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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. Hello Omni, that piece of yours about micro thinking is useful. Thanks. The second Piece about 'How to work good enough' or 'How to balance work' is not about what i wrote. Example: You are in school in a subject, that you dislike and consider boring. You did literally everything to make it better - nothing helped. Your new goal is to pass with relative little effort. Now you have to write a essay which decides if you pass. You can make it a. just as good to pass with a 6 hours work or you can b. make it as good as possible with 1000 hours work. You choose b? What about your English course? No time left. What about eating? No time left. See the Problem? I try to get free time for longterm important things like thinking, meditating, doing nothing, strategizing or just relaxing. Besides - Excellence in everything is not economic. Now realise that I want just pass in lots of things. I want a technique that helps me pass the things that I have to do, but don't want to. I can't avoid them either. My Technique: - Organize it in Baby-steps - Brute Force That's it. I want to know if there is anything better.. SYY
  2. There are at least two sides. The other is: If a woman wants to have power over men with control over sex, then it is not good if an other woman give it away 'for free'. Think about that. ATTENTION Well, I think we have to distinguish between slut (girl, who sleeps with almost everyone and behave uncivilised) and a relative promiscuous girl (sleeps with some guys every now and then but is civilised) compared to the standart of sleeping with 2 or 4 guys in a LIFETIME. SYY
  3. It's okay to talk about fears. The fear of not want to grow up is very common, in my social circle. I said to myself as I turned 21, that I would see myself as a Adult at 25. No excuses any more. If it's really not regular then see a Professional. But I think you'll have allow to accept it. Give yourself time to grow. I embrace the process of aging. I'm excited to see body getting older (I'll be better and better due to my training) and of course i want to be as long as possible as healthy as possible. With modern medicine and knowledge you have the years from 20-60 as your prime in health and mind. And as a Bonus you get maybe 20-40 years as a Senior. If you make wise long range decisions, you'll age much less as the typical joe average, I promiss. But you'll age.
  4. Homeostasis and the feeling of a Training-Plateau is back. I tricked myself into thinking that I do growth, but instead I did achievement. In addition to what I wrote on Sunday I've decided to develope productive habits in lieu of some not so productive habits. These are: - Gossip. My strategy is to focus instead on a. my output or in a conversation on b. positive traits of my counterpart . - Coffee. My strategy is to drink green tea and eat a healthy meal (for example fresh vegetable and nuts) in the morning. - Smartphone. My strategy is to turn it of, if I don't use it. - Binge-Reading of useless Texts (=for example learn how the metro of the bigger cities of russia are build... while writing a report on my data-analsys). My Strategy is to read only for the sake of my life purpose (which includes work and studies) except some time in the morning and the evening. My life will change radical over the next months - I feel it. SYY
  5. Appendix: I realised that I got sloppy with the foundational work. That is: - Visualisation, Meditation - Basic Training like learning Vocabulary - Improve my martial arts profile - Go out into the woods to recharge - take some risks and not go for the low-hanging fruit... (yeah, I plan to game again) But, on the other Hand, I've talked myself into an Interview which could lead into a position from there I can build my dreams from. Well, maybe. For the Readers i add some good Videos, that are interesting for everyone. PEACE SYY
  6. Yeah. Been in a comparable situation some years ago there I thought that I that lost my 'freshness'. What I did? - Reframed (NLP) - Sport - Cut negative thoughts and people - took extra B12 and Vitamin D and improved my diet with fresh vegetables Do you know the Video of Leo about Depression? You have to get through you mental winter. I bet you can.
  7. I want to add that you can watch Tyler Durdens youtube Channel. He is all about frame control and being very positive - with excellent results!
  8. Comments to your Answers 1. This is a limiting believe. There are out there; If not at your class then at the campus. If not at the campus then in internet.. 2. Do you have a spiritual understanding of masculinity? Read 'The Way of Man', this'll give your study more depth. In short: Competition is the core of masculinity. 3. Fair enough.
  9. Thank you anyway. That is a very deep quote because it is so damn acurate! You think he has to do new styles of online teaching?
  10. Things shifted. Instead of what I thought that would be my sticking-point I realised that DELIVERY is my sticking point some days ago. I can write and craft the most detailed reports ever - but if now one reads them I won't reach my goal. Got an insight of what my career part of my life-purpose was the whole time: I want to be a negotiator or as you would call it in german: Unterhändler. This is someone who has a whide range of relationships, who brings people together to make business happen and knows reliable sources for goods. A negotiator is also to some degree an entrepreneur, as he invests in or starts new businesses. Literally everything I'd ever done fits know exactly and makes sense, that is how I frame it. I'd even make these activities in the past, without having a umbrella-term for this. What I need for this is - still - money and knowledge of accounting, delivery and what not else. FOCUS. SYY
  11. Leo teached us very useful and important concepts, techniques and insights. I think that seldom someone used the modern media in such effective a way for a special type of people (i can't stereotype 'us' in the forum, but my guess is, that 'we' as group may have more in common as leo as teacher). Leo is getting better and better because he trains the delivery! This is rather unique in this sector. If he goes on like this in the future, he may will achieve his live purpose to help a lot of people find their life purpose and ultimative change the world to the better. The bottom line is: If we win the game, he wins the game. Did he ever said what his book will be about?
  12. Hello. I'm no rapper with any commercial ambitions. To be true I'm not even a rapper who would release a song into the internet right now. Maybe i won't ever (but I released in the past). I can't help it: I'm drawn to write Rhymes and Rap in my leisure time. I wonder if anyone is practising rap too? My Routine: - Write every Day or every other Day 16 Bars - I Rap my favorite Songs (4-5 Songs in a row) The Benefits of Rap: - my Voice is more grounded - I developed a better sense for timing in normal conversations - it was a necessity to improve my breathing - more self aware SYY
  13. - Yeah, i think it is more complicated. Anyway, do you suggest that it is better to get laid often? And I don't think that cold approach is the golden way for a relationship - although it is good for getting laid. That again has some problem, too.
  14. @Spiral Hello.. You are about to explore are very rich field. Read 'David Deida - The Way of the Superior Man'. This book is way more open minded than the title suggests. Some Questions of mine: 1. I know straight girls with only guy friends. Why do you need guy friends in the first place? 2. What is your ideal of a masculine man? Many man talk about sex and pickup to show off - or even just for fun. But there are other man out there who don't do this. 3. Is what you say of men real or is it just a believe? For example: That 'talk about sex thing' is something that I observe everywhere - not exclusive in a circle of masculine men.
  15. Thank you. I freestyle sometimes for fun. There is a organized cypher in my town, that I would like to approach. I feel like this would be the next level, but it feels also like real work... so I tend to be lazy. Anyway.. the idea of building the vokabulary is gold. Anygma is good. I guess the Phillipines were highly influenced by the culture of the USA. I like that; there is, for example, no chinese rapper that i would like. Yes. I read the Book 'How to Rap' and the things you wrote about are on my plate. Do you practise in group or cypher? edit: I forgot to give you guys my favorite adress for mixtapes or beattapes.. I really which i would had this adress earlier: datpiff(dot)com
  16. I'm no stranger to this. In Highschool we had a game there we would approach strangers to get the most positive reaction. For example we would wait at the trainstation and ask business-man to give us a hug. What you write about is indeed good training.
  17. Is it different from 'normal' synthetic magnesium? You take many suplements, that I don't know. What is you experience? I guess it is good, because otherwise you wouldn't take them. I philosophered about my diet and came to the conclusion that I would eat very different if I'd earn twice as much as I earn now. I would make very expensive smoothies with different berries... My Question is: Is your diet relative to your income expensive? I, for example, spend 1/4 of my income for food and supplements. voir plus haut SYY
  18. Magnesium, B2, B6, B12, D, Omega 3, E. I take this with fresh lemon juice in water.. Result: More Energy, less tired and more healthy in general.. 3 Months so far.
  19. You have to make this decision for yourself. Peace.
  20. Done Hatha Yoga for 7 years before i quit to practise kung fu full time. Some benefits: - i breath better (=deeper) - more calm, more sensitive, more conscious, more positive - more streched than ever before
  21. As someone who had very much fear of rejection I can't give you credit for this 'quick-fix' method. If you would say: Do this over the course of several months I would be cool with that. My way (which can be different from your way) was like this: - Meet people, Reflect, Meet people, Reflect, Talk about the experience with a psychotherapist, started a yoga class(...) It took me about 3 years (!!!!!!!!!!!) to be at the level that i would consider as normal like ask for time or chat with elders. I KNOW this is not a thing that you normally can fix in one day.
  22. If someone would ask me "Should I drink alcohol every day or nothing at all?", and there would be no alternative but every day or never, I would answer "nothing at all". I would generally say that drinking every day or every other day is a fool-proof way to get a miserable life. But let us go into more detail. A Man in his late Twenties... a. ...he does Sport 4 times a week and meditates every morning. His diet is rich on Protein and green Vegetables. b. ...he does no sport at all and has never meditated. His diet is rich on processed food and sugar. 1. Assume that in both cases he would two drink 2 glass of wine on 2-3 days a week. Which version would be, generally speaking, better off on the base of the given informationen? 2. Assume he would drink nothing at all. Which version would be, generally speaking, better off on the base of the given informationen? Do you get what i try to say? Alcohol isn't number 1 important, unless you are someone who drinks a lot every evening. Or you are someone who wants high level performance like body builders. Wouldn't it be better to drink nothing at all? Wouldn't be version a2 the best possible alternative? WE DON'T KNOW. I think it is more like a trade. You drink some wine at a party to enjoy to get drunk and have fun, but you pay this a little physical health. Is it that worth? You decide. But also, in general, people drink to much. And I don't talk about the people who drink really much, but the normal good functioning citizen, who drinks every evening his drink. I say this as someone who quits drinking for some months every year (my version of ramadan) and likes to drink redwine. My guess is that it'll wears naturally out like my cigarette habit.
  23. The Tao of Wu explains practical spiritual Day to Day life on the background of the rise of the Wu-Tang Clan. Don't dismiss this as shallow literature, because it isn't. Content? For example RZA's enlightenment that brought 'The Clan' together and saved Method Mans life, but also the teaching of the Nation of Gods and Earth (which claims to be not a Religion, but rather a Science of life). Who should read it? Fans of Rap and Wu Tang especially.
  24. @vibrate lol. How can you say it's only a toy if you earn money (i guess it's you job) or reputation from FB?