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Everything posted by supremeyingyang

  1. What do you mean by 'I'm not there yet with DOM'?
  2. @Klara That 20h-goalis an ideal I attempt to reach for 3 Years now. Even when I'll reach it, it'll might be a not lasting period in my life, but I can surely imagine enjoying my late 30s like that. By the way I don't talk about all work, I talk strictly about the work one is forced to do to make a living unless you are rich enough to live off the dividends. I work a lot more than even the 40h i talked about earlier, but that work I WANT TO DO and thus not a burden, but a blessing (so to speak)
  3. I'm overwhelmed with the effort you surely had to list that! The most likely Candidates to get 3 Direktmandate are for me: FW, Volt, Tierschutzpartei and Basis. Let's forget about the other ones, especially about the bad far-right ones. I care for contemplation 'good change'. I think any of the above Parties winning 3 Direktmandate would accelerate change, because it would show that something other than the big parties is even possible. Even with few Seats 'könnten sie das Züglein an der Waage sein'. But even more important is the sign that things can be accomplished. You could however make the exact opposite case that you should try to change the existing parties, because that is more likely to change something. And Germany needs both, however I don't see myself joining any of the 6 old Parties What do you think about what I wrote, @Heinrich Faust ?
  4. The attempts to appeal to below green folks is very orange in my book. Take the shameful Volkslied Video.. 'We need to project that an Image to get bigger' - and so sloppily executed... what is that other than Orange, an aping of Yellow.
  5. I'd prefer working even less, like 20h. My Energy is influenced by the number of people I have to talk with (I'm a Introvert). Talking with people takes half my time, either meeting or periods with non-deep work.
  6. Well, you have to have the guts to decide for yourself when your product is good enough (Pareto Principle). If it's useful you do can overtime SOMETIMES. If you doing overtime ALL the time, then some is fundamentally wrong. 40h, free Weekends (or compensation in more money and free days next week)
  7. It's a general problem, we all are guilty of. We all can strieve to talk more simply. Thats my takeaway. But yasss, they are especially weak Candidates, that's for sure. Word
  8. However, we have to make the best out of it! There is now room via protest, social media and talking about the importance of the coming Koalition with People. Das darf uns nicht so egal sein wie zu vieles schon viel zu lange. Und die typische Antwort: 'Na, was soll man machen?' - eine hohle Phrase um danach die Verantwortung abzugeben.
  9. @Tim R You can be right. However, this result shows to me that more than half of the Voters aren't commited to change. That's bad. It would better with Green in Parliament, no Question. But fundamentally there is still no interest in Proactive Change (Brave, Innovation, Inner Growth) . So we'll mostly travel on the route of forced change (Fearful, to protect us). I can only refer to Vaclaf Havel and his claim that a healthy society needs strong people and thus strong groups.
  10. ...and it was indeed voted for 'Weiter so'. I'm puzzled. What else would have to happen to make people change their minds? Let's see which flavor of 'Weiter so' will get into office.
  11. @Bob Seeker I wish I had the time to master your Curriculum plus my current. Tell us what happened
  12. @Tim R It is not 'just' Bureaucracy, because Bureaucracy touches every other aspect of our life. Which is influenced over time by... politics. Green+SPD, pal.
  13. Straight like that. The whole Design of the State-System discourages Participation. Example: Try to call your local state bureau to tell them about a problem, say everyone agrees that more trash cans at the park are needed. Otherwise people throw trash everywhere and destroy the place. So you want to change something. You are happy to participate and you call the local state bureau. Will they be interested in your case? Most likely no Will they be friendly? Most likely not really Will they take you seriously? Most likely no Will they do something? Most likely nothing that solves the problem It will be a major problem to implement a simply trash can at the park, which would lead you through several stages of the hierarchy of the bureau. It would take months. MONTHS! HELLO? WE TALKING ABOUT A TRASH CAN!!!! => By the way, I did this. The Person said it would cost 8000€ to install and empty a trash can. Can you believe it? => However... What is to be learned from that experience of mine? I don't know what they may want us to learn from it and don't expect bad intention... but it makes you feel bad. You will dodge calling there and thus don't make a difference. It's Design is like those ofCall Centers, they make it so bad calling there, so that less people call and costs go down. Damn.
  14. True, we have to help our fellow humans. Both is needed: Work on yourself and support. Granted: A homeless person needs much support for years until they are at a point where they can work on themselves. So helping others and do what one think is right in everyday life is more than a sidedish to politics. Both need the same recognition
  15. @Godhead what do you think about my analysis that we all have to perform democracy (so to speak) instead of treating it as a service we get handed top-down
  16. @Godhead Opinion from Interaction with Voters/Activists from the LINKE, starting when it was called PDS. Basicly I characterise the LINKE as truthful in many points, but incompetent and burdened with dogma. I respect highly that they are the only ones for the little citizens and against corruption. But they remain, I have to say, immature.
  17. @Heinrich Faust AFD: Blue (Unhealthy) CSU: Blue CDU: Blue/Orange FDP: Orange SPD: Blue /Green LINKE: Blue (Unhealthy) /Green (Unhealthy) Grüne: Green All others aren't worth mentioning except maybe Volt, which might be something interesting which I would support as a test on local level. I don't know yet. =========== We need to look beyond the elections to get ahead (while still voting for the most developed of the big parties). Germany is at a interesting Point. Fundamentally there are two Options for the People to choose from in Elections and in daily life: 1. One can remain passive and be in relative safety, but risk atrophy. 2. One can become more active, get innovative but risk faillure. The State of the Country comes from 70 Years of playing safe. It's a old Country with old Citizens, which lives in fear of it's own strength (see the 20th Century for reference) and thus chose a long time ago to play the game safe and not to commit to risky strategies. Indeed it's the worst long term strategy to play safe 100% of the time. I read a Czech named Vaclaf Havel, he said in his Essay 'Power of the Powerless': A high Quality Machine is made of high Quality parts. The Problem in Germany is that we want the high Quality Machine, but are not willing to pay the price: Improve ourselves. Argue in uncomfortable situations for what we see as Truth Change our habits of consumation of goods. Helping the people who collect Pfandflaschen in the Streets or the Homeless with Shelter, Connections, Food or Money. Give People who work in hospitals or retirement homes just more Money - next time you have to go there (tip) Sue corrupt Politicans via forming collective structures that can't be silenced .... There is plenty we can do, without waiting for the state. We have to ask: Is it even reasonable to expect the state to govern everything? I don't argue for a smaller state, but that we solve problems on the lowest possible stage Bottom Line: W/O our daily Initiative, which is at least currently not very plentyful where I live, politics remains a spectacle like Fußball (Who won the Triell?). Deutsche meckern lieber, anstatt selbst was zu machen. Ich werde was ich in meinem direkten Umgeld verändern: An der Arbeit für Innovation einstehen. Armen Geld in die Hand drücken. Anderen helfen besser zu werden. Leute zum meditieren und Yoga bringen..
  18. @Bob Seeker cool curriculum, you are training for a more Data Analyst type of role. There are also Analysts who use just Excel or whatever no-code Frontend. The type of role you might or might not have in mind (Explore to make Insights happen - or so) is the Cake, meaning many want to get there. So it might be wise to sharpen your sword, then be a little coder analyst. Less pressure, more opportunity to learn in the trenches (yeah, aaaand less pay). After one or two Years you might be able to write yourself a step by step booklet of what to learn or to do to get to a cool Insight Providing Role. If that's what you want.
  19. Actually I'm the one who gives the Analyst the Data and his Dashboards. Still interested?
  20. @Bob Seeker So you wanna be a data analyst? You need to have knowledge in many fields for that (scripting/coding, statistics, economics, ...) and the chuzpe to sell your services (see next paragraph for explanation) well to be able to add great value. You studied Psychology, therefore you should be educated good in statistics. That would be already something worthwhile- If you want to add great value via data analysis, you'll find yourself in hard discussions where your psychology knowledge will be from great value. Everybody talks about data analysis as a savior (lets get that app to help us to be innovative), but from my perspective thats only one element. The mostly unnoticed problem is the people side - as well as the politics side of things. You do your Analysis for a reason, to make things better. However, people will resist. It's like being a mediator between division (if you talk about corporate analysis). So in that way you can leverage your education and provide value as a data analyst: you meet people where they are, find solutions for at best everyone and make things possible nobody else could. The problem will be to get in, unless you are willing to wing it a while or do data entry.. if you have questions, just ask
  21. I would say the best would be an educated guess. Someone could invent a test-method (if Cook-Greuter hasn't invented one already), but that would be a lot of work. Can't answer that now, but maybe we can answer it after we study the model in depth. Personality is in a constant flow, so I would claim if you target at a higher stage, you need, at the very least, embody the stage beneath. Maybe it's also the case that there is a center of gravity that pulls you down unless you 'train' to stay on top. hmmmm
  22. Cook-Greuters Ego Development Theory seems to be a useful tool to plan and strategize towards our individual actualization. At the time the Videos came out I was fascinated, but then kind of forgot. Now I'm back at it. First thing is to rewatch zu episodes, then I'll read the paper. I invite you to join me!! What is your stage? Since when? Why? I'd say I'm solid at Stage Individualist (4/5) since at least 3 Years. I don't know why, it was a logical conclusion. For example I made a number of significant where I was Anti-Group: went away from my Antifa friends, went away from my stoner friends, dropped out of my master to pursue my dream career... One thing I fear is leading a conventional life... see the table below... matches up with Stage 4/5. Then again we all tend to overestimate our stage, aren't we? I research now. I'm very interested in what you guys have to say about this!! Source:
  23. we can relocate that. I don't know the show as a non-us citizen really, but the staff seemed to me like the caricature of a republican voter (yeah, I know it's scripted but they target at some audience). It depends highly on the attitude of the one who watches it. For mind-numbing it could be either Blue or Orange, however, I tend to say the show would resonate more with Blue folks
  24. omfg - this is a amazing case study, easy material to chill
  25. @savingmylove well, what would then be a more pragmatic approach? couldn't you bite the bullet (= earn your freedom) before you go off? And you don't have to go anywhere to change. The world is mind.