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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. who says i do trust every uncritically? as a statistician i like to think in probabilities. could be the truest thing ever, but I'm neither into Biology nor Medicine and I learn chinese, abap, javascript and a couple of scripting languages so I think it's a little to far fetched to research that shit as well would you summarize that research? this is painfully obvious. i have to fight for every clear word:D be sure i do.. damn i would like to shoot a punchline
  2. Dude, his point is that there weren't 1,3 Million People. Don't distract, what do you say about it? true, never good to follow someone blindly you mean biologically or as a narrative? They get infected and because they are overworked some of them they die. Or what do you suggest? Hitmans?^^ you have it really with that guy, hopefully you aren't too loyal to him, if he is wrong so are you .... man you guys may know I've attempt to write these books about how to get through the strange times today with spiral dynamics and this thread is pure gold
  3. @DrewNows while i wasn't there for example the guradian claims it were mere 17000 ohm, some of them are dying...
  4. @DrewNows thanks for that channel, i collect youtubers of all kind to challenge my opinion. these one seems to be very outlandish edit: is that a southern accent?
  5. Thanks for sharing. Nothing wrong with that, but that Picture is wicked. About what happens with Covid and Vaccination I have split opinions. Many People have Problem with the forced Vaccination, certainly not me, but we can discuss the alternative. As I understand it you take it and your safer, so let People choose and if the People who don't do it have significant Problems they see it. Corona, or Public Discourse in general, has to be thought of entirely new. You just can't ignore People, they elected for example Trump. But if you have a Crisis you have to do what you think is right as a elected member of the states cabinet. A whole other discussion are the things that will get pushed through in the wind shadow of every crisis. For example they tried to raise some taxes here in germany, but they failed due to protests Edit: I need to make it clear that I find social distancing a good solution
  6. @DrewNows you make blunt Statements but want not to follow through and tell me, because.... what?
  7. @DrewNows aaaalright, then share your wisdom
  8. In my Opinion these people are stupid as fuck, but in the greater picture they are only a outlet of collective anger which is caused by the unjust System. The society changes in Germany rapidly into Green, but a lot of people are left with the Feeling that they are the losers in that change. Eastern Germans, who were robbed after 1989. Many people with parents who migrated and are still 'feel not as welcome' even though they are born in Germany The uneducated who are struggling to get by, always on the tip of get laid off due to Digitalization and Automation# The old Ones, who think they have a deep grasp of the World, but they have not.. they keep delay changes The right Wing.. If People feel like they loose, they just don't care. When to much gather you get this parallel Society... The People in charge nurtured that shit for Decades because they where to ignorant to make much needed changes which would have been not popular. You they kicked the can down the road. They will kick it once more, maybe we see even greater shit in roughly 10 years at the 100 year anniversary of the Crash of 1929. But understand me right: I do think they act stupid and immature. They will give the second wave a good kick off. In 2 Weeks the Vacation time for People with Children ends. At the End of August Germany is back in a Lockdown. SAAAAAAAAAAVE
  9. @28 cm unbuffed 1. what i don't understand is why you can't rap and teach at the same time. 2. you can be a cool teacher as well, nothing is wrong with that if you can deliver value
  10. I feel like the Ground is shifting - I feel like that since the last Crisis. But like a Seaman learns to be okay with the sea I learned to navigate through the ever shifting World. We all more or less agree that we are at the Dawn of a Dominant SD:Green in many wealthy Countries, mainly in the West. Right? We, as societies and Individuals, lack understanding of this context which leads us to incredible stupid decisions. The most stupid are collective... But I don't think we need more examples here...^^ So I thought about writing a deep Analysis. This Analysis includes, as I conceptualize it, Geo-Politics, impact Demographics in Aging Societies, Food Fights of Blue-Orange-Green, Progressing Digitalization... The Purpose is to help the Reader to understand the Context I see to make better decisions. It would also have many Book Tips to read further, but the Analysis itself is just about 'THE BIG PICTURE'. Are you thrilled about that? Yes? No? I commit post a Draft here, so you Guys are the first readers.
  11. @Don Wei well this sucks, but take your chances. corona or whatever you can use to get a second chance. if your through this, it becomes easier
  12. @Don Wei It's makeable. How much time is left to get this 7?
  13. @integral like everyone at some point, nice thread so far. i learned something. buuuut still I'm curious why @Mu_ would hide this hair in plain sight and just as I discover it cut it off - and all of this while corona is there and its hard to go to the hairdresser^^
  14. @Mu_ It's right what you wrote, i wrote some similar before, but I just thought that i was mislead myself to think that would help. the answer is not as important as the process to come to that answer
  15. First of all.. Mu, you have long hair? Gotta update that Profile Pic so that everyone see that without going to your Yotube Channel I play a lil devils advocate for whatever it's worth: What if one knows all of this but nonetheless feels jealous? Is that useful advice to be just not jealous? I mean you can go to a drug addict who can't stop and say: It's easy, the drugs are bad for ya. Just stop. Would you? Yes? No? Is that a good tactic? greeting my friends^^
  16. @Don Wei Sounds great to me! Is a 7 challenging? We have Marks from 1 to 6 where 1 is the best and 6 the worst
  17. @Zak well it seems to me that you have to grow yourself until you are comfortable to share it and that's okay. When you are starved you want to eat and then enough for tomorrow. Then for next Week. Until you realize you are save and let that need for hard control go. that seems to be the case with you in personal growth. so eat my friend and when you are fat you can train with giving mental nutrition away
  18. depends on the people but i get what you say
  19. In a sense true. No good deed goes unpunished they say
  20. What do you expect them to do? It's great content. at least you know people who watch it from real life. I don't live in a English speaking country so none of my peers is done to watch hour long videos in the Fremdsprache. You don't know how good this is^^
  21. Been there. Could be these case that they like you for who you are not not want you to grow? Maybe he needs to achieve that so said shallow success with girls before Maybe he is not aware.. don't expect them to be bad if unaware is also a possible answer.. at the end you can't read peoples minds Hmm don't be so hard on yourself and others, let the time go by so to speak. As you mature things will grow more sane if you attempt to be a gardener of you future If you make paragraphs, which take 30 Seconds, everything reads much smoother
  22. @Zak dunno what you talk about This Sentence is not understandable to me
  23. @Zak It depends. 1. If I really care for someone I'll give advice without them asking me because the advice of other that I did not want to hear helped me a lot. 2. Everyone else doesn't get real critique. Frankly People just talk shit and don't do anything. I respond what they want to hear or that I don't know enough about that topic. 3. With the People in this Forum it's special: I expect that we are here to here reasonable critique even if it hurts a little. That is at least true for me Vivant sequentes (~ the following Generations should have it better than we had it). Isn't anything we know based on teaching by our society which is advice?
  24. @Nak Khid well, technically thats true. but thats what the power users themself say in papers: 95% man. Frame it the other way: only estimated 5% females contribute. i predict that won't because of wikipedia structure you can do a new one then, but they rip it apart. you are also likely to choose the 'wrong name'. its a rules game. you say, but the rules say... until the other part surrender. sometimes they never do and they go to a judge (a role that is also used if i remember right)