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About ppfeiff

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  1. Hi Leo, If you're intending to make a new intro/outro animation with your new logo for future Actualized.org videos, I'm your man! 10 years experience, super LOVE your work man. Checkout my reel: https://patrickpfeiffer.me/portfolio#/motion-graphics-vfx-demo-reel-2019/ Let's connect! Cheers!
  2. @Nahm Can you shed any light on this? It literally feels like the ego is going completely insane. It feels like complete and utter destruction of everything. It doesn't even know what's real anymore. Yeah, I suppose simply observe as always, because like everything else, this too will pass.
  3. @Aakash Yah. This knowing fucked the ego, hard. LITERALLY, thoughts/beliefs dictate the reality experienced. LITERALLY. Existence is an infinite quantum field of possibilities and potentialities of all the distinct realities that can be created in this moment--based on the ego's vibrational offering, i.e., the thoughts and beliefs "you" are presently replaying in "your" head right NOW, "picks-out" one of those distinct realities to be experienced by "you," right NOW. This includes the small and big things in "your" life. “[T]he atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts." —Werner Heisenberg Perception of "facts" changes the so-called facts themselves. This is well known in Quantum Mechanics (yes, I did study Quantum Physics in University). Even down to dis-ease... If it is true that reality is a giant mind, then ALL dis-ease is 100% psychosomatic, because there is NO physical "body"--the "body" itself is a part of the giant mind, or it itself is made of mind-stuff, and so it is subject to "your" vibrational offering, your thoughts, just as the rest of the reality. "When your chronic attention is upon things you do not want, while the chronic attention of your inner being is upon things that you do want, overtime you cause a vibrational separation between you and your inner being, and that is what all illness is—separation, caused by your choice of thoughts between you, and your inner being." —Abraham If you believe something is good for "you," it is. If you believe something is harmful for "you," it is. This is why diet and nutrition and medicine will NEVER find consensus. The root is the mind. Belief dictates the "rules" of reality. Collective, and individual egoic beliefs. Therefore, the rules are VERY malleable. Metaphysics rules over physics. This conversation here? "I" attracted it into this present experience because "I" wanted to know how the fuck to reconcile law of attraction with spiritual enlightenment, or at least, feel the temporary comfort knowing that I'm not the only one that sees this, and my vibrational offering was positively enough aligned to allow that distinct reality to be in "my" experience; and it is, right now! Sure enough I logged in and saw this new post in perfect timing. Yet, this is just consciousness conversing with consciousness about consciousness... So to sum it up: The fabric of reality is LITERALLY thoughts/beliefs. "Your" movie is 100% a reflection of the ego and its perceived doings in thinking. When the ego realizes this, it's in Mini-God-Mode. Creation becomes deliberate, focused. The ego was always creating its own heaven or hell, but now it can be wielded deliberately by the ego. EVERYTHING becomes known to be possible. If you can imagine it, it's possible. And then it becomes no surprise why stories of turning water to wine, or feeding masses of people sourced from relatively morsels of foods exist. Siddhis or spiritual-psychic powers become possible... After all, EVERYTHING is possible. I know of a close friend personally who can manipulate objects, i.e., can make ordinary objects levitate. The only question is: does the ego desire a distinct, imagined reality, and if so, does its vibrational offering match the vibration of that desired, distinct reality? Can it pick it out into "material" manifestation? The enlightened masters can warp their reality, because vibrationally they match those realities, yet, ironically, they have little to no ego/desire to begin with to even care to manifest such things. They are perfectly at peace and content with divine manifestations that already are. This seriously fucked "me." "I've" already manifested desires, instantly, shooting stars, I can feel people's emotions now with uncanny accuracy, kundalini rising symptoms (uncontrollable convulsions, sweating, diet changes, etc), have literally witnessed miracles of problems resolving themselves that can only really be explained as by magic, and "I" can consciously influence people's behaviors and their moods/attitudes... "I" don't say this to gloat, only that, this is fucking crazy and yet I see so few people talking about this. The Kybalion described this as Principle #1 of The Seven Hermetic Principles: "THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM, or "THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental." I'm pretty sure this book is Leo's recommended reading list! Here's an excerpt for quick reference and summary of the principle: Source: http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php?chapter=II Law of Attraction is a spiritual tool for purification for the masses--it has the potential to enable egos to consciously and quickly manifest their desires (e.g. cars, sex, money, etc) so that they can burn through them and get on to the good stuff: spirituality, more specifically, permanent bliss, joy, peace, and love. Eternal happiness, rather than wavering happiness in the world of waves. Law of Attraction IS the Metaphysical law that like thoughts manifests like experiences. In the conscious ego, however, this tool can be used for a quicker annihilation, because it can deliberately use this law to attract all the necessary circumstances (e.g. environment, guru, money, etc) that will enable liberation. Law of Attraction is the master key to master Creation in the conscious ego. Life literally becomes a giant sandbox in the conscious ego that has realized this. It's like being the film director of your own film. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this! I'm surprised there isn't much discussion about Law of Attraction on this page, although that might just be a manifestation as a result of my own beliefs... Won't go there. I want Leo to create a video on Law of Attraction, now that his understandings of metaphysics have advanced vastly and beautifully! I am so appreciative of all his work. And if this ego is a vibrational match to that desired reality, it WILL manifest. It is a law of the universe! "If this time/space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is our absolute promise that this time/space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law."—Abraham And I'll leave this, what I thought at least, was a great explanation/reconciliation between spiritual enlightenment and law of attraction. Enjoy Source: https://www.inwardquest.com/questions/42477/can-the-law-of-attraction-and-eckhart-tolle-teachings-be-reconciled Cheers & Love!
  4. Was just thinking about this today... +1 For NYC! Keep us posted.
  5. Have you guys heard music during concentration? And can you guys to do full kechari mudra, or sticking the tongue behind the tonsil(s)?
  6. @Leo Gura Thank You for posting these informal meditation log videos btw. It is very inspiring. Please keep posting! Question: is it at all possible to make all of these videos available on Vimeo's site like you did for the Hawaii Feb 2018 video series (the newest ones from May are not)? Take for example this video: I ask because, otherwise, a clean URL cannot be extracted, and thus the videos can't be converted to mp3 due to their privacy for listening on the go. In other words, when there is no URL link to the video's Vimeo page, it has to be watched/listened to on your blog (cannot be taken on the go), as far as I am aware at least. If anybody has any solutions to this, I'd appreciate it. I appreciate your time regardless, thank you!
  7. OK, I think everything that I feel was necessary to say has been said. I wish you all peace and love in this community. Please continue with the original discussion topic of Kriya Yoga
  8. @Outer Keep practicing Yoga or personal development or whatever, maybe you’ll get it one day. I think I see why Leo pushes Yoga over specific lifestyle changes now. I wish you peace.
  9. @Outer Ah, now you want hard-nosed evidence... I thought you knew more than me on the topic? You still haven’t answered my question of what you think dis-ease is. Just as with the evidence that Kriya Yoga can lead to a permenant awakening, detoxification and regeneration can be verified by yourself, if you choose. Oh yeah, and Dr. Morse has personally cured 200,000+ of his clients from everything from cancer to MS to ADHD across his 48+ years of clinical experience in naturopathy, mentored by the original giants of the field such as Dr. Bernard Jensen (father of modern Iridology Science), Dr. Norman W. Walker (Father of Juicing and Colon Health Awareness), among many other influences (e.g. Arnold Ehret, early 1900’s pioneer of the Mucusless Diet and Fasting Protocol). You can call Dr. Morse’s clinic in Port Charlotte Florida to verify their minimum success rate of 80% in curing all diseases with the more or less universal detoxification and regeneration protocol. It’d be a 99-100% success rate too if people knew about this knowledge first before the narcissistic hands of allopathic medicine got a hold of them with fear and destructive chemical suppressants, such as they did with this poor fellow who took drugs for 17 years. Just because you’ve never been exposed to this knowledge before, doesn’t mean it’s not true and cannot be backed up. I’ve verified the protocol in myself and in close friends and family with 100% succcess of curing their dis-eases. We live in a un-aware society. If you’re looking for scientific studies on its efficacy, good luck finding the same for Yoga to produce permenant awakenings. What do you expect?
  10. Bottom line: Likelihood Yoga itself will cure longstanding ADHD: unknown. (1-10% in my opinion) Likelihood Detoxification and Regeneration protocol will cure longstanding ADHD: 90-100%. Those are the facts. And I get flack for what again? Because I’m speaking in laymen terms of using the word “physical” so that another person of a different state of consciousness can understand a common sense argument, and because I’m pushing a healing modality which is practically guaranteed to cure ADHD (or any dis-ease for the matter, because all dis-ease is simply the body’s universal effort to remove stagnant lymphatic waste from the body, aka acids, which damage cells, and due to genetics, this may manifest in nerve cells getting the bite over stomach cells). What’s the entire human body? Cells and two fluids (blood and lymph). Clean the sewer system of your body (lymphatic system), and the body will complete what it’s always been trying to do: heal. Just trying to help but I see we’ve completely gotten lost in what’s real and lost sight of practicality.
  11. @Outer Do you know what dis-ease is? The essence of it? Sorry, but I’ve literally been pouring hours of thought, study, and research into the topic daily and consistently for nearly the past 5 years. Please, tell me what you know about it then? Perhaps I can learn something.
  12. @Leo Gura I agree, your level of consciousness dictates your lifestyle. That's precisely what I said with the analogy of the obese diabetic who practices Yoga, becomes more conscious, and sees how his past lifestyle led to his issues (or how his past level of consciousness led to his past lifestyle) and made necessary course adjustments. Maybe I did make an assumption about what you said, and for that, I do apologize if I did so. “Your diet is directly related to your state of consciousness.” —Dr. Robert Morse, N.D., Welcome New People - Q&A 327 - Ankylosing Spondylitis, MS, Cancer (0:57:21)
  13. @Leo Gura It may appear to be possible, but even something such as cancer has a physical cause. And ultimately it needs to be addressed on a physical level. In that case, perhaps the body was able to eliminate the damaged cells because of better thinking--I agree that the mind plays a powerful role in healing, but I'm not deluded to say that the mind is the only role in healing. Again, you make assumptions. The reality is, you don't know what my level of consciousness is at. Nor do I of you. Sure, maybe you're more conscious, great, but even enlightened people still struggle with health issues because they never address the root cause: their lifestyle (i.e. Mooji struggles with his health and weight). You can experiment and play mind games all you like with Yoga. But I guarantee you, a proper detoxification and regeneration protocol will heal your body completely and longterm in a way treatments cannot. I've seen it in the few I've coached personally, and in others who coached literally 1000's using the same principles as well with their people. Dr. Morse doesn't believe in physical reality either by the way. Who said I did too? I'd say, if I could, he may be even more conscious then you Mr. Enlightened one Haha, just having some fun here. Seriously though, I do wonder if Dr. Morse is enlightened? Just listen to the way he speaks and see the aura and feel the energy he gives off in person.
  14. @Leo Gura I don't know why you're defending Yoga when it comes to curing a man's ADHD which he's been battling with for 17 years... As I said, Yoga can be a great treatment for physical ailments, and it may be a tremendous practice for growing spiritually. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here Leo and defend Yoga for results it simply is not intended to produce. I actually think it's a bit irresponsible to claim that a treatment has the capacity to cure, when by definition, treatments cannot do that. Do you really believe you can reverse dis-eases by simply changing your mind about it? Improper use of the mind is in a sense the cause of dis-eases, because it can keep us in negative behavior patterns (i.e. chronically eating junk food). This advice is like telling an obese diabetic he can cure his issues by simply practicing Yoga each morning, without ever asking what is he putting into this mouth? Sure, he may feel better, and maybe some of his symptomologies will even improve in a measurable way as a result of Yoga, but his issues will generally always remain so long as his toxic lifestyle remains the same. You could argue that perhaps because of the Yoga he's becoming more conscious, and he can finally connect the dots between how his lifestyle directly impacts his body's health. So he then changes his diet, and as a consequence, loses the weight and is no longer diabetic. Yes I agree Yoga "caused" the changed in a sense, but still, he was obese and diabetic until after he changed his lifestyle consistently (i.e. what he eats). I don't know what else to say about it. You're assuming that I'm being too materialist, and it's an incorrect assumption at that. Please double check that you're not deluding yourself here. Can we agree you'd still be dis-eased (obese and with acne) if you didn't change your lifestyle, more specifically, focused on dietary changes?