Andre Quinonez

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About Andre Quinonez

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  1. So I have always been highly skeptical about the law of attraction and never really took it seriously or studied it, I just dismissed it as woo woo bs. But recently I started getting a lot of videos about the law of attraction and manifestation on my recommended videos. I watched a few videos and cringed and immediately regarded it as delusion. But yesterday I was walking my dog and I really was in the mood for smoking weed and thought "fuck it I'll try manifesting it and see what happens". It was mostly out of boredom and wasn't really serious until I saw a fucking joint on the ground! I was blown away and started getting all paranoid thinking I was going mad. Could this have been just a highly unlikely coincidence or is there any truth to this?
  2. Leo has mentioned in some videos that he doesn't consume caffeine and that he recommends others not to do so. What is so bad about caffeine? Other than it being addictive what is wrong about caffeine?
  3. So a couple of weeks ago I had a horrible 1P-LSD trip. I took 200 ug early in the morning and had the most horrifying experience of my life. I felt as I was dying and I genuinely thought I was going to die. Although I already have around 10+ trips under my belt and done higher doses (400 ug) this trip went south very quickly. Now, I was raised a catholic and for many years I believed in the catholic church and in God in the biblical sense but I renounced those beliefs (or so it seemed) around 3 years ago. however, during this trip as I felt I lost complete control over my whole reality and felt as I was dying I started to pray and all of the sudden all my old beliefs about a god controlling everything from above came back. I rationally understand there isn't a man in the sky judging my actions and manipulating reality but in that moment I was so afraid that I prayed for him to spare my life. So why is this belief still so ingrained in my mind even if I understand intellectually that it's not the case?
  4. well it's a relief to know I'm not schizo lol. Thanks!
  5. you too man. Now at least I know I am not crazy haha.
  6. lol I would also see insects. But they where phosphorescent insects that would glow in the dark with very beautiful colors. I would also see a man in the dark in my house, but I wasn't afraid at all. I actually really enjoyed these experiences.
  7. As a child I had very vivid and mystical hallucinations. It happened very early in my childhood, I was probably 3 to 4 years old. My first memories are of very mystical almost psychedelic experiences. I never spoke to anyone about it as a child because I just assumed it was normal and eventually the hallucinations started to fade away until I completely dismissed it. I was in denial about it and as I got older I convinced myself that it must have been a dream or a false memory, eventually with time I even completely forgot about those experiences. It wasn't until I tried psychedelics that I recognized that state of consciousness again. I spoke to a friend that also has tried psychedelics and he says that for him it's not the case. Is there any sources or info on spontaneous psychedelic phenomena as a child?
  8. I did purchase the list, but when he updates it with new books he removes other books. In one post he said we could get them in the source code.
  9. What is the source code and how can I get it to see the past books from the list?
  10. This is normally what LSD test kits detect
  11. As far as I know the Ehrlich reagent doesn´t test for fentanyl, but if you are concerned your substance might be contaminated here is a link for a fentanyl test kit:
  12. I was going through the book list and noticed that some books are not there anymore. Has anyone else had this issue?
  13. I could've sworn that Outliers was in the book list, but I can't seem to find it. Was it ever there or am I confused?
  14. I once had a full-body orgasm on 200 ug of 1P-LSD listening to In a Silent Way by Miles Davis, now every time I listen to that album I get horny. On the others hand, I had a bad trip on 400 ug listening to a Baden Powell album, now when I try to listen to that album I feel anxious and paranoid. Could it be that listening to the music stimulates the memory of that trip?