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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. I wrote my Bachelor Thesis about Wikipedia. It's very competetive, male and academic. In my estimation you can't get in nowadays if you want to write whole articles feom scratch like @Nak Khid wrote. Why? All the good ones are taken, the rest is hard to write thats why they are left over. There are different Types of Users. IPs (Edit without account). Authors, Administrators, Bureaucrats und Vandals Hunter. Their vocabulary is a bit martial: flamewar, vandal, hunter, protect... The structure is not suited for as many women as man. The Ratio is maybe 30:1. If its not build as its build with competing man it wouldnt work for free in my estimation. Every Language Division is somwhat free.. You need to discuss every change in depth if someone asks in a reasonable time space, thus you need to know the rules good. It's about what you are are capeable of... One Problem is literature. Is a Weblink considered proper literature? What if some printed a misinformation? Thats discussed in depth in most article that behind the scenes in mailibg lists I could go on for a while but thats it for now
  2. @Michael569 see my last post. no you don't need to leave your 9 to 5, but we here in the forum are not average (i dont try to be cocky, i think thats actually uncontroversial) at least not after 5 to 10 years of practise
  3. @Rilles Your replies are hard to read in this style. I think in a personal monetary Crisis drops that integrated Orange Individual with no real savings to Blue in no time. So while theyare okay in normal mode, they are just one bad turn from getting into problems which will affect their life. By all means, not every can do it. But Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than now. Go straight into higher stages, but strenghten your base. That's spiral dynamics message to me and thsts quite the opposite of shalllow greed or neurotic need for safety
  4. @Michael569 yeah but once you need money - now what? most people drop. thats the point. of course you could be stable turquiouse even homeless in winter. but is that realistically the level of many people? thus: get money and take care of it and you can do what you want. not everybody is eckart tolle level enlightened and im pretty sure that he had savings and or family support when he stopped working and made not money as a guru yet
  5. As I understand it is Transcending Complementary to Integrating and comes at the same time if done properly. If not you get lopsided. You can transcend Orange without integrating it, which can be seen as bad because you don't have mastered the skills and mindset. It becomes easy to be to Idealistic, but to not achieve anything. Let's not forget the Scientific Method, its not just Business, and nowadays Science, which is largely Orange. It's not like every Green and above People have mastered it, often it's quite the opposite. You can from Green use Orange Science to make you Analysis and thus your action more likely to succeed. You can Integrate Orange without transcending it, which can be seen as bad because you are now stuck at Orange. > I say to if you transcend a Stage you are clever to put it's lessons into perspective but learn nonetheless further but like one who play the game from outside. > Life is a continuing cycle of learning, so in my Mind you Transcend with Integration. You become Green and include Orange like those Russian Dolls, there in one Doll there is a smaller one and in this Doll is a smaller one and... Story from myself where I Transcended without Integrating: I was very Idealistic at 19. A vegan radical Leftist with ambitions to become a Artist. Antifa. I protested. I wanted to destroy and help build something new within a loving community. Meditation, Yoga, Weed. Read Dan Millman 'The Path of the Peaceful Warrior', Zen Bhuddism. Bottom line of this Paragraph: I transcended without Integration. After Transcending Orange I saw clearly that I was basically right about Things (our Food is so cheap produced thus bad for our health, like Society is shallow, buying happiness with money don't make you happy, there is to much inequality in the world...) but I screwed up on the Details and Technicalities.Also screwed up on the everyday hustle. How is advanced Math important and needed when even a 7th Grader can clearly see what is the Problem with our Food? Etc. This is how I thought, maybe I mix off being Adolescent and being prematurely Green. The Point is I was blind the healthy Teachings and Realities of Blue and Orange, thus leading me to serious motivation problems and then Depression. This was somewhat common with the Green people i got to know at that time, which actually a shame because many where above 40 or 50 Years Old at that time. For me was the here in the Forum often laughed at and despised spell of Jordan Peterson 'Start with clean up your Room before you criticize the World' just what I needed for cure. Or let's say as a beginning of my Integration of Blue and Orange. This is why I, in my Opinion, often appear to be Orange, because I stress the importance to learn that shit among certain peoples like those here. Maybe I'm just projecting my Past, idk.
  6. @Chumbimba It's hard, but maybe you got to give up certain comforts to make it. I congratulate you for the decision to not make new debt! The best thing you can do is learn 1h a day before and after work and some more on Saturday. Look for a different job (not gonna lie, it's not likely to get one so you will need to hustle to get a job). It's maybe depressing, but if you make sure to make the most of your time it's very likely that you are in much better circumstances in 1 to 2 Years. No College degree needed if you are competent
  7. You go into turquoise? I thought you implied that you did not have integrated Orange in terms of financial freedom. It's a Discussion, right? As I understand it, you never get entirely past a stage. You need to be strategic, you use Orange. You need to talk to Environmentalists, you use Green. You need to survive during the apocalypse, you use Red. You need some luck to be free from fear you use purple and beat three times on wood. And so on. I saved enough to live only 1 Years of it by now, but compared to no savings at all for the past Years it feels great. I can picture that 5 Years of Saving will be even more freeing, in terms of what I can just buy (courses, books, vacation to learn, time with friends, opportunities). I don't think Money will be a thing in 10 Years if I do it right. Besides... many Seniors in Retirement struggle really hard financially due to bad luck or bad strategy or both. So it's SAVE to say you integrated it by the time to retire, but I think you do way earlier (without even knowing you, you just gotta go throughwards it). I think I'll live a whole lot of my life as a Spiral Wizard in Yellow, later in life in Turquoise. I feel no need to rush it, because I just enjoy it how it is:) Yeah, that's true. If you really need money, it's hard to get. If you already have money, you find plenty alternatives. Gotta adept to the abundance mindset!:) Greeting my friends
  8. Yes. I knew a tTurqouise style dude with a huge Blue, Orange and Yellow Shadow which basically meant that he meditated all day long, took psychedelics until they kicked him out of university, his flat and he disturbed his friends. Last time I saw him he was more drug addict than everything else, stealing from Green Trailerpark Hippies (we have a lot of that here in Germany). This is a extreme example of my experience. But if you are so developed , but unable to get money you'll see yourself in some serious trouble to pay rent, which will destroy you from the inside. I saw talented people lose trust in themself and work in deadend jobs.. That's a very serious trap, for example for our Zoomers here Which is like to say I'll have fun and do what I want after I retire. What makes you sure that you make it that far? Why shouldn't your life be better in Green and beyond? @Username How old are you? It's somewhat normal to lose your drive when you go into Green prematurely in my Experience. Actually I experienced it throughout more than half of my 20s (29 now). My Solution was to go back and build my Roots so to speak
  9. It's a given in this Forum that Spiral Dynamics is cool!! It's a mighty Tool to predict human behavior. Why is there so little Spiral Dynamics Youtuber? Compare it to MBTI, you get a lot of laid back Youtubers who make content to everything from analysis to teachings: For Spiral Dynamics I find only boring ass business Seminar Guys and Gals who tell you the basics of the basics - and Leo Guras epic Introduction that seem to be in the DNA of these Forum nowadays I think there would be a market for that. What do you think? Am I missing some obvious cool SD Youtubers?
  10. @DivineSoda @supremeyingyang What is the Ideology of SD about ? I can't be the real deal, you are so turn off by that. The Question is why is that? - And what is to do about it. Because it'll likely get worse the more people get in the forum. This is what I mean, this is what a Channel could do a little. It takes decades but you gotta start somewhere - and it's interesting ! Right. This would mean that there is nothing in this domain. I mean the theory is not even really pronounced. There is so much to discover and gain by developing that!! It makes me happy that we might see this Model mature. Maybe more detailed Conversations about one specific topic to discover some Rules or even Laws of SD Interactions
  11. @DivineSoda @Roy It's always annoying for early adopters who want to be distinct
  12. @Roy We have an Ideology in the Forum? Never thought about it, but it would be an interesting Study to see what People wrote here in the Forum. There are complex Text Mining Tools for that. I don't think that it would be more than Content for a niche Audience, which could mean nevertheless easily over 100.000 Views per Video.
  13. @Space more an overall case study of 'How to not do it'
  14. @nikolay Thank you a thousand times for making a tldr! What prevents you from making a degree in psychology and learn some Programming on the side? You can program your own Statistics. If you need more money, you can become a Dev. I guess we will need spealized Programmers in the future. For example Psychology-Programmers. Be aware that you need a Master or even Doctor in Psychology to get money for easily.. But you can always hustle.
  15. @kindayellow @99alvarosanchez Say you want to be a World Boxer and you look for a Coach. You are very serious because it's your Dream!! You find 2 Coaches. The first one is a 60 Year Old Ex-Boxer who is a multiple World Champion in his specific Weight Class and still very agile considering that many people are down by 50. Second is a 21 Year Old who never boxed before. Who would you hire to coach you? Why? Is it different your domain of Coaching? Why? PS. I hope you get my Point. This was not a rhetorical Question by the way. You can make decent Money in the Self-Help Industry as a 20 Year Old, yes. But it'll be hard work. You gotta master things like internet marketing and deliver content. Don't think you can use a cheat code.. So if you want to, by all means do it. The Chances are better than ever before.
  16. @Michael569 don't be so cruel to yourself^^
  17. i can understand your points on the forum, while I do not agree on them but vote for trump? he is incompetent as fuck.
  18. the golden way in programming goes like this according to paul graham: 1. get money, 2. do something good you should read this essays: and his interview with Robert Greene this could be a beginning
  19. isn't that what the last third is about?
  20. I'm confused.. the Course is all about this - and you you did it.. Okay you don't know. I would say explore the world... Do things you normally wouldn't do. Go to a new Restaurant, watch new Movies, read different Books .... dang read books you think you will dislike to see if your intuition is right.. make the MBTI Test.. go deeper on any topic you like, make field studies... schau einfach, du hast ja jetzt zeit aber ich würde erstmal einen Job suchen und in der Freizeit suchen.. dann kannst du auch Geld sparen
  21. @Michael569 dang, I found this funier than it would be appropriatexD
  22. @Nahm Interesting, it sometimes seems for me like like everyone does these flashy things like a (by default) Revolutionary Tech Startup, which goes statistically down in 9 out of 10 cases in a year or two. The normal things can be very rewarding in that regard i guess... less competition and happy clients.
  23. Quite understandable, but intriguing at the same time.
  24. @WDK I consider to book her as a consultant after I'm through the Course:
  25. lol:D I meant would you tell us the names of your million dollar companies, please?