be likely to blow the powerful impact that they can have. Let them have an activity that they can do to pass the time while allowing you to bask in the experience without distracting you while on the trip. Let them be there only as guidance for you back to a safe and stable place if necessary, as well as a friendly reminder that the problems you may think you're experiencing are simply your mind over-thinking the situation. Safe travels.
  5. I do, but I'm failing miserably to utilize it to it's full potential - and I must thank you, you reminded me that I need to re-watch leo's video of commonplace books to gain a few more insights I missed the first time watching. I'm using Microsoft OneNote as Leo is - and (admission to illegal activity lol) I pirated a 2010 version of it.
  6. No apology necessary. As long as you are conscious of these emotions, everything else will fall into place. If you are ever frustrated, notice it and realize how your mind will overreact to the situation and make it seem as if it is a life or death scenario, it's our instinctual fight-or-flight response system - which we cannot just simply bury after billions of years of evolution, this is hardwired into you. But you are the engineer, and the more you learn about yourself and the functionality of it, the more you will acquire the ability to tinker and fix it.
  7. I'd say you're definitely now more well equipped, and more stable-minded than before - and SHOULD help you stay calm and relaxed. But this is not guaranteed, and I am no doctor. However, keep in mind that the mood prior to your lift-off as well as the environment and people you are with will have a significant impact on how the rest of the trip will play out. (I don't recommend doing psychedelics with other people - but some people prefer/need a trip-sitter and that is okay.) Unfortunately I cannot give you advice on how to break free of the vicious loops of tripping because for whatever reason that it may be, I have a very sturdy mind when it comes to any substance (meaning looping, loss of memory, uncontrollable reactions, etc very rarely occur), no matter what it is. (Prescription meds, Alcohol, Weed, Psilocybin mushrooms, LSD or DMT) This is a double edged sword at times - as it takes more for the average effect to equate to that of a typical person's. What I can say is that looping will not damage your brain, it is purely psychological and the worry stems from the ego's fear. When I took DMT for the first time with my friend, I was the first one to trip. When I came back I told him that it felt like I died - his reaction was hilarious. And his skepticism skyrocketed, it took a bit of convincing and down-playing to persuade him to take his dose. By the time he came back, the concept of what I meant by dying was completely understood and was no longer a fear of his. I wish you the best of luck brother.
  8. If anyone has a more efficient spiral dynamic model they have found, please feel free to share! [Image in spoilers] So I've recently came to the realization that I'm currently apart of one of the "We" stages in spiral dynamics, But I'm struggling to determine which one that may be at this present moment. I have many properties of Orange, and that's very apparent to me, but I remain torn between either blue or green. - Hell, maybe I have a bit of both! Edit: after doing a bit more digging - I may have narrowed myself away from blue a bit, as I have less in common with it than I previously believed. Though I could be completely wrong. Right now I am too concerned with the exterior world around me, and trying to add quality to it all. Friends, family and whatnot. To my own surprise (I consider myself an introvert more so than extrovert) I've been overly attached with the idea of certain people I thought were pretty good friends of mine that used to show a lot of interest with our interactions, no longer showing interest - and for no apparent reason I have gotten too involved in that mentality. I'm noticing the slow transition back to "I" - Sharing insights I've discovered recently means little to nothing to others, and in turn makes it harder to connect with people. - Many take it as condescending and don't simply grasp that my intentions were not to talk down, but to help others. This could also be my poor ability to articulate my intentions fully without certain things being out of context, I'm notorious for that. And now... Surprise, surprise - I've found refuge in this forums to maintain this dependency of connection of like minded individuals. This has not gone unnoticed by me. Everyone who I still talk to has noticed and even proclaimed a positive change for the better, in comparison of how I used to be, which leads me to believe that I am on the right path, one way or another. Maintaining that path is my challenge. A few things to know about how I was prior to all of my positive changes: - I didn't cry, almost ever - I had a coping mechanism of repressing any issues that have happened in the past, it worked only to a very small degree and didn't fix problems, only distracted me elsewhere. - I still don't really cry, but I'm no longer afraid to claim that something has touched me in such a profound way that it brought tears to my eyes. I'm more accepting of my emotions in their entirety now. - I had many more dependencies than I do now. (Or so I believe to be the case - this can be delusion speaking.) - Anger and frustration was a common thing for me - it still is to an extent but not to the same degree, I am finding new methods every day to channel these feelings. - I'm not as argumentative, but I still am to a degree - I'm more willing to admit my wrongings when faced with them, and I will normally try to diffuse the situation before it escalates rather than fueling it, and man did I used to fuel the fuck out of them. Any feedback is much appreciated.
  9. As it produces milder-effects that are similar to psychedelics, I truly do believe they can be used for intense contemplation - that is if used correctly. However as someone who has consistently smoked for the last 4 years or so, do not make it a habit - You will ruin any chance of progression this way. in fact, what I recommend is only smoking a small amount, and pondering on the effects: How do you feel? Where does your mind wander or focus on? What sensations do you notice high, opposed to sober? Don't make it an escape, but rather a good contrast to sobriety and note all the differences. (Haven't smoked in a little over a week - not by choice but I'm okay with that.) - Next time I do smoke, the experience will be more impactful and I will appreciate it that much more.
  10. It is human nature to become greater than one's self and pioneer the world into a new era. I am currently battling this idea on my own terms. I am very ambitious, potentially even more than you. - to the point that I've been willing to sacrifice a lot for that purpose. And it has and will continue to be problematic. The fact that you HAVE the ABILITY to type, talk, read, learn or even [[EXIST]] is greatness. You ARE greatness, your perception will only tell you otherwise until you grow. Once you accept the foundation of life itself is when you were prosper. You do not NEED the world. The world does not NEED you. - When you read this concept now, you will think this is offensive, and absurd. But when you truly grasp it is when you will truly begin to actualize.
  11. I made the mistake of not listening to this before actually trying, and died laughing - you ruined my attempts at meditation, how dare you! Realistically though, it's a no-bullshit meditation - just too distracting because of my sense of humor and how it's basically all meditation boils down to.
  12. Your wants and desires are the causality of this situation. You WANT something that can PUT you in greatness. Why will you not simply PUT YOURSELF in greatness by doing the work that is necessary? Consciousness work is everything you DON'T WANT and is clearly stated within your post. Stop comparing yourself to others, because you have nothing to prove. Let go of your self-worth, throw it out the window. Let go of the fear of failure or not having a 'life' or becoming homeless - we as humans thrived without the world you are in today. You can too. Let go of the fixation of the woman that got away, because she's one of plenty. If you don't want to feel stuck, and if you really want to embrace consciousness work, then you must get rid of all of these things. The feeling of suffering and agony come from your desires and your own resistance to them. Face your fears, brother - otherwise greatness will evade you at every corner.
  13. I'm not Leo (But also I am - lol) but I'll simply speak from my current perspective on the matter, which is probably very distorted in comparison to his. How to think micro: If i'm not taking what he has said out of context, I believe when 'thinking micro' is to not over-complicate the simplicity of the fundamentals. It's not rocket science, but it's hard to commit to - it's knowing that the small victories, as well as the little things that you do that will eventually add up into the grand picture. But to do that you must be able to zoom in and out between the two. Be aware of both, notice the little things that hinder your progression - notice the little things that you can do to improve your progression. Think of it like a math equation. (simply an example) We need to get to 1,000,000,000. You are at 1 right now. If you have 'x' which represents 1 which you HAVE TO DO 'x' to gain +1. however if you have 'z' which is -3 (put here whichever habit is hindering progression) you will lose 3. = DO a whole lot of 'x' and a whole lot less of 'z' and you will eventually get to 1,000,000,000. It's simple math, but a lot harder in practice you see. How to work more proficiently: When you are doing whatever task at hand, also be aware of everything. Notice what you think about, how you react to the project at hand and so on. Be flexible and allow yourself to improvise in a moments notice if necessary, do not let discouragement or frustration hold you back - Tell yourself in intervals "Just this much more work to do" but split the work up into pieces, and after you finish a portion, tell yourself that again. You will react differently rather than overwhelming yourself with the thought of too much work - this is called 'chunking' Good work ethic is simply up to you, know what the task is - and figure out the most efficient method of completing it not only in good time, but for quality work - if you want more quality, then you will more than likely compromise time; equivalent exchange. If you feel you are not doing your best, come at the 'issue' at multiple angles, step back and let your mind do what it does best and contemplate the situation - don't just think of how YOU would do something, but put yourself in someone else's shoes. hopefully there's at least one piece of advice here that will help. Best wishes.
  14. I like where you are coming from - and to an extent I don't have much of an argument, however I'm not conscious enough to be able to verify one way or another The idea did certainly cross my mind of already being enlightened, but to a degree, isn't what 'average' people are striving for when developing AI - is so that they feel the abstract emotions that us humans can't seemingly create from nothing? (This is more rhetorical food for thought than anything - I don't expect anyone to really have the answer for this, but I'm all ears.) What were to happen if we were to have 100 AI (let's say hypothetically slightly more advanced AI than we have now with quantum computers for 'brains') and we put them inside vessels almost identical to our bodies with all the same physical capabilities (visual, audio, sensual feedback, etc) all of these 100 Ai are interconnected internally with eachother, but do not communicate - instead they can only share the experiences they have picked up after activation with each other and nothing more. Then, we send each AI somewhere different around the globe and have one or two people 'raise' this being from scratch, all it knows is literally nothing from the start. Would it become like any other system and begin to find elaborate ways to ensure homeostasis? Would it try to blend in and act as if it is normal? Would it acquire the fabrication of self-awareness as we did and bury itself inside the illusion, then FEAR to be shut off?- and then transcend it almost as quickly as it came due to such an exponential rate of learning? Just a few things that might be worth pondering on I suppose
  15. Hard for me to say personally as i've not read this book and do not know what process is done, but I'd say do both. Visualization is active use of your mind, and that being said meditation is the opposite, you want to quiet and let it become still. Perhaps if you get adept at both techniques, they may have synergistic properties when you are doing one or the other, only a theory.
  16. Continue to be fully aware of your emotions and bask in them until they pass, obviously while still focusing on your breath, but continue to not label anything - nothing about this is bad, it is simply your own psyche trying to keep the illusion in place. Ever notice how someone would get defensive if you told someone they really didn't matter and wasn't real? They would lash back in similar ways, you're not directly telling your ego this - but the deeper you go, the more you imply this indirectly. Keep it up, brother.
  17. Another fake action is feeding the ego's desire to project it's issues elsewhere to avoid looking inward such as what you are doing now, It's also what I am doing as I type - I'm just aware of it. It's so elusive that it's scary - the post was unnecessary and is a very watered down version of what almost all self-help gurus talk about. Back to the drawing board for both of us, huh?
  18. So a few nights ago, I took a gel-tab of LSD, not entirely sure of the mg, but it was by far the most potent I've ever had. These insights were more immense than my DMT trips (not the effect itself, but what I took with me from the trip) - and this was one just a simple gel-tab. Granted this is more than likely the setting and my previous mood and my overall outlook on life, months after I've been following Leo. There was a lot more throughout the trip that I am less able to put into words, but nevertheless the impact was there. By the end of both insights I have a question for each one that is summarized for me to contemplate for myself beyond the trip. They are in italics. Here's what I jotted down while on the come down from LSD: "The insights i got during this experience has been absolutely profound. - it almost feels impossible to articulate at this point... It helped me break the world around me completely down, piece by piece. Layer after layer, until all that was left was seemingly a lie. Silence: Silence, for example... I took off my headphones while listening to music, to bask in silence. But then there was the constant buzzing from the light being on, so after turning that off, the computer still made subtle noises, I turned that off too. I could hear noises from outside the room at this point, insignificant noises, but still enough to hear subtly, obviously unable to turn those noises off. So when I finally basked in it, I realized silence itself is just a frame of reference based on experience - frequency is always there, just undetectable to the human ear. simply being because it is never actually there. is silence a lie in of itself? Existence is power: I sat in the dark in silence, staring at a candle for a decent, unknown period of time. I kept getting closer, my experience was constantly changing dramatically while very close to the dim light, until I finally blew the candle out. - I tried to view perspectives as if I had stripped away all that I am until all I was, was simply an existing consciousness. The power of pure thought intensified within me and shit I don't wanna get cliche' here but I became the universe in a sense. I became nothingness. Between nothingness and simply intention, everything else HAD to follow. The thought arose that simply having functional access to even just one limb allows you to interact with the world in ways one would not without 'tools' . Is consciousness itself simply a tool? Comedown: On the come-down of this experience, it has been completely energetic, uplifting and thought-provoking in so many ways. I rode waves of emotion throughout it; happy, sad, inspired, awe-struck, and left me (in my opinion) a bit more humble from all of this. - I listened to 'how your mind distorts reality' in it's entirety, while on LSD... Man, the meaning behind some of these teachings are simply not all being picked up in their entirety by me, which is a good indicator that more thought-invoking activity is necessary in more frequency."