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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. Yesterday I wrote, today I can acknowledge that, about repressed Energy in my Past. There is still a lot in my daily life. Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow -- all the same: Everyone around me has to repress their Energy to get bread, life a cushy life. I understand that it is sometimes very necessary to get your Energy in check and that's a healthy part of Development of Society. Its a Dialectic. Then there are advocates of the Status Quo. Then there is the Wind change, represented by the People who have repressed Energy. Look at the George Floyd Riots and how they where caused. The Rioters fight for a change, using that which was once repressed Energy. The Police Officer killed that man for nothing, which was also usage of repressed Energy. We see creative Destruction and hopefully the USA learns finally a lessons and reforms it state and people. Repressed Energy - or as you might say repressed Self. Somethings happens, you want to say 'This is stupid' but you think 'Nah, I can't say that because that Person could cause trouble in career' or 'Nah, I shut the fuck up because I don't want to get caught in this shit'. While there is value as this concealing can be part of a greater Strategy, I think that is no way to life your life. That is the Definition of Wage Slave Life: You can't Do, Talk and maybe Think as you wish. You can strive for a better World because you are addicted to the cushy life of the current World. Something like that.
  2. Finally I bought that ominous 'Life Purpose Course'. Last time I wrote in this section in January 2018 (I looked it up). Things done changed me. The Path is a circle where I'm always back where I started - just on a higher level. As I write this I come to the Conclusion that this might be a good sign, an enabling the faculty to look on the same old Events from a new, fresh Perspective. I feel alive. Currently I am 29. I worked through a lot of shit in my life and I feel privileged that I'm at this point - because some of my friends are not. I went to the School of hard knocks, always hacking around, and experienced so much failure that I was forced create a proto-Vision to get through this. It was like 'get through this, away from something'. The Bible (I am not a Christian) says on one Point something like 'The last will be first' and I come to the conclusion that this is at least true for me. I was the last in many regards. Overweight. Lazy. Sarcastic Worldview. Socially Awkward, but perceived as Arrogant - you get the Picture. Now I work towards something Great. If I can do it, many other can do it. I hope this will inspire others!! Another Bible Verse says very vividly what it feels like to grew up (I really not a Christian, lol): ' I walked through the Valley of Shadow and Death'. There was no Hope, just live your life and distract yourself from all the shit. The Adults were soulless wageslaves, although I did not knew the word 'wageslave' I felt how bad of a Situation this was. Work in a meaningless Job for 40 years, do basically nothing really relevant and then retire and die regretting all that shit. I would not ever be this way. The other Children were as clueless as I was. And the young Adults who already worked or studied said 'You are lucky to be in school, that was the best time in my life'. This Phrase make me think real hard, because if this time in School would be the best as it would be... why even life on? Nah. But I even as I was really depressed (I would be really depressed in the years to come) I always sensed that there was something good in Life. If this reads a little bit melancholic it is because it was the feeling of that time. Things done changed me, but some Questions remained the same. How can I live a different live? How can I be successful in my unique Way? How can I change all the bad stuff I experienced above for future Generations? That's it for this time.
  3. This is a very important Question. Here are my Answer that at least worked for me. Firstly you have to check how this drudgery will advance you. If it does, don't fight it. Example Szenario: Lets say the Drudgery is a very, very stupid Assignment in University, something that hurts you almost physically doing it because it's so backwards and a Teacher gets paid a lot money to teach this shit (h makes you angry because it probably make the students more stupid than they were before), but you have to earn that Degree before you can work in your Field AND you have to take that Course. So you bite the Bullet and just do it, because fighting this is just a Distraction. As you can see from my example I've encountered that problem a lot in University, lol. I would discuss how this makes no sense, but in School or a deadend Job it more about you bending to the will of others than about achieving something great (maybe I was too naive^^). Put in your Example and your irrational feelings... CONCLUSION => Bend to the will of others for now, do the Drudgery, but work secretly towards your purpose. Then it depends on how you frame it emotionally to yourself. Put any drudgery in the service of some purpose and it becomes work that brings you to your purpose. That means you create a reminder of your purpose, that makes you feel that you work TOWARDS something. Example Thoughts: 'Ok, fuck it. I do this work to get this money to build my passion. It may take years and I have to run and struggle but some day I can break free if I follow this plan'.
  4. @heisenburger Good! What of it is it?
  5. Hey, I have this problem as well. I choosed the one big thing, that will impact my life the most, and I have 2 side goals that will support my vision and my primary goal. But the ladder 2 are not as much on the focus. The diffculty kicks in if you strieve to stick for it for any significant time AND want to see results. This where I struggle big. Think about what is lucrative and what you enjoy. Also think about basic things like how to pay the bills down the road. Peace
  6. There are no special tips besides what you already wrote: Don't skip exercises, learn systematic and find a good mentor. I know from my own practice that it can be hard to stay on track all the time, but notice it is better to do it 6 days a week than 1 day a month. See: A lot of people try to motivate themselves by setting extreme standards: 'I do this every day for 3 hours straight, no Break! I gonna be the BEST!!!' So they sprint ahead to fall behind quickly because they give no rest to their mind and body - and then they tend to drop out. As a student you have the task to balance between work and rest - but so that you don't kid yourself and be like 'aaah one hour of practice is still ok this week because work was so intense'.
  7. I think lot of people get the teachings 'wrong' like the OP. Nothing is applicable for everyone to the same degree. Many people here seem to dedicate themself to spirituality just to realise that they skipped stages. Sad but true: One has to be extra conscious with the major decisions in ones own life instead of following the leader wherever he says. @stretch cool that you are brave enough to talk about that. I think its a big problem with intermediate Students
  8. - Deciding to not care about anything and pass everything in school or university slightly about average while doing very little work - smoke Weed almost every day from 19 to 22 - thought that I was not smart at all, because everyone thought other than me.. in fact my heuristics are pretty neat and a lot of people are rather sloppy
  9. After learning for some hours I went out to get some sunlight. Even though Corona is there, I saw are a lot of beggars, junkies and deposit collectors (we in Germany have deposit on bottles and cans, so poor people collect the bottle in the trash or on the street to earn a little money). I realized that they a. have no other choice than to hustle and b. they are not conscious enough to prepare (even if they have at least some money) because they have been survival mode 24/7 like forever. I thought about what is likely to happen to the poor and weak if my Considerations will turn out true, namely that we will face a major global crisis due to our sick financial-political-corporate corrupt system. Everyone will have less money. I think that a lot of the poor will struggle hard but stay calm (because they sadly believe they can't make a difference whatsoever) and wait for the state to help them out. But a significant minority will turn to crime to survive - which is quite understandable but not a good perspective. This will fuel a 'Law & Order' Mentality, which has very poor Outcomes. Just look at the incarnation incarceration-rate in the US after the Reagan Administration (I believe) in a 30 year chart. There are more people in jail than EVER before.. War on Drugs.. you gotta kidding me.. it ain't working. But some people will strongly believe this and will advocate this if we face a lot of crime. What I ask you: What can one do to make it better for the poor? This is one thing which will determine to some degree if society x will turn to a more conscious state or regress into us versus them. So it is highly significant. As the Title says: Blue or Green.
  10. Right, RendHeaven. I wanted to post about the same thing. You have to discuss deeply to see if someone is yellow. It is likely that they want to hear as much views as possible without labeling them as good or bad. But! Thats only if they can do it because: normal life it'll be expected to judge quickly
  11. Maybe, but also many people think that. That means IF you get through to some key people its easier. Dude, I know what you feel. My goal is to get to a point where I'm skilled enough so that I don't have to play along with this bullshit.
  12. @brugluiz On the one Hand is UBI a great Idea, but on the other hand problematic. Great: Everyone has Food, Shelter and a lttile more materialistic luxus. You can't get blackmailed with your job. Problematic: Inflation of prices over time, thus UBI is the new 0. For some people it'll be better to live on UBI than to work and pursue higher Ideals. Someone has to earn it. You have to have strict Immigration Laws or anyone comes in your country. Education, Ruthlessness, Mastery and Heritagw will be the new devider (it is already, but we meausure with money)
  13. @Average Investor Thanks again. I have a vacation for 2 weeks beginning friday evening. I'll refresh, plan, learn and meditate and spend quite a bit of time to research into this kind of side hustle. After that time I'll know if I do it and if yes what I want to sell specificly. That's the plan. I'll report then because I don't want to go Online to the forum in that period of time(too distracting;) )
  14. @Hardkill What is your qualification? You need no special Oneliner or so, just go and ask them. Go to new stores and ask no matter if they said they search employees. Maybe you think about why you need that job and tell them that. Sometimes you need to be very persistent (like waiting 1 hour to get to the manager or apply for 15 more jobs). With Corona it is unlikely to get a job, but after that it's, like someone here said, just a mindset issues. You can do it!
  15. There are many things you can do. I send you a short list with book recommendations. - I would recommend also that you learn HTML, CSS and a little Javascript, so that you can build your own Website to learn (if you don't already did this). - Learn Python; I don't know it yet, but many masters think this is one of the best languages for beginners - use BASH / Powershell / Command Prompt (there are plenty Tutorials, just google them)
  16. @StarStruck Sounds great to me! Just be sure to watch your health, my friend. It's not easy in the Industry.
  17. @Chumbimba thanks for the recognition, how are you doing? Let me answer that from my perspective as a software developer (and with colleagues who are consultants) one can be as stressful as the other you experience lots of time where you feel stupid and nothing works in both area consultants tend to be more social, but don't trick yourself: you are dealing thing shy unsocial programmers, the customer and a generally a shit ton of people ==> that's hard work and you are constantly fighting to get your work recognitioned But you are right that you can learn programming afterwards. I would say it is a subjective decision. But here in Europe you don't need even a degree to get a okay job, and then you can work your way up to 40, 50, 60 or more thousand a year. I don't know what it is like in us-america
  18. @Average Investor Thanks a lot. I focussed on Programming for 2 years 100 % and now is room to build a second income source. The Danger is that you code 12 hours every day (I like beeing on the computer) and health and conscious work tends to go down. For 6 hours/5 days a week is effective and healthy. In the rest of the time I do hustle, work that is more mundane (if you will) and I mean mundane in a positive way. I think I'll buy a book with a listing of valueable books that I'll want to buy (lol)
  19. @Monika how much time it will cost
  20. Investment brings us monetary gain and Meditation (etc.) spiritual gain. I argue that could work together like clockwork. On the one Hand one can pursue Enlightenment in any circumstances, but on the other hand it's tend to be easier with money (thus freedom) and on the third hand one can invest into companies that help to raise consciousness (yes, they exist). What do you think: Should one invest while pursuing Awakening or not? I think it is critical to invest in the 'conscious future' whenever we buy something (or at least more often )
  21. Thanks for you useful and kind reply. That I gathered: use whatever platform seems to work even dvds can bring money - search for the not obvious items develop a great knowledge of the marketplace Yes, I do Software Development as a Rookie and I earn good money with the perspective of yearly raises. The problem is that: The more you get absorbed into this domain the less you tend to care about consciousness work. In my Mind is it more clever to work dedicated, but not the crazy overtime like some colleagues of like 60+ overs a week in total. It is a lot and I possible that I won't be able to maintain it over a long time. My overall goal is to be a good programmer - but I want a secondary and tertiary hustle for safety and variety. Like that: Income = Programming (70%) + Hustle 2 (20%) + Hustle 3 (10%). So I need only 3 Hustles to 'make it'. I want to work now while I'm still relatively young to have a more and more time for politics and conscious work when I get older. Programming is really valuable, but I feel that there will be a change in a few years in the industry and it is possible that the low-level self taught programmers won't be needed any more. I want to be financially prepared and have alternatives at hand. Plus I feel more alive when I'm my own boss:) I really thought about buying valuable books, because I read a lot and there are many books that don't exist in digital form yet.
  22. @Average Investor My goal is to have a Sidehustle that makes around 200€ a Month. I think after the first corona hype and before another crash will be the time buy relatively cheap. This is the chance for so many things. I think I'll experiment this 3-5 Hustles and one of them will be 'buy low, sell with profit' in your Style. I want to buy Stocks, get a little Sidejob and learn more programming with the perspective to freelance. And I have my Dayjob as a Software Developer. Which platforms do you use to sell?
  23. No, I'm in Europe. No, I want to buy & sell in general as a side hustle. I have a regular 9 to 5 but I want to have multiple sources of income (3-5) in the future. Great Advice. Is it true that this work needs a lot of working? I thought that way the last time. Any time you sell a new thing you have to learn what it does and how much people want to pay for it. I would put a price on a thing and wait if someone would buy it within a few days. Then I would go lower and lower. I could do that strategy because I got those stuff cheap or for free and I needed money to pay the rent. So I did like 200€ with 5€-50€ items.