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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. Or maybe it's more a Thing of 'we don't knew what we had until we lost it'.
  2. I see what you mean and at least in my City that is ermerging. Pseudoart Architecture. What I wanted to express is maybe better phrased like this: There will come something new, that has a spirit like Jugendstil, Fachwerk (...) had possessed back then when it was fresh. I don't want to bring it quite to the level of the uneducated statement of 'that is not art to me' but when I look at modern high-artistic Buildings, but there is a Kernel of Truth in that. There are a lot of dead ends and that is ok. But they are Dead Ends. Of course that won't mean AT ALL a uncritical Encouragement of 'back to Value of the Past'. It's about the Spirit, the translation of the spirit into modern times. At least to me as an Observant.
  3. I would argue that this is not about egoic preferences but about basic nourishment of the Soul. There is a reason why in many cities the old houses and old parts of town are the most expensive and the place to be. There is a Spirit in 100+ Years Old Houese. But these Houses even had Soul (I think) as they were just build. Almost everyone in the first World gets housing, but not good soul nourishment from it. I understand we have to sacrifice this higher value. But once Wealth is greater people will build modern Houses with Artistic Finesse like, for Example, in Gothic or Jugendstil.
  4. Actually I've studied Bauhaus in School very detailed, but from an technical Standpoint, not a philosophical Standpoint. If that's the Spirit of Bauhaus, we weren't taught about it. I remember that Bauhaus should be a Tabula Rasa and 'Form follows Function'. I very much dislike the sterile Type of modern Building that descended from that. There is no Soul, not spark of Genius to feel even though many Inventions may be Great. It's like those Houses tell me: You are just a Number, you fulfill a Function. You live in me, but when you leave you have to paint the Walls in White, repair all the Damage you made and it's like you never where here. Even your Spirit has will be cleaned out.
  5. You are right. This is something one would have to explore in Order to make it more accessible for people from Non-Christian background. I did not thought about this, but it is something that would keep certain people out.
  6. I meant Cathedral as a metaphor. Do you think that you can set up a System and let it run without Updates or without renovate it from time to time? What is with Security, it need to be protected from Corruption. This is at least relatively high cost, high maintenance and massive, but flexible, fluid and perhaps decentralized. The last point would make it more costly and high in maintenance. Not necessary all of that, but I find this a good Ideal. For Example Wikipedia is kind of Yellow. It's Scalable, Decentralized and Self-Organizing and Lightweight. It's not perfect because one man hold all the power, but it works exceptionally well All the Systems that has to be in Place in Order to Update an Article... You can change a Article, yes, but someone will read you Changes and after some Minutes it's back to normal. You would need to wove you false Information artistically into an Article and for that you would need to have tremendous Background on that Topic and on the System Structure of Wikipedia. But if that's the case you not likely to do that.. Plus: The whole System grew organically. 1. Transformational Festivals I watched the Video, here some first thoughts. I'm may be wrong. First of all: Generally I dislike Festivals. They are loud and full of ignorant People/People in an ignorant state. You can't really talk deeply. The Structure don't allows it easily. The Transformational Festivals is a great, great Improvement from 'normal' Festivals. While I may would visit this to experience the Atmosphere, and surely the more Yellow and Turquoise than in the normal Population, I think that this Structure is mainly still Green. It's a collective, group-experience, community, hippy like Gathering. I'll exaggerate what I read from this: Lets get together and play a sugary Ideal of how the think World should be, party, dance, take drugs and then go home and bitch and moan about the ignorant majority. Well, this is really a Exaggeration. I think this Festival is cool for those who like Festivals and Part of a healthy change. 2. Rebel Wisdom Thanks for that. I have to see if that is for me. I'm always in desperate need of Yellow Crack;) Yeah, well. Well, well, well. What if, lets say, some big ignorant Group of Festivals People would be transferred to the Transformational Festival. They see it, they like it. They like it because it's hunting time. They do the most disturbing Activities, the Opposite of what you are supposed to do. What if that happens all the time? There is a reason why this Festivals are far away from normal People. Artists on a festival do need to outnumber the audience IN SPIRIT in order to make it an artistic place. Yes! This is the paradox. If some Group would make it official it's likely that it would transform into a lower state. Yeah beautiful, but won't give you tangible results. I mean yeah, it's part of long Transformation of Humanity, but I wouldn't think that the natural Place for Yellow. Yellow craves for real changes in big Systems like a State or a Organization. My Ideal of an Yellow Group is a Group of highly skilled Individualists, what make them a Group is a shared cause and that everyone is special and has something to contribute. Like the Star Trek Main Cast: Captain, Doctor, Mechanical Specialist, Pilots, Fighters and other Specialists. And there is 'the Crew'. Normal people that contribute in their way and sometimes they have big contributions to make. But most of the time they do their part to keep the Ship doing that is needs to do. Everyone is important, but not the same.
  7. Thanks, I'll use that as a reference Book.
  8. Sry, i double posted that
  9. Hey ya, you may know the Boomer, Millenial, Zoomer, Doomer and what not else Memes. If not search on them on, in my Opinion they are relevant. They all boil down to this. The Young Generations (Born until like 1985) feel like previous Generation, most important the Baby Boomers, have destroyed Society/Environment/[BLANK]. Weather this is true I don't want to discuss, but feel free to express how you interpret it. One could say really say, in some sense, that they, the Baby Boomers, choose the lie over truth. But this is not really the special treat of this one Generation. What they did were very important things that changed western Societies for the better. We can't easily imagine how bad it was. The Narrativ I described is quite negative. While is has a kernel of truth it makes younger people feel like they can't make a difference any more, because the older Generation were so bad. But we surely can. I think this, we can't make a difference attitude, is a very bad way to interpret our Present. It's Zeitgeist, maybe a Sign that many Young Adults go through a Sense Crisis. However, here is a cool Documentary that'll highlight what a service the 60s were to us from the perspective if the late 80s.
  10. @Wordless I boy, i really craved for an Answer. That Picture of the Cathedral, not kidding, is beautiful. With such an Atmosphere it would be good to let people in. Now, a Cathedral is not just there. You have to build it, fill it with Art and Meaning. Then you have to maintain it and even renovate it. It's a Ideal. It's Inspiring. It's not purely Reality, but the Manifestation of a Vision. I think in the Middle Ages in Europe the People could physically feel the Inspiration when they entered and it changed them if they where from a little village or so. Nowadays Cathedrals are not that bit, not that special. Maybe it's the Inspiration that Cathedrals once had (or maybe for other than me still have) that would be needed for such a Yellow Forum.
  11. @Wordless Hey Wordless, thanks for you criticism. It is appreciated! That is so. We may have a tendency as humans to tribalism if we are under pressure. This is something very tricky, something that I find in myself often. Well, this is not something to brag or be arrogant about. If you really Yellow, then you are a Elite in a very meritocratic Way. From Consciousness follows some kind of duty. I like the metaphor of a Park Ranger who is the middle man between nature, Native Americans, the Government, the people who visit the Park... and he brings everything into a harmony not by forcing his opinion onto everyone but because he is able to understand them good enough to talk so that they can understand each other - like an Interpreter. I unironically don't understand what that you want to say in THAT context. Yes. It's like an World Class Orchestra, take the Berlin Orchestra as an Example. They don't only take the best musicians but also only that ones that are in harmony with the rest of the orchestra. Everyone has a Veto and I believe if someone says no, that candidate can't be in there. Don't be afraid. There would be enough Chaos left;) This does NOT mean that one should be disrespectful toward those one perceives as from lesser stages. This does NOT mean that one should not talk to them. But if, and only if a given group would like to have a Yellow Discussion Forum, it would be NOT open for everyone. This what I think at at least. Most likely you would need a bailsman to get into it. I think it is crucial to specify a goal. I read the Yellow Archetype as someone who is, beneath other things, Green + the desire to accomplish a higher, rather non-egotistical, goal. This goal here could be simply to have high Quality Discussions. But you need a shared goal, a vision if you will is maybe a better word. I do NOT want a top down Organization, that would be not quite the sense of a gathering of Yellow people if you just say them what they have to think, eh? I'm not that sure that Blue would build that. It's not Blue just because there are rules, a vision and it's closed. It's just that these Discussions need a care and protection like a garden. I lost count on the green Projects I was in that went South because one Individual forced itself into a Dictator Position. I also lost count on the Green Projects that amounted to nothing, because there was NO organization. Well, could be my personal bad Experience - I give you that;) If Yoga Classes would be as disruptive as I think a Yellow Archetype really is you may would have Hooligans of some kind there. But what you said works greatly as long as no one comes there to disrupt it, I just think that a high Quality Forum on the Internet wouldn't be in such a luxurious Position. It's like Stackoverflow: You gotta follow strict rules to post there. This is their way to maintain Quality and usefulness. Exactly! The creation of that faith and trust would be the kernel of that space - and the hardest, most demanding work that would need to go into it. I think of a Variety of Modes. 1. A Gladiator like mode about a Topic between 2 or more Individuals plus Spectators who Comment is, 2. One Person writes an Essay and other People critic and discuss it from several Points of View (or not if it is bad written^^), 3. An Expert, for Example In Football or Psychology or whatever, gets Questions from the People and Answer them, discuss with them..., 4. Roleplay. You have a Domain like 'the State' and everyone in the Groups takes a role like Politics, Administration, Police, Lower Class, Middle Class, Upper Class, Economy, judiciary... and then they discuss for some time .... ...
  12. @andyjohnsonman It would be a big accomblishment to establish such a culture in a sub forum. Yellow exists in the few, there seem to be no Yellow Cities and very few Communities.. It would be a hard work and we had to create new community rules. It could be the case that Yellow Conversation are so deep and dedicated to outcome that few other will enjoy it. But! I forsee some harsh people will come, that should be there if you look at their stage of development, that'll take the lead if there isn't a security system in place. Another Point. I expect that a gathering of state Yellow type Individuals would need a common goal to work together. Something like: Invent a Yellow Communication Praxis to help future Generations to move into that OR Someone brings a big problem in and asks for Yellow counsel. Like a Yellow all topics allowed Stackoverflow.
  13. @lmfao Damn, you nailed it. I'll ponder on that. @andyjohnsonman I thought about a Yellow Subforum. Who could write there? Everyone? What is a 'Yellow' meta Topic? Who is to say?
  14. @remember @Consept I keep asking me that Question: Is it better to expose people to truths than to let them envolve it naturally? It feels like I have the Answers to Questions that aren't even ask at this point by several people in my life. And people don't like to get these truths. But I received 'Breakpoints' from people who showed me how wrong my point was and I digested it (for example about Vegetarianism and how our Food is bad). But this may not the most effective way. I know there is no one for all Solution but I think it's crucial to think about this. As we go on in life we will progress far beyond, so we will be in a prot-leader position because not many see this far. This is how I see it unironically and this isn't coming from Arrogance. One should not think of themself as superior by default but if you more advanced... isn't it harmful to conceal it?
  15. @Consept Exactly, it is difficult for me to maintain my multiperspective View in such a Disput. The Majority won't want to discusswith you for truth, but just to win. As I think about it you could say that one gets corrupted in such a Discussion if one is not observant of that tendency. I would add to that what you said about that 'higher stages are happy to learn and discuss' that stage Green can be very disfunctional. I've seen it, i lived it. If that is the case Greens may not as ignorant as lower stages but it's a waste of time as well... they'll discuss to win as well. I don't know if 'discuss for truth' is a trait that is significantly higher in Yellow and above, but it could be the case. What do you think?
  16. @Consept Just a possible Idea: In Politics there is a trend to follow the lowest common denominator. So if you got a Population like that 0.5% Turqouise 2% Yellow 10% Green 30% Orange 35% Blues the rest is red, purple and beige the Center of that Population would be Orange-Blue, but the lower Stage would set trends in Discussion because of Entitlement that has it's root in ignorance. => As a results of this will higher stages flee from politics politics or commit changes through more indirect ways - just because they are not the majority. It's also quite challenging to discuss with such a person as I can tell from experience. It can be a huge waste of time,c but if someone wants to learn higher stages will happily discuss with that one that is eager to learn. But they tend to not preach like orange-blue-red-purple. Consequently we got lesser stages in the politics Section.
  17. @Serotoninluv Now as I think of it.. you are right. It's sad to me that the politics forum is realtively low.
  18. @Amit Savage! @Chumbimba Well, @hamedsf said it. You gotta be patient. I'm still in no way good enough to guide you, I find that you need to have 10-15 Years of experience to be a good mentor. However, there are some Books I can really recommend: 1. Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook, 2. The Pragmatic Programmer: Journey to Mastery Ok, here are some instructions to get you really started. Think about something you want to write in Python. Define it clearly. That is your Project. It should be just beyond your capability. Now you set a deadline and you go with it!! After you finish that you do a slighty bigger project. You can do anything in Python but I would recomment that you automate some drudgery work (go to the website for more infos). For example I do accounting with the command line tool hledger, which puts you entries in a plain text file. Now I automate my monthly entries: Income will be devided into 6 or so accounts (savings, accounts for rent and groceries, material stuff, investing...) and I set an entry with the month I'm doing it. When I set all the 'normal' entries like rent or netflix with that month into the textfile. Easy enough, but it'll save me a lot of time in the long run (all while I can learn the Basics of BASH). You may find something that helps you beeing more productive. Greetings
  19. @Chumbimba That's hard. Rant a little if it helps you endure it!;) But at least you know what is wrong from your perspective and where you (roughly) want to be. That's very valuable. With 23 you are still 2 Years younger than I was when I got my shit together at 25 (I'm now 29). There is this Quote from Bojack Horseman: 'It won't get easier, but it'll get better' I feel you, I lived in a very unhealthy shared flat, where I could not be like I wanted to. That can be so destructive. I'm now in my own flat for more than 2 years and it was the best decision ever. It costs like 1/2 extra compared with the price of a shared flat, but the quality of life is so much greater so it's easily worth the money.
  20. @Espaim I wouldn't do it in your Situation. Save the Money and watch the free Content Online. If you are financially stable you can buy the Course. Don't be stupid and rush it just because you 'gotta have it'. BTW i bought the Course. @Loving Radiance Exactly. While this could work in the right Circumstances, and you have to create them, that can be a bad advice for someone you don't know really. I hope you know him good enough from your call. Just Concerns
  21. 1. What have you tried? 2. Yup, I feel the same. I felt this even more in the past. I know that I need to become a Leader. I know that I have to have learn my Craft and master it in a incredible fast pace. If you ever feel too old think about what you'll think in 20 Years. Is your current age really that old from that perspective? Or would your 20 Year older self think that this was in hindsight a good time to start? I used that frame to get me started. On the Internet you find Stories from Prodigies that are only 12 Years old and released their first World recognized Album from Covers from 60s Rock Classic. Or whatever Domain - you'll find Teen Prodigies. While this is really incredible the story for everyday Joe seems to be 'Look, you are 20/30/40/50/60/70 Years old and these Teen did better than you, so you are from a different kind - don't even try, stay in your little corner.' Yeah it sounds corny, but you are never too old to start something new. This is really the result of the people around us living mediocre lives, where rarely someone tries something out of the box. Even if someone tries something at the age of 50 it's likely some cliche move.
  22. @Saba Hey Saba, I do not run a blog, so take this as the criticism you wanted. First of all it's already great that you made a Website and wrote 4 Dozens of Articles!! - I believe it is possible to get a financial successful Blog!! People tell all the time things like 'the Golden Age of Blogs is over', but people want new fresh Content => there is opportunity - I feel you blog is very strong influenced by Leo Gura and/or others like him. You need to get more authentic to feel a burning Passion. - You got to ask you this Is you Blog rather Mainstream or Niche ? Right now I feel its to Niche for a Mainstream Audience and to Common for a Niche Audience. If you choose Mainstream you would mainly translate ideas to normal people, which would be also quite a hustle and important. If you choose the Niche Audience you would need to be constantly ahead of the Pack to feed them new Knowledge.
  23. Could be the case for at lot of people, but I'm think we will experience also that more large corporations evolve into nation-like Identities for their Employees like the FANG Corps. Freelancing would be just another way to exploit people because the contract is not your term, but the term of others.
  24. @Chumbimba The Struggle you experience is a normal part of the Growth. You experience Backsliding (Leo made a Video on that, watch it if you don't know it already). Yeah Tech is highly unhealthy but you can accumulate wealth rather easy. By the way I don't know Calculus a bit and found a Job. If even I could do it (it was really highly unlikely) you can do easily. You just have to stay on Track if you want that Don't beat yourself up, you'll be fine if you implement one thing at a time. One step at a time and it's highly likely that in 5 Years you are so advanced like would never even dare to dream.