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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. Call it ideology or gut reaction, it's almost the same. You can be 100% ok with something and not wanting it. I am ok with macbooks, but it don't want one.
  2. Good you asked! Being a Homophobe means to hate homosexuals. I'd draw the by hate. Of course that's sometimes hard to say, but in a case where someone seeks advice it's fairly probable that he is respectful.
  3. Then we agree on the assessment of that subgroup. NICE!
  4. No, he needs definetely not. But he CAN consider it w/o shame. It's a pretty low bar I argue for.
  5. To make my point more concise: Proclaiming being Non-Binary is the equivalent like voluntaring being drafted in the culture war for one side. @Mada_ - do you want that? Because - I don't. In 20 year people will laugh about how they acted in their youth while living like their parents - lol
  6. NON-BINARY - with the discussion I realized it could mean ANYTHING and to me it's cool that people want it their way. But I don't get the need for a label (as they are so diverse that Non-B. could mean ANYTHING). Just live like you want. Maybe get better friends, draw boundaries. Everything cool. No neey for Ideology. I don't get this: Everyone ELSE has to comply (pronouns, validate their Indentity etc.) by their COMMAND, and then they are baffled that other people react stubborn for being forced. It's like if I go to another family to eat and say I'm a vegan, you need to respect that, only vegan food allowed where I am at and I tell you why you are wrong for eating food. Blabla. But then don't act surprised if less and less people want to associate. Not to mention ultra conservatives to whom that all is an banzai attack on their values. It's tactically and strategically as backwards and inefficient as possible to me.
  7. 1. I don't think that the majority of progressive women as I understand it are non-binary. To say finally yes or no I would need to make way more detailed definitions. 2. Why subscribe even to this Ideology? Seems indirect, like you could do it without anyone noticing if the GF in question is so female. Your wrote it here: 3. What if I (OP) just doesn't want the Ideology? 4. I don't see any logic bringing you from all the statements of you to the conclusion: Not wanting to be in a Relationship with a non-binary makes some equivalent of being homophob - double lol. Edit: Talking about a intimate Relationship, not friends. Consider I already went through this contemplation and I know exactly what I am;) I met the first Trans Person in 2009 and I was in very progressive circles. Only thing what baffles me: EXACTLY what we discussed THEN is now mainstream discussion. From Trans, to vegan, to environment, pragmatic masculinity, more respectful work environment... Wouldn't EVER dared to dream THAT happen!!! So many good societal developments overall in the last 10-15 years. An still, sometimes the discussion goes over board and is just not leading to benefitial goals, but big resent. I'm not a person with no exposure "don't liking the ideology", I've seen it in action. I was there. You don't need to believe me. Maybe it's different from the pasts experience. I don't really care what persons do in privat, as long as no one gets blamed for not wanting what they have NOT signed up for.
  8. Martial Art class. Convince whoever tha you wanna try it.
  9. You said it better than I ever could. I praise your post, it's a great problem. What is the logic behind it? You can be positive towards transpeople without wanting to date them.
  10. 1. If you stay, you sign up statistically for a whole bunch of problems down the road. Not pro or con, just be clear about that. 2. Could it be that she is young and just tries stuff out? 3. The metaphysic of you two seems to be very different. It'll lead to a bunch of problems if that is true. 4. Is she other than that statement based in reality? STEM education? Mentally stable? Physically healthy? Answer these questions and listen to your gut again;)
  11. Yeah, that's true.
  12. I guess we have to learn to live with it. And sometimes a conspiracy theory proved to be true, for example last year I was looking down the edge of our flat earth, I would not believe it before I saw it with my own two eyes.
  13. You can't change anyone, you can only make them aware. Regarding your proposition of refering to them as children. This will yield the opposite of what you want. I tell you, we need *Sociotherapy*. Think about THE PROBLEM as a Family. Mom is a Vaxxer, Dad not.You are the child. You side with your mom to guilttrip your dad to change him. He gets angry and more stubborn. Normal life becomes a torture - all the fighting. Over shit that's through. Did you saw such a constelation work out? EVER? It's fundamentally disrespectful and THATS WHY IT WONT WORK AT ALL even though one side might be right. And BTW I'm on you side, G. See, it's dificult. You need to be strategic to make dad aware. Maybe he had a bad exp. with needles?
  14. G, but now you expect them to be rational after their emotions brought 'em to a problematic decisions? Let them loose their face (is there such an saying in english??? == loose your good reputation) and drove 'em further down. You don't need to say their where somehow right on vaxxing in general or C faux. I they push, push back for what you believe in. Let us crush the numbers and discuss what they say. Let us not us 'em as weapons to silence who we happen to dislike. One time you could sit on the other side of the table. Live and let live. G, I think we need Soziotherapy (societal pendant to Psychology) to process all these repressed neuroses. I think about researching it.
  15. @Schizophonia go figure, but not with me *blocked*
  16. YES!! You FINALLY came to the conclusion everyone wanted you to have have. No work on understanding, everyones cool, and we can all move on. EDIT. BTW if you keep going ALONG this lines I block you and I would IN THAT CASE anyone reading advice to do it as well. I am just one person, but maybe others already came to the same conclusion while never saying it. Think about it. Or we call it a day and we remain in ever growing respect to each other. Choose your path.
  17. Would never argue against that, I vaxxed too. The problem is now we can't prove that the vax was the way out or if the virus would have faded in harm. Anti-Vaxxers jump at the opportunity, largely because their running on faith and emotion. One had to decide in 2021: IF estimated people saved by vax > estimated people die by vax. Do it. ELSE. Do not. You know what my conclusion was and what I would have recommended to other people: Vax. We can talk a lot about it, if you want. I have a lot of nuances. lol, had you ever a fight with your romantic partner? You can be 100% right and still lose. You can't just strongarm people into doing x and expect them to love that, even though it might be better for them.
  18. Good that you are in peace with that, I was questioning myself the same things as @Emerald . If you know what you want in life, nobody can make you feel bad to comply to whatever standard. I like it, when people are original.
  19. Imagine that I'm satisfied with my response, a creative text and a damn fine meme. Everyone laughed. What is the problem if I don't anwer your Question?