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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. If that is true wouldn't that be a threat to Orange and Blue and - at worst - result in a Backlash? Edit: I've observed a strange mix of Blue and Green in my area (Germany), which is quite hostile to Orange and other Blue. It skips Orange, which results in personal and group chaos
  2. Think about Godfather 3: "Just as I thought that I was out they pull me back in!" Yellow won't fight. But will premature Green recognize Yellow as Yellow? I foresee that they will picture it as Orange. This'll be a Problem. @remember That is what I talk about! But it could be a Bias of yours that makes you encounter all the Yellow person in your area. If have certainly experienced that in the past in Green an it had a destructive effect.
  3. Right. Orange-Yellow can be a trap. I meant not my Individual Yellow but a whole Group of Yellow Individuals. How would a Yellow Group operate in this culture war? So Green will push against Yellow? That would be less than fighting. Culture War => Culture Debate ?
  4. You describe culture war. In the future we might see a raise in Numbers of Individuals in Yellow. Will Green fight Yellow and continue the culture war?
  5. 1. So a shadow hates generally other things at it's own stage? 2. Is it generally a downcast, so you are at Orange and your Shadow is Blue or could you be Orange and your Shadow is Green?
  6. There is a Concept like that in the Hagakure as well. So you have the choice to stay silent or resonate more with people. This is anyway something I would like to be good at. Interesting... I have to think about that
  7. EDIT: THANK YOU, MOD I feel that there is a huge social component to the Path Actualization. It is easy to offend people without the Intention to do that as someone who is on the Path of Actualization. People get the Impression that you want to be better than them, which makes them insecure. They get offended and act to get you down on their level. Should one be bold? Or should one hide one's light under a bushel? Or should one act diplomatic? I know this is a Question that can't be answered once for all occasions, but what do you think?
  8. I ain't no preacher or something. This happened often in my family as I ate more healthy food. It was a bad diet - really nasty - with lots of fast food. I wasn't looking for trouble at christmas. People asked me and I would answer. It's not something that happens every day all day. Nowadays I usually stay silent about these things, unless I think it is time to start trouble because it will start a positive process. Especially in public I am friendly as fuck. I guess that would be a 48 Laws of Power like Tactic: Tell them what they want to hear -- damn, I think it is really a Law like that in that particular book.
  9. Even if English is not your native tongue you should try to format your text. Take the damn time to write precisely. I don't know you, but from the text I would guess that you are not focused at all. You want to meditate, you have problems within your family AND want to be perfect. No wonder to me that you have no energy. My recommendations: 1. Pomodoro-Technique, 2. Exercising between long blocks of study, 3. eat enough, 4. (If you do) less alcohol, drug nicotine and coffeine
  10. I hate all this Attitude. Everyone likes to think of himself as clever. But look at how people interact and create results. It's sad. It is not only about IQ, but what you do with it. I bet you could be a good Scientist with a slightly above average IQ if you put in the work. Edit: On Healthcare... I think it would be cool if everyone could have Healthcare. Who would pay it? But in Germany we have Health Care. Our best doctors go to England or in whatever country pays better. I am still an Advocate of personal responsibility, but yeah it's nice to see a doctor if you need to 'for free'. But really it ain't free. Be sure: We pay a lot in taxes for it. A lot. I dislike Bernie Sanders as a Person. If he would win god know who the blue americans would vote next. This time we got Trump. Next Time?? There will be a big ego backlash, because it is against the tradition of half of the population
  11. @Aeris@Joseph Maynor CONTEXT: I took something that Aeris wrote one side ago, because I considered it more interesting. IQ is a interesting Thing to consider. In Germany, were I'm from, we have an Average of 104 IQ Points with a Standard Deviation of 15. Rougly 68% of the Population are within that range (89-119iqp) . 95% of the Population are within 2 Standart Deviations (74-134 iqp). Everything <70 is considered to be a handycap. Suppose IQ is real. Suppose further you have an IQ of 130. You would like to associate with people +-10 Points. Less and they can't follow, more and you can't follow. A normal Person with 104IQ would be stupid in relation to a Person with an IQ of 130. A 'still normal' Person with an IQ of 90 would be not bearable to you. To be sure: Most of the People are not that bright as you if you are 130. You would be in the top 5 %. I don't think many here are around 130. But even if many were around 130 - who cares if they don't make an Inpact?
  12. I went to a new Barber Shop today to get my beard shaved (just look at my picture, lol). Had a conversation with a young Barber at Stage Red. He's into debt (or tells that to get more tip). I didn't met such a person for a while. Rude, Arrogant and Cocky - but cool and sympathetic as well. Puts my struggle into Perspective. I used to hang out with a lot reddish people. Now I'm a little bit grateful for the Orange/Green people that I have. Do you feel it?
  13. Legit. Take your time:) Yeah, its easy to forget where one is coming from && its even easier to see the flaws of another person Like Lord Jamar said: Some people take pride in being ignorant. But for the record I'm not that far into Spirituality at the moment. I vaguely like the daoist tradition, paganism and feng shui. But I read satanists like La Vey or Christians like Anselm Grün. How can this not fuck up people? Everyone would think that can't be a match. But I don't care as long as I feel it what?
  14. I just discovered another Technique. Instead of saying this is wrong, do that! You ask Questions. This is good for Situation there you can't be blunt or the Person is not ready.
  15. My Problem is not that I want to discuss something, people come to me. You see? And I talk not about Spirituality to them. Just the Basics, really Stage Orange or Green Methods like 'This is your Problem? Do that Method or read that Book' or 'Try some Yoga'. Or, I should say, Basics for me. I think one has to slow down. As I think about it, it gets worse if I'm in a hurry like these days, I think a trigger at the right time is necessary.. there is even a Buddhist Sect who blames his (more developed) Students purpossfully out of the blue to get them to Enlightenment. It's a method to destroy the Ego's Defense. I don't want to listen all day like a wise man or something (cus' I have to learn myself), I need peers..
  16. Thanks for the responses. The more shorter Truism from Truth Adict and Omni made me feel angry. I think it is more difficult. Joseph Maynors Answer resonated with me. It's about interpersonal development work. XYZ is right by saying that you can't make it right for everyone every time. Elham maybe you are right;D I think you are exactly right. If you tried all you can, you are done.
  17. Do you want to talk about the process of integrating yellow? The struggles? You are welcome. I look for yellow people who are willing to exchange insights about the experience:):) Introduction. I study the Spiral Dynamics videos. Read an additional book. From what I gather I'm at entry yellow. I get pulled back into lesser stages... Or is this already spiral wizardry? I think not. It is not helpful to integrate yellow fully. I want mindfulness, mastery and awareness. I value my social and economic environment and aim to help. But it's no longer self-destructive. I want to be a better spiral wizard. There are not many people in yellow to talk to as equals, but I found maybe a new friend lately. At university are many yellow people, even though they are the teachers - so I can't be equal with them within the system... But what about my old friends, who are stuck in Orange or early Green? We may have nothing in common in 2 years. It starts already. What about family? What about work? Do you guys experience the same? Feel free to tell anecdotes:)
  18. @Your place at Heart Thank you for sharing this video:) I learn Chinese for 2 semesters, but I had too much going on with the exam. Time to start a habit!
  19. @Shroomdoctor Yes, this legit. But I would suggest you practice more in everyday life. As you know attraction means not necessary hook up. To get quick rapport with people can be an important skill. And it is based on your good reputation. So I would suggest you do everything to be not associated as 'the pick-up guy'. Unless you feel very confident and want to deal with confrontational people... Who judge you based on a buzzword I feel we are basically on the same side:)
  20. @Shroomdoctor I've never been a friend to cold-approach (day or night). It's scary and highly (!) ineffective. Let me show you. Let us take a PUA. We take 3 Variables: IQ, Spiral-Dynamics-Stage, Spiritual: Yes/No. It would be desired that her and your values roughly match. Pua: IQ: 120, SDS: Green, Spiritual: yes The population has: IQ 120 +/- 10: ~12,5%, SDS: Green: 15 %, Spiritual: yes: we have no number but I would guess less than 15% Let's assume that intelligence and green correlate for the sake of the argument. You then got at best 12,5% girls in the goldy locks zone. You get 4 percent a close if you stay like this: 12,5 / 00.4: 0,5%. 0,5% of the women are desired AND respond to you. But you don't know who the undesired are - and you got 4 closes by 100 numbers... The good women are maybe the most uninteresting girls on the street. And we'are on even in the dangers of dating like STDs or Drama. I think it's also likely that lower stage women respond to pick up better. I think it is true to say that cold approach is a highly bad technique. If you go to a gathering of a subject of your interest you will improve your odds madly. Give up on Pick Up will also help. @Hello from Russia Word. @SFRL You wrote it. It's hard at the moment to get up and say the truth, but it's even harder to live a lie. But in PU it depends highly on your approach (mindset, not technique). With the wrong mindset, you do double down on a wrong path...
  21. @Serotoninluv Yeah, I already had to acknowledge that no one is really that rational. And yes, I would say that I had many direct post-rational experiences. You go through streets you've seen a thousand times, but suddenly there is magic in everything. You are right. I experienced that chemistry example quite often and I wrote on one experience in another thread. Maybe you gathered it from there?:) Being with her was like spiritual yoga... 2 hours were gone in the wink of an eye. I fucked it up, though. Everyone wanted to know how it is to be with her. This brought me out of the moment. It was not like I wanted her for myself (ok, a little), but it was that talking destroyed everything. Now, this is what you call post-rational, aren't you?
  22. I did and didn't understand it more than what I showed. I think I need books and experience to go any further. Is this common in this journey? Because I think it is. I passed many lesser points of no return and it was just like you described it.
  23. @Serotoninluv You made some interesting points. Do you have some literature or videos to go deeper (honestly)? And... If you are enlighted... how can you know that you are not just insane? I mean you can achieve higher states of consciousness through meditation, psychedelics, and yoga. But can it be that we are as an ego just too limited to awake fully? And is that even necessary? If you are yellow with a little purpose you have already almost now one that can relate to you. What can you do to help others find the way? I see no way in the current society to live without a materialist mindset. At all. You can do what you want at home. But as soon as you go out - it's done. So even if you are right in everything.... why the fuck should be anyone impressed? I guess I have to find an enlightened master in real life...
  24. There was this beautiful girl I dated, people on the street watch her in awe. She had to go usually early. In this case, I could not sleep all night. One time was like that: I read one book to the end. Grabbed the next. Decided to go jogging and run 1+ hour straight (which I don't do usually). Cleaned the whole flat... The odd thing was that I wasn't in love. It was more like I received mass tons of energy from her. Pure magic. I think the lesson is that life is precious. Sounds basic, but I deeply understand it at that time. She was chaotic, fun and good to have around. Do you know Momo from Michael Ende? Like that. She was friends with my roommate...