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About bammy32

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  1. @Javfly33 You're not seriously addressing anything I've said, just more non-dual BS undercutting and gaslighting. You enjoy your hallucinated infinite beingness, don't mind me if I stay basking in and as God's Infinite Beauty and Love. I already feel sorry for Leo and others who have to deal with this shit on the regular.
  2. God is creating everything in any state though man. It is the infinite now yes, which includes the thought of past awakenings as part of that perfectly fine. It’s a limitless consciousness that does whatever it wants. You’re adhering to rules that humans invented about how spirituality must function in order to gain ‘true’ insight, such as how you demonize thoughts, ego, identifying, mind-activity, memories and the like. You’re being completely unoriginal in that regard and not all of us are confined to these arbitrary contextualisations and rules. God can contort itself into infinite states and be or even ‘not be’ absolutely anything including the ‘nothing there at all’ state you keep harping on about. The totality of that recognition is what God/Love is and is so profound it’s not even sustainable to function. The current state you’re in is one claiming you’re being the ‘True Self’ because you’ve found the permanent backdrop of infinite consciousness in the present moment and then pointing imaginary people to this place and claiming that the past awakenings they’ve had don’t mean shit. But all that is is you as God masquerading yourself as that experience or in this case no experience/‘nothing there at all’ unlimited beingness, and it’s a particularly flat and well trodden state for seekers. You are God creating this imaginary bottom backdrop state and pretending you’ve hit the bottom and then espousing a really simplistic and even problematic spirituality. This kind of way you frame and approach things has even historically lead some teachers to deny God or Love altogether, which is just patently absurd (thankfully this is not you). And yet that’s still perfectly fine and it must be that way. That’s part of the infinite variety and unlimited nature of God and what it CAN be. And in fact IS. You are God/Love always meta-doing this. You claim to be superior to a classical non dualist but as far as I can tell, you’re a plain old non dualist (although of course you will deny this again). What you’re trying to point us to -> the infinite reality / being mystery state prior to everything of which all arises and disappears into (even ‘God’), whereas it remains changeless and must be 100% accessible always now. I’m saying that THAT is a hallucination born of God/Love. It’s just one stratum of consciousness amongst an infinite sea of others, and yet you’re calling it the final reality, stripping consciousness bare into ‘nothing there’ or ‘unlimited consciousness’ as you call it as if that is in any way akin to the ACTUALITY (not mere thought lol) of the infinity of God/Love.
  3. @Javfly33 I'm sorry man, it seems we're at an impasse. I understand what you're trying to claim, but I can't be gaslit on my own realizations so easily. I will laugh so I don't cry that you called Love a limitation though
  4. @Javfly33 Appealing to past trips as authority doesn't impress me much. Either do people who claim they are binarily 'done'. The container for Love is no container at all. Love is limitlessly uncontained because it IS what God IS. It needs no container, that's the point. God is limitlessly uncontained. The only limitation is an awakening that supersedes God (or Infinite Reality as you call it) to Love, which is your claim. A duality between God and Love isn't possible because Love is the simultaneously the cause and net result of Absolutely Infinite unification. It isn't simply more dreaming within this Creation as you claim. You refer to Creation as if I'm talking about this universe or human-bound experience of consciousness or mind/identification/dreaming activity therein. No. This Love is foundational or meta to any which way consciousness/reality can be, including all parallel dimensions or realities that have no even conceivable connection to this reality at all. Yet you will still find Love there as a constant because God IS Love.
  5. @Javfly33 As I said you’re denying Love as the Absolute Truth. And I’m saying Love is fundamental and identical to Truth. That Love is Truth. That Love is God (or the ‘True You’ as you might call it) in actuality. And that the intelligence of God’s Love can create imaginary unlimited states or even no state/‘nothing there at all’ which you’re describing that masquerades as the Absolute Truth. God is impossibly unlimited and can easily do such things (this is the true definition of unlimited). But we fool ourselves into the being ‘truly done’ trap where you actually think you’ve penetrated to the final depths of awakening, something deeper than God / Love and pointing to something bigger than that, not knowing that the real dream is still happening to you as you are God pretending you’re not God / Love doing this. This is nothing to do with mind or belief. This is nothing to do with concepts. It seems your path has been riddled by traditional mind disidentification dogma which is a worldview that shapes your spiritual aims, endeavours, practices and results and leads to claims like calling Love a mind-entangled activity or mere aspect in consciousness. No. Love is infinitely foundational, meta and a priori to any state/no state. It is the unlimited bedrock of Consciousness itself. Love literally IS the ‘nothing there’ devoid of Love/beyond Love no state you’re pointing to. Love simultaneously creates and is prior to/beyond even absolute nothing. Love always was, so to speak. That’s why I called it a miracle. It is what God is. It IS the Absolute Truth.
  6. It’s this kind of shit that makes me grateful @Leo Gura keeps calling out traditional non duality and enlightenment. A denial of Love as the utter core of Absolute Truth is tragically incomplete. Of course there’s room for Love there, LOVE is a fucking miracle. That’s the point. That’s why it IS identical to God. Reductionism of consciousness is a bleak affair.
  7. @integral Bingo. I don’t see how any highly conscious person could treat their body so foolishly as this. Any shred of self-love and higher awareness would expose not only the ego in trying to outstrip the body’s insane natural intelligence but also the suffering and emotional trauma that could ultimately result in. The whole rising fad of visiting ‘hormone optimization’ clinics and TRT etc. as if it’s just like popping a multivitamin is such a sad trap that millions will fall prey to over the coming years. Manipulating your hormones can royally fuck you up in ways you can’t imagine, make no mistake about it.
  8. Leo is completely right here, in fact it’s sad more people don’t see through it. If you know anything about some of the drugs Brian is pumping himself with, you start to shudder as to what that could be doing to him beneath the surface. He’s incredibly lucky he hasn’t had any debilitating side effects or major systemic crashes (yet). I know people personally who aren’t so lucky and whose lives have been devastated through a bad reaction to just a single drug he’s taking on his list.
  9. @Leo Gura curious, how do you account for the Christian religious conversion though?
  10. I don’t know Leo, he certainly seems to have regressed into blue somewhat. The blue/Maga Trump crowd were willing to cover him across his sexual misconduct scandal. He seems to be rubbing shoulders now with all sorts of blue ilk regularly as a result, a la Rubin and Trump Jr., which seems to be infecting his political ideas. Also, what is even more juicy, is his conversion to a flavor of blue born again Christianity over the past month, even disavowing regular spiritual practices and reading bible versus to the joy of blue Jesus followers. This is a clear backlash against his holistic green spirituality which he’s had for years. He even got baptized with Bear Grylls lol. Personally I think he went through a crisis in meaning due to the sexual misconduct accusations and backlashed to blue both politically and spiritually to stabilize through it and make sense of the mainstream orange/green-esque vendetta against him (or how he likely perceives it). I don’t think his spirituality was very deep to begin with to survive an existential/moral crisis as this either, hence the fall back on a blue Christian religious framework. Having said that I agree he retains a lot of green politically with all his anti-mainstream stuff, but it seems to have infused itself in parallel with blue anti-establishment stuff now too, hence the wacko flavor you mention. Either way it’s shameful he is so sloppy not just politically, but spiritually. I expected better. He is all over the place.
  11. "Doctors discovered that for the last four weeks, Sadhguru had been ignoring a severe headache and giving himself relentlessly to his gruelling schedule, which included Mahashivratri. On 15th March, an MRI showed massive bleeding in the brain. However, Sadhguru refused to cancel his commitments including his session at India Today Conclave which he attended under the effect of powerful painkillers and sedation. On 17th morning, Sadhguru had to be rushed to hospital where it was discovered that he had life threatening swelling in the brain. After going through an emergency surgery on 17th, Sadhguru is now making steady progress and is recovering extremely well. Neurologist Dr. Vinit Suri of Apollo Hospital said “We were joking with him that we have done what we could but you are healing yourself. The kind of improvement we are seeing is beyond our expectation. He is now extremely well. All his brain, body and vital parameters are normal and he is making a steady progress.”
  12. Great, balanced, mature reply Leo. Never goes unnoticed when you show patience, understanding and restraint and take the higher road in face of a personal attack, accusation or ignorant projection, especially with a topic like this. Just calling it out to let you know that such a thing inspires me with Love the most.
  13. Check this out - a chatgpt poem on Love as the ultimate Truth Divine Love, the ultimate truth A force that guides us all A light that shines within our hearts And helps us when we fall It's a love that knows no bounds No limits or constraints It's a love that sees beyond appearances And into the heart's true stains It's a love that's free from ego Unencumbered by the self It's a love that's always present No matter how we delve Into the darkness of our fears Or the shadows of our doubt Divine love is always there A beacon shining out It's a love that never fades No matter what we do It's a love that's always present And always true So let us open up our hearts And embrace this love divine For it is the ultimate truth And it will forever shine.
  14. @Leo Gura I wonder why your other spiral vids weren't flagged for the same reason... gotta be an explanation...
  15. @Leo Gura So what's the difference between Hawkins' folks flagging down YT content VS say Susanne Cook-Greuter/Spiral Dynamics folks doing the same to your vids in future?