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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. It does not matter, this is the argument to win your dads approval. I recommended martial arts to you, because I estimate that you are a gen alpha, meaning too much screen time, not enough socializing. Martial Arts makes you fitter and gives you better self esteem. It makes you more manly, which results in better options (fitness and good self esteem help too and training any martial give that to you as I said). It's one of the best sports young men can do, especially if mastered slowly on the side over one or two decades. Try it and see for yourself.
  2. G, you have a damn keen eye for an opportunity, haven't you?
  3. @Hibahere I see cheating not as an option. There are open relationships nowadays if you like that. And judging from me an my friends and men in my wider circle the vast majority of men are happy being monogam. Also most young men hardly get one women, let alone a second to cheat withm
  4. Because it might helps you with your autism. Being fit makes you overall more confident.
  5. that Wisconsin is cold like Siberia changed everything, I gotta go watch 'That 70s Show' for prep just kidding, but I think also that the best parts to move to are not the most obvious cities and states.. at least not necessarily
  6. We can team up, if you take a year or so. I play with the idea to go to the US myself.
  7. Maybe you should work on something else like doing sport before that? IDK when I was depressed I would propose the same goal and I led me further down the path when I should go out to socialize, work through problems and adress my fears head on... not to read another book.. To answer your question: go to bed one hour early with a book, put you phone charging somewhere else. You'll likely get tired earlier with this method. Just don't read too exiting things, stop after the hour. I remember reading instead of sleeping to be fresh for school or uni... hehe
  8. How many years of school are left? Can you ask you father that you want to sign up for martial arts? Two evenings a week is enough, it won't interfere with school. Wisconsin, I was never in the US, maybe somebody else can say something about Wisconsin, but it comes down to what you want. It's obviously not NYC, CHI or Cali, but I would estimate you pay less tax and living is much cheaper. If you get a job it it could be great to 'get on your feet', especially with your brother already being there. After 5 Years or so you can go whereever with money in the pocket and still being very young. But.. what is your brother doing for living? Good!! Keep going. It's common that it is a rough ride to get to sleep earlier. Takes a few days to 2 weeks. You'll be distracted from friends or parties, just come back to it. This is a long term goal, you have the time! The masturbation problem is also common. This also will be indirectly solved by doing some martial art. Regarding you autism, you are very likely to be able to train your social skills. This is a long term goal, like 5-10 years. You surely think like wtf.. but it won't solve itself over night and once your good you are still in your 20s and can coast on that success:):)
  9. Hey, I enjoy the discussing with you. I dont't see the forum help, it's just that more developed people tend to come here and then tend to go on to develop. Of course I don't know 100%... But it's very good possible to do stagnate or go backwards here. Especially if you expect to get lifted. On the bright side: Much fun, some a really good insight or link to a new book to get.
  10. It was the same here in Germany. Where do you grew up? People have to be educated on healthy food and nutrition. This is nuts. edit: The culture, you are perfectly sane:)
  11. We had this discussion lately. There are a lot of problems here. I (and maybe some other people) came to the conclusion that it's best to lead by good example than to point out bad things. Basically what you proposed.. working on ourselves. More consciousness. Do you mean different from normal society? For sure. Way better in many ways, but also many more unstable people in relative numbers. More extreme basically. Different (read better) from other Communities, who specialize on this Actualization? Depends on the Community.
  12. Just ask: "Why?". Why they are telling you this? Maybe they wanna see your reaction, their just honest or they are nuts - or all of it. Best long form respond is to hear them out and then make a well crafted joke about how absurd the situation is or something to bring the vibe back to party level.
  13. I need more, I don't understand why you went to russia to get a job earlier in the first place. Problems at home? Do you have a degree from your school or did you drop out? Are you above 18? What is you plan? Undeclared work?
  14. If don't do that no carb diet and know no one like it, so thank you for the insight. So gals who only drink iced coffee and and eat oreo judge your eating behaviour as bad? How ironic. Are this your friends? Well if you are an average women with average activity you tend to need less than a average man with greater height. I just try to figure it out what they think. Exactly. And it takes time. I see many women do the quick thing (eat almost nothing) then crash and eat shit and bounce between. Just eat healthy (there is a Leo vid for it) and do sport. After some years, the problem is solved.
  15. Why is that? Are you a refugee? Gimme some background Info
  16. @AndylizedAAY Ты можешь это сделать.