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Everything posted by Omni

  1. Haha, I simply pointed out an observation, I'm not using anything in the video against you for a debate. Did I say I wasn't okay with it? - sure maybe you thought I implied that, but that's still you projecting. But I couldn't really care any less, but when I scrolled down and saw your comment stressing yourself out for no reason - I figured I'd slip you a little reminder of the week's lesson. Projections a bitch my dude, I'll tell ya from experience.
  2. Mate mate mate... You're projecting a little too much - did ya see the newest video on criticism?
  3. is that criticism I smell?? You better not have that wristband on, Leo! All jokes aside this trip report is nuts - and only three or so days ago. Man the things he saw though..
  4. Glad to hear you've gotten past probably in my opinion the worst part of it all, and you're slowly but surely healing - and you know she wouldn't want those moments to lead to your own destruction. With something as infinite as reality, it's hard to believe our loved ones who pass just disappear and that leads to an absolute disconnect, sure maybe physically. But those experiences and cherished moments including everything you are today will carry on with you, and grow you not only as a human but as a being entirely. If you can recover from this and use it as a turning point to improve yourself - You can overcome anything life has to throw at you. And each time you reach the state of overcoming, you grow that much more, and life reveals that everything else is that much easier - and that's where the true power of life is, knowing that the complete randomness and seemingly unfair situations that life WILL throw at you will all come with more clarity than the last.
  5. I don't personally like CNN but this came up in cross reference to something I was searching.
  6. Gotta go it alone, will never truly actualize if you make a social culture out of it.
  7. Oops - Guess I should've posted it in the Self-Actualization section. Though I agree with your concept, I don't think it's possible to click from being 100% conscious throughout your day with the simple idea 'just be conscious' Isn't that the battle we are all facing? Is to be conscious? Therefore I think we as creatures of habit should build productive habits such as meditation, critical thinking, educative content, healthy diets, etc. cutting out the worse ones over time. If we could all just choose this from one moment on, none of us would be here.
  8. Hey @Leo Gura know ya probably got a lot already planned in advanced but just thought I'd throw this one out there. I'm learning Object Oriented Programming and I would seriously love for you to dive more into Chaos Theory and more insights behind even Spiral Dynamics more specifically the Yellow Stage and some possible more ways to train your mind to think in a procedural sort of way, would seriously help me a ton!
  9. You must practice losing the care of your self image. Go in public or to family KNOWING that you are looking 'bummy' or whatever makes you stand out from the norm. Hell do a bad hair day test and just go out and EXPECT stares, shit someone might even make remarks or say something. But know that what you are doing is deliberate, don't say anything rude back or try to defend yourself, allow it to happen. It's about practice - I do this frequently with my family, I'll walk around as if I just simply don't care about my image in numerous ways, when they say something snarky (which I fully expect to happen) I just laugh, it's funny because with this type of mind-set all you can do is laugh at it, because you chose for that to happen, you expect it to happen. And when you realize that low-conscious society is predictable, you begin to stop caring about these opinions - and you begin to realize, that even your own opinions about yourself are just as predictable and even pointless to care about. That's when you can feel a bit more 'free' mentally.
  10. Honestly? don't like it at all. It's all cliche mumble rap and the autotune makes it worse- regardless of the topic. Now this doesn't mean quit what you're doing or even take my advice, but I think you should be working more on pronunciation. lyricism and flow a hell of a lot more. This could just be cause my standards are higher than an average listener, but that's a subjective statement.
  11. Gotta get a vision strong enough to overcome the urges and to go back to whenever you're at your lowest, your foundation must be strong. You need reasons to stop - whether that be the excessive energy you obtain from nofap, whether it be rewiring your brain to not feel urges over every little thing you see in public, etc. Have productive distractions at the ready to divert yourself if the time comes, not destructive distractions that replace one bad habit with another. The problem with awareness is that we think we're aware but in reality we're only a small percentage aware, and that's an ego trap in itself. Try noticing when it happens, and consciously making the mature decision to alter that energy into something that benefits you rather than hinders your progress. best of luck
  12. HA! Big ol' smile on my face when I saw this one. No where near the West Coast, but i'm currently in Wisconsin, moving off-grid in Missouri half way through the year, so once the opportunity arises, this will be close to top on my bucket list, even if I gotta bus it out there. Agree on the Poll idea, maybe even in the next video link a for the areas that are plausible for you - have people who are at least half interested in attending vote and see what type of responses you get.
  13. Funny because I've been noticing this in myself as well as others while also contemplating whether it's a good idea. Though I do think there should be a way to really let the proper advice shine through, though this can also be an ego trap, I think that there are people who consistently post more quality content that SHOULD shine above the rest. What do you think about making Upvotes/Reputation invisible and letting the highest-ranked comment of a thread (Minus the OP) to be highlighted one form or another? Granted like I said it could lead to another ego-trap but there needs to be a way to filter out the lower-conscious responses.
  14. Picture of my torso - I understand it's not the most clear of pictures, but it shows the asymmetry of my shoulders/collar bone and even my arms being uneven at the sides. So I know this forums is not the best place to ask for this type of advice and I'll be looking for help in a few other places, but I figured I'd throw it out there to see what others are doing and if anyone has/had a similar problem and might have some advice. Over the years, my posture as become very poor, this is probably from a number of things but I'll make a brief list below to give people a rough idea of things that I believe are the causality of my issues - and how I'm working on undoing some of them. Anyways I don't have health insurance and when I did it was only for a few months - though I was younger, lazier and more naive, in retrospect I should've taken the opportunity to find an expert's opinion. As i've been working on training my awareness and correcting many bad habits, the extremities of these things have been revealed to me as of recently. I don't believe I have scoliosis, if I do it's a milder form and isn't very noticeable without an X-Ray or a trained eye. A large portion of the left half of my body is out of tact (keep in mind this isn't as dramatic as text makes it sound, but it is very worrisome and it IS a problem.) My Clavicle(Collar bone) is slightly 'dislocated', the part where it connects to my sternum isn't the same as my right-side, and yes I'm aware people aren't as symmetrical as most bodies appear, but this is beyond the norm. My shoulder bones (the tips on top) are not even, one is much more sunken down. My arms do not sit evenly on each side, my left side is a lot more pronounced and away from my chest. Here are some issues that I believe add to the problem: In 9th grade I was in a mild accident on a school bus, i landed in between the seats and on my tail bone, it didn't hurt that bad, but is certainly something to note, as I'm feeling mild pain on it now. I was born deaf in one ear, and as long as I can remember I've had insomnia, therefore to slightly make it easier I've always tried sleeping on my good side to prevent excessive sounds from distracting me(My left side) - I now am trying to sleep on my back or the opposite side to potentially undo this. Bad posture from sitting down/slouching a lot and playing games. - I am now persistently trying to undo this with meditation, exercise and yoga. - I rarely play games at all in general anymore, but I do sit down a lot of my day, which I simply don't have enough activities to NOT do that. My mental stability/psychological issues have been improving as of the last 6 months, and I'm aware that mental problems can create physical problems, so this may be a cause. This hinders my ability to sit for longer periods of time and meditate with less-hassle, and no I do not find it sensible to sit in this pain if it is ruining my posture/back health even more - as i'm aware you're supposed to experience 'all sensations' while meditating. Yes I still try for at least 15 minutes X2 a day. Today while working out I noticed that my tail bone has quite a bit of pain while working out, which made it extremely difficult to finish my session. Yoga was a lot easier than working out though, so I may focus more on that. If anyone has any suggestions besides "see a professional" (cause I'm already going to when the opportunity is there) - I would like to hear them, even if it's not the exact situation, I'd like to know a few other ways to approach this if possible.
  15. Appreciate all the feedback guys, will be looking into each suggestion hoping for improvement, thank you!
  16. If you fear it, then you must understand the fear to overcome it. Just 'knowing' that the end result might not be enough, just like knowing that cigarettes will give you lung cancer won't make you quit. You want my opinion? Go there with full awareness, observe yourself being fearful and try to articulate to yourself WHY you are scared. When you have a reaction to something, try to figure out where that reaction stems from and ultimately face it.
  17. Shiva is right, at least to me Physics is absolutely breathtaking sometimes. This may even help with your self-actualization journey by being able to understand and a more in-depth perspective how the world around you works at almost a fundamental level. You can certainly apply this in concepts and much more; but it's very subjective. In the book i'm reading now called 'Decisive' they talk about the 10/10/10 technique. If you decide to do this, how will you feel 10 minutes from now, Then, 10 months from now and lastly 10 years from now? If you truly can't see yourself doing it, I feel you may need to work on your vision a bit more and define these things in more detail and then see if Physics is still right for you - granted this doesn't mean cut that and not have an alternative, but really dig deep within yourself and find the answer.
  18. @Leo Gura - I feel bad because I, like everyone would love to pick your (non-existent) brain about random shit for days.. I'll give you props, cause answering all of these takes quite a bit of time - But I promise I'll keep it simple... In the most briefest explanation possible as I could imagine this could potentially become overwhelmingly long and too revealing for us - where do you hope to see yourself and as a whole in 5 and or 10 years?
  19. Did you not read anything I've said? I've stated this is about MENTALITY. Yes, there was thoughts of suicide along my trip, but I also stated nothing of where I was when I took them, the situation I was in, and even the life I was living - sure. Be alarmed all you wish, but you cannot simply chalk this up as 'holy fuck you wanted to kill yourself because of shrooms? go get help!' I've overcome many of my demons that I was fighting during that point in my life, and Leo has plenty to do with that immense change - and everyone who knew me then to now would attest that everything I am now is a polar opposite of who I was, why? Because of my experiences, because of everything that HAS happened - including that trip. Including the LSD that I took two weeks ago - which there's a trip report with that, too. It was a very positive and uplifting experience. But you're seeing things for face value rather than actually thinking about these things. I'm ending the conversation here because you are clearly in paradigm lock - maybe I am too, but from the changes I've made whilst even having those thoughts has proven itself for me. And trust me - the thoughts I had during my shroom trip are nothing in comparison of things I've battled with sober. Good luck to you.
  20. Oh dear, you cannot read between the lines. Can you even comprehend the relief and love for life that I had on my comedown/after effects? This was even before I was consistently watching Leo's videos, let alone self actualizing. I was able to socialize just fine and had no adverse prolonged effects. You're simply spewing nonsense without any solid frame of reference and it's quite disturbing, really. Edit: I've done LSD, Shrooms, as well as 4-ACO-DMT. - and in my earlier teen years I had tried Xanax once. - guess where the guy who provided me with those bars ended up after about 2 years of consistently doing them? He does heroine now, sorry but I'm beginning to think you're deliberately spreading misinformation.
  21. My last shroom trip was 5G - I had severe body aches, my back pain was doubled and had no ability to be comfortable and thoughts of death & at one point even suicide - but it was necessary for my own psyche and I don't regret the trip - it was what some people would consider a bad trip, but I made it through just fine because it is about the MENTALITY of the situation, not the additive CHEMISTRY that you speak of. Please stop this nonsense.
  22. You clearly don't understand chemistry, nor is your flawed logic going to persuade me and hopefully anyone else of anything. - "Through late 1967 and early 1968, Barrett's behavior became increasingly erratic and unpredictable, partly as a consequence of his reported heavy use of psychedelic drugs, most prominently LSD. There is also much speculation that he suffered from schizophrenia." Please do not spread this horrendous misinformation because of your own completely ignorant paradigm, you are doing much more harm than good here and I personally think your comments should be removed for how damaging they could be. Do you even realize how addictive benzos are? No? You can become addicted after the first one, granted the likelyhood may be low - this is completely the reversal of self actualization and it's quite alarming that you're ignorantly stating these as fact.
  23. This may have been posted before - not sure what I'd be searching for on the forums though to confirm this but; @Leo Gura - Have you/Would you ever consider a live seminar (Hell, maybe even a livestream to test the waters first!) Where you can interact with self actualizers, answer questions - and maybe even have some exclusive topics that you would be able to potentially share with the consistent followers of Actualized.Org? Just a thought but man If you planned it well in advance - I'd try my best to make it to at least one of them.
  24. Your argument is highly invalid considering the Youtuber ToS has been in flux for the last 5+ years. There is no consistency and there is plenty of flaws within their system, nothing "Speaks for itself" - Truthfully you're not utilizing this forums for your own growth, quite rather the opposite.