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Everything posted by Omni

  1. that's not what he's implying though, he's saying that taking the actions necessary (such as meditation for example) will yield some sort of result in the future - Trying to navigate your life "consciously' can be distorted through the mind and become neurotic and unsustainable because you're always focused on the upcoming future; therefore an unconscious reactionary mode of life. at least that's how i interpreted his statements.
  2. Yes AND No. actively deluding, yes. Trying, no, it happens to be that way, yes. It just is. This goes for everything not just sight and sound. If you don't verbally speak, there is no actual voice to be heard, if you don't think there are no thoughts to be thought of. It simply is direct experience. understand the distinction and the coexistence of perception and being. Being as a fundamental, perception being a dependency and how the two are symbiotic to one another.
  3. Why is love the substance of everything and has no counterpart? in a sense, i'd imagine i understand the infinite scope of unconditional love where it is the nonrestrictive allowance for any and all things to occur - of course embodiment is a completely different subject to understanding - but does embodiment of absolute love inherit the dissolving of self-bias?
  4. time is a man-made construct for the utility of the type of culture we are in, furthermore it's a construct that is not accurate nor is it consistent across the board, (timezones, alternative methods of recording time, etc) to think our man-made constructs hold significance is delusion.
  5. No need to get wound up. Not to mention, you're directing your pent-up emotions at the people who don't care that the videos are long, generally speaking. If someone thought Leo's videos were too long, they likely wouldn't come here to read pages upon pages of similar topics regarding stuff that has been brought up in his videos. You may wanna self reflect on the reactionary manner in which you responded to finding out that some people don't have the attention span for long-format videos, that may be more fruitful than your post here.
  6. I could be completely wrong, so take my statements with a grain of salt. Each one of those states you describe are contradictory (counters to each other) however realize the path you're on is one of growth, you must build the foundation first, which is success and or stability, once you have met your basic needs (refer to Maslow's hierarchy of needs) you will be in a position where it's much easier to reach the state of peace. Keep in mind this is not necessary, but it's a process which eases the path. The less you are worried about paying bills, eating, etc. The more you can focus on the inner peace and happiness you desire. furthermore if you wish to embody non dual peace it's crucial to accept every moment as okay and understand that all problems are not only relative to your own position, but actually not true at all. But this is not easy to do, as you will continuously want to create problems to solve, as that's what the mind is great at. keep in mind this process involves weeding out that which is not helpful to the current stage of development you are in and redirecting that wasted energy to something more positive and fulfilling for you, once you have reached a place that brings you joy and your passion shines through, you will be in a position to embody and radiate this to others around you. One step at a time, there's no rush.
  7. i'd say nearly everything is a spectrum, especially this. Seemingly nothing remains constant on a spectrum either, from my experience.
  8. That actually helps clarify a lot, thanks for that.
  9. Interesting perspective. I recall you saying a few times that people can move up the spiral but not down - i've had objections to this, but if i'm being honest they are somewhat face-value objections - as far as i can remember you didn't give that much attention. It's difficult for me to see the impossibility due to the fact that we all backslide and have stagnant moments with growth and more so that some people find a pit stop in life and settle in until they're dead. Would you mind expanding on this briefly on why you'd say it's not possible to regress back down the spiral?
  10. As of right now i'm currently able to pay rent on my own apartment, eat and have only a little money left over from something i used to consider just a hobby (graphic design) - i now do this full time so to a certain degree i'd say i've taken the step towards what i'd consider my life purpose, or at least a platform to expand from to find it. How does one shift their mentality from meeting their absolute basic needs (Maslow) to a mindset where meeting the basic quota and becoming complacent is no longer something holding you back from meeting a fuller potential? I've tried setting goals, i've tried creating a savings, i've tried putting systems in place to mitigate poor food/spending habits (which all things considered, i live frugally as is (under $1k USD month for any bills/food/etc) though i understand that this habit expands/contracts based on the amount of income the person currently has.) Nothing seems to be successful for me at this point, i'd say i'm stuck somewhere in a rutt when it comes to my financial side of life. what are potential ways of creating the shift from just barely getting by to excelling and thriving?
  11. You've gotta understand that the inherent hypocrisy in your statement is that your love too, is conditional - hence why you cried when your cat died, and you didn't bat an eye when your relatives died. Being concerned with the opposition to the path you are on is something very hard to let go, sometimes feels impossible, but the path you are on leads to letting this go, but it's up to you - not them or any other circumstance. Also keep in mind that you may (MAY) be deluded when you tell yourself you use weed for spiritual purposes, though i'm not saying it's wrong, consider that you're using that as the excuse to maintain your identity. I smoke weed myself, so i'm not trying to convince you to stop, but to rather understand the potential underlying root issue here. lastly, don't take this as me attacking/shaming you by any means, you're perfectly fine to do what you do, as it's *natural* and all of it is part of the growth process. Autism or not you are not limited to your current position in this experience.
  12. Just go to home > all videos > select video > MP3 download > login to your account
  13. That's simply not true. Complacency is a huge factor in relationships and the interactions within them. @koolgirl1217 you're looking for external reasons to stay with him, the solution is already there. You've tried it for 4 years, it didn't work. End it.
  14. I remember months back Leo you had posted a thread about potential seminars or something of the sort. Would it be a lot more conventional to do something similar to a livestream and interact with people and answer questions? of course it's likely there would be spam and trolls and whatnot, And even a lot of redundancy to questions asked, but you could weed out the higher quality questions and just interact with people a bit. Perhaps this could be an effective method to quickly discuss things, rather than trying to do so via the forums, which is a huge bottleneck towards how you can discuss things generally speaking.
  15. The way you process emotions is completely normal. Don't explore the Atypicality of this, explore the value you placed in your cat and the barrier placed towards your relatives.
  16. appreciate your guys' response, this certainly may be what's needed as I generally do the opposite, though I enjoy being out in nature i don't put a lot of effort into doing it much, this along with many other things in fact. I will certainly create a dream board and build off it as I don't realign myself enough with what i'm fundamentally doing this all for to maintain the proper path to ultimately see what i'm doing this all for. Thank you <3
  17. You should be fluid, each situation and interaction requires a different tool within your toolkit. As with all challenges, this is surely one of them. Learning to recognize the patterns and signals people send is necessary. There is no one size fits all.
  18. i've.. phased in and out so much it's hard to even articulate how magnificent this is... no words does this justice, the only thing i can tell you is see you when you get here.
  19. can we all take a moment to appreciate the collective ego at work here?
  20. You're a lost cause if you're not open to chew other viewpoints outside of your own paradigm, seek open mindedness if you wish to actually grow. on the flip side, i find it hard to believe you're not a troll at this point.
  21. Understand that you're facing a limiting belief with this, though i'm not here to convince you of that. If you don't want to look there, i can't force you to.