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Posts posted by Swagala

  1. These last few weeks, I've been noticing bright lights showing up in my imagination. The first time that it became very apparent was when I tried to Astral Projecting and a flash of bright light covered my whole imagination (with an eye on the middle coming closer and closer) and then disappearing within seconds. I was only able to do it again one more time. There are many times when I do 10 minute meditations that I would notice near the top of my vision, it would look like lights are flickering. When I'm doing deep meditations, I would start to see little flashes of lights show up and I sometimes can't help but twitch because of them. They almost look like spotlights shining down from the middle of my eyebrows.

    I've also been noticing the area in the middle of my eyebrows start to twitch and sort of move around. I kinda want it to explode because of all the "movement" happening on that area but nothing ever happens.

    Everytime these bright white lights show up, I can't help but feel like something is happening or is about to happen.

    Is this a common experience when meditating?

  2. I would recommend cutting off on masturbating for a bit. It depends on the person but I believe that for a lot of men when they are masturbating or after ejaculation, they start to feel guilty. Feeling guilt can get you into a bad mindset, you'll start to feel like you're weak.

    I notice a victim mentality from reading all the "bad" things that happened in your past. I'm not trying to gloss over the fact that these bad things happened but you need to realize that they were in the past. You are in the Now. It seems like you are using the past to justify feeling bad about yourself. Tap into the Now and notice that the past almost feels like they didn't even happen at all. Stop living in the past and start living in the now. What can you do now to start feeling great for yourself and live a life you want to live?

    I also notice a mindset of lack. There's too much focus on the things that you don't have. Too much focus on the things you don't want. Take deep breaths in, and become aware of your senses, tap into the Now. When the mind calms down and is silent, you notice that you can be okay in the Now. You're only ever not okay Now because you're too focused on the past, the future, and you're too focus on how things should be instead of how things are.

    Take more deep breaths in, silence the mind, tap into the Now and begin to notice that you can be okay with how you are now. Any resistance that shows up is the mind wanting things to be a certain way.

  3. I was placing my awareness on the top of my head then it started to feel like my head was opening up or expanding for a few minutes. After I felt like it couldn't expand anymore, I opened my eyes, and placed my awareness on the silence around me. Then, I began to notice these "wub wubbing" sounds inside my head. It's like I can hear them but I can also feel them around the back and the top of my head. The strange thing is, when I placed more focus and awareness on it, I started seeing flowery patterns on the curtains I was looking at. The patterns looked similar to the ones I would see when tripping on LSD but less intense. I saw then on my curtains, a little bit on my hands. I'm not sure if I tricked myself into seeing these patterns or not. This is the first time I've really noticed these sounds or whatever they are.

    Anyone else experienced this before and know the significance in it?

  4. @iceprincess Hearing your situation made me laugh with so much joy. It's so incredible how similar my current situation is. I've seen similar posts from other 20 or 21 year olds who are going through what seems like an impossible situation. 

    I believe I have no answer or advice to give you because I haven't solved my outside problems, only my inner demons. I'm thinking that sharing my own situation might help you feel not so alone and hopefully make you feel a little better in one way or another.

    Throughout my public school years, elementary, middle, and high school, I was always receiving praise about how smart I was and all that. Needless to say, it got to my head and I started acting as if I didn't need to study or try hard because I was smart. I was also one of those quiet (somewhat loner) kids in school. During my junior year and throughout my senior year, I began to completely slack off and skip multiple days of school just so I could look like one of those rebellious cool kids. I had advanced classes and was taking a college course for a semester and I still managed to graduate, somehow. Now, I often get nightmares where I'm back in high school and the situation is that I'm about to fail all my classes because I was too busy being cool instead of trying my hardest.

    Fast forward and it was the summer after my high school graduation. My parents and older sister were questioning me about my plans for going to college which I had none. I was more focused on enjoying my summer and playing video games. I didn't want to disappoint my parents so I went to college. I planned on majoring in Astrophysics because I thought people would see me as cool or smart (and I was always interested in science and all that jazz). Soon enough, the issue of paying my loans and tuition came around. I needed to work but the thing is I had major social anxiety and self-esteem issues. I hated how I looked, I was always overweight my whole life and have always been self-conscious about it literally every single day. So, I avoided working which meant I had unpaid loans and tuition. Also, I was totally ill prepared for college. It was a totally different ball game from high school. There were so many things required of me that I wasn't prepared for. The stress got to me and so I stopped going to my classes entirely. It was during that time when I found Actualized.org to try to heal my anxiety and depression. Instead of healing my depression and anxiety, I got sucked down into the rabbit whole of Truth. I waited until the semester was over so I could go back home and lie to my parents and older sister about how I got A's and B's and wanted to take a year off.

    Months later, I had to face my life problems again. I didn't want to go back to college because I didn't see a point to it (I had no passion to study anything and I also didn't see the reason for it existentially). I didn't want to work because of my social anxiety and self-esteem. So, I decided to join the army. I was already in the process while I was depressed in college and back when I was about to graduate high school. I went through the basic training which that was the worst and the best experience of my life. I felt some pride about being a soldier and fighting for my country. But then I realized that it was just another label that the ego thrived on; the label of being a soldier and the image of someone protecting their country. Outside of the false pride I got from having the label of "soldier" I had no real desire to be in the army. I wanted to leave during basic but the people there made it impossible. I just had to go through with it. Months later, I got back home (I was in the reserves) and went to my drill. I felt no pride or anything from going to my drills. I just stopped going. Letters kept coming in about the fact that I missed my drills and that I'll be given a general discharge or whatever which will have serious consequences in my life if I don't start showing up. I still haven't to this day. You could say I'm just dumb and selfish for choosing not to show up for my drills but I genuinely didn't see the point in going- if I did see an actual reason to, I would. I saw no reason in wasting my life on something I saw no point in and did not enjoy. I suffered through those months of skipping my drills and receiving the letters. Not to mention I also had the loans and tuition that I still had to pay off. In my head, thoughts of being called a traitor, shitbag, selfish, worthless, failure, a waste, etc... kept popping up everyday. I wanted them to stop. I kept trying to defend my stance and justify my value as a human being. Thoughts of suicide came up multiple times. I even got to the point where I actually bought some pills just so I could be prepared for the day when I decide to overdose. I just wanted to reset. I felt like a total failure and felt utter shame and wanted total forgiveness and forget this whole sad life. I wanted reincarnate and hope that I don't make the same mistakes again. It was that day when I bought the pills that I realized my actual self worth. I was always stressed out about people seeing me as worthless. I saw that these were projections in my mind. "I" was the one labeling my self and calling my self worthless. I saw right through my own suffering. I also realized that if I was ever going to find true forgiveness and love, I wasn't going to find it from outside. Defending my stance and life choices were not the way to heal. Realizing that I was God and that I was at my own mercy was true healing. I realized that true forgiveness and love could only come from myself. I began to forgive myself. I began to truly love myself. Whatever anyone else says about me are completely irrelevant.

    My story won't help you practically but I hope it can help you spiritually. And through spirituality, you can find authenticity and divine worth which I hope can help you face your problems head on. It's only been a week since I hit rock bottom (when I bought the pills) and found this realization so, I'm still working through it. I can say that it's genuinely helped my self-esteem. It's help me be more honest and authentic. And I feel like it's helping me to finally face my fears head on, no matter what happens.

    I genuinely wish for the best for you.

    This is also the first time I've admitted all of this.

  5. I've been doing spiritual/conscious work for a little over 3 years now and feel like I've made great progress, whatever progress in this work really means. For me, I started spiritual work because I had social anxiety which lead to depression. And if I'm being honest, sometimes I catch myself thinking about how much better or well off I am (my social and financial life is total garbo though lol) than most people because I'm in this spiritual path. When I find myself looking at people, I'm aware of my ego getting butthurt by the fact that people seem okay with where they're at. They seem like they already know what's going on. It's like they have this innate knowing of what reality is and what their purpose is, they have no need to question anything. And because of those thoughts, I feel like instead of "being ahead" of the unconscious people around me, I'm actually trying to catch up to them because it seems like they're the ones more at peace and fully conscious while I'm the fool who's completely lost and confused. I already "know" that the "fact" is that most people are unconscious. I quoted know and fact because I don't actually know and don't know if it's actually a fact or true. Sometimes I look back at the times when Leo talks about how "99% of human being that have ever lived are unconscious" and start to doubt it whenever I have these moments.

  6. Last night, I was attempting to Astral Project or at least just practice staying conscious while the body went to sleep. At some point, my body became very still and it felt as if there wasn't even a body, inside and outside felt like they were one. It felt like I was floating around. Then, I started noticing some chilling sensations that started from my lower back and then spread throughout my whole back. It occurred often (or maybe I only ever noticed it when my mind was still/quiet) every time I finished breathing in and then out without having a single thought. I tried to see if I could manipulate where these sensations could spread. I was able to somewhat lead it to a certain direction to some degree. After maybe an hour and half in, I started to focus on my head and then I noticed that I would start feeling the same chilling sensation in my head. I also started seeing some white light. I also started feeling something between my eyebrows which I assumed was this "3rd eye" thing that I'm still not sure what it is about. I tried opening it for a while but at the end, it felt like my whole head was wide open. When I finally decided to end it after 2 hours, it was easier just being instead of having any thought.

    For the whole time that these chilling sensations were happening, I was wondering if this was this "Kundalini" energy that I've heard about. But at the same time, there were thoughts of it possibly just being the body cooling itself out.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nadosa said:

    Thank you. I tried again. The habit came back. It is a strong defense mechanism and I dont really want to meditate again. But on the other side I want to...but this feeling is just too uncomfortable to face again.

    I feel like this is gonna sound inconsiderate but you could try the practice of "Letting Go" which Leo did a video on. Let go of needing to be comfortable or not wanting be uncomfortable. Let go of the, I guess, 'traumatic' feeling and thoughts that you get from thinking about meditation. Maybe even let go of feeling like you have to meditate. Meditate only to meditate because you want to. Inside, you probably know that meditation is good and can help, run with that intuition and don't think about anything else other than meditating just for the sole fact of meditating.

    Hope you get through this temporary hurdle <3

  8. 1 minute ago, Angelite said:

    Because the moon is round 

    Do you really know that for sure? This is sorta the same as asking if the Earth is flat. Even if you were to go to the moon, you most likely perceive it as flat.  You don't really know until you've personally traveled the actual circumference on the Earth or moon and then conclude for yourself that they're round or flat.

    Of course, you probably knew that the point here isn't whether or not some thing like the Earth being flat or round is true. It's how you came to conclude these beliefs and the mental process that unconsciously happen.

  9. Do you know for sure that everyone else is having a similar human experience as you are? Or are they programs?

    Do you know what a bowl actually is other than relying on the instant ideas and concept of a "bowl" that you get when thinking about it?

    Even if you hear data and claims from authority figures that something is 1000% true, how do you know for yourself it's true? Did you conclude for yourself from actual experiments and data collection that it's true?

  10. I've been taking LSD once a week for the past few weeks or so. If I'm being honest, I don't do a lot of meditation. But I do contemplate on things more than I do meditate. Anyways, whenever I take LSD, I've noticed that my whole world would start to feel foreign to me, it feels like I really don't know how things work in reality. My memory also starts to get "worse". I don't remember what I did this week, what I did in the morning etc. (although I'm assuming that doing nothing all day has a lot to do with the memory problems). 

    Last week, I had what Peter Ralston called "first glimpse" or to me, my first real enlightenment experience. I've always been taking LSD thinking I'd go somewhere and then when I'm on it, I'd get so frustrated because the only thing that would happen is that it felt like the things I was looking for were always coming from me (like answers to questions, maybe some truths). I wanted truths to come from somewhere else rather than from me. Getting back on track, last week, I realized that I was never really missing anything. This whole journey, I went through it thinking that I was missing this experience called Enlightenment only to end up realizing that I wasn't really ever missing anything. I was never going to go anywhere when I become enlightened, I'll always be here.

    My problem is that I've almost entirely forgotten what it was like when I had that glimpse on LSD. I watched the video I recorded while tripping and it only helped me a little bit to recollect the pieces of that moment. I'm going to continue taking LSD because I hear and believe there's more out there, I'm not sure what but I know there is. Although, I'm worried that I'm becoming dependent on LSD to get me to these insights and that these insights will only ever appear and remain within these trips. Forgotten and tossed aside when I become sober. I guess what I really want to ask is: it's common to forget your trips and the insights you get from it, right?

    I don't want to be taking LSD or whatever drug for my entire life (although, I'd be fine with that) just because I always end up forgetting these profound insights. One more question I would have is: Is it actually possible to get to these insights and enlightenment experiences while sober? These insights seem so profound to me that even if I try to meditate more, it'd still be impossible to get them. Or maybe that's just my lazy mindset, not wanting to sit and stay still for long periods of time.

    Thanks for reading.

  11. My kind of enlightenment is more like realizing that my ideas of what enlightenment IS have always been a fantasy and will never be reachable. Or like realizing that you can never go outside of your own experience which is true for everyone else (at least I'm assuming) so, it means that your own experience right now is the same as the Enlightened One's own experience. So you must be Enlightened already. You're either enlightened now or you aren't. When you keep believing that you're not enlightened is when you still have false ideas of what enlightenment is.

  12. Close to 3 years of aimlessly wondering around, looking for enlightenment. 

    And then boom. I realize there was nothing there. Fuck me.

    I'm left with pure confusion as to why and when I started looking for enlightenment in the first place. There never was anything to be enlightened to, but I genuinely believed there was something there.

    I'm also left with this feeling of "Where do we go from here?"

  13. Hello. Recently, I decided to smoke my last stash of marijuana. I wasn't expecting much insight from it or anything but at the same time, I still wanted to learn some thing from it.

    The high was the same as my last ones, my thoughts and ideas started to feel real/true. As if one hears a 'fact' from a credible scientist and takes it at face value. A lot of the thoughts I had were explanations to things in the world, and at that state, I believed in everything I was thinking as true.

    Later on, I started seeing how not much different it was when I was believing everything I was thinking while high to when I hear spiritual concepts and explanations and then start believing them while sober. Not just spiritual ideas but even scientific ones, all ideas and beliefs- they all seemed just as deluded. I even started to doubt everything that I've heard Leo talk about. If I was able to delude myself with everything I was thinking at this state, Leo could possibly be deluding himself, no matter what level of awareness he's at. The idea of higher awareness means better truth, could possibly be just another trap for one to be deluded even further.

    I can't even say that I still slightly believe in many of what Leo talks about because of this experience. If I do choose to believe in what Leo says, it feels like I'm intentionally deluding myself.

    What I can say is that during my first few highs/trips on marijuana, I was having deeper understanding to what Leo has always been talking about. But after witnessing how deep delusion can go, I believe I may have just been deluding myself deeper into Leo's teachings. Giving myself explanation after explanation to make them all seem true.

    I don't know what I'm expecting from this, honestly. Am I just willingly looking for more delusions from other people to stay sane? Because at this point, it feels like I'm stuck again with my spiritual journey. And as always, I know it won't last forever but I fear that the only way I could get out of this is from willingly going along with all the spiritual talk that seem like delusional to me as of this moment.

    Another thing I would like to share is that I was wondering if God was actually good when I was tripping. I always believed that God was good because there ARE good things in the world and why else would all this be happening (reality) unless God is good. But then I started thinking about how there are also bad things in the world. What if this whole existence is pure suffering and all the good and spiritual things I've experienced were glimpses of hope God likes to bait us with and then take away just to see us suffer.

    Maybe it's just a huge ego backlash doubting everything I've gone through so far in my spiritual journey. I've had so many insights in my first few highs/trips on marijuana that maybe my ego couldn't take it anymore.

    Thanks for reading <3

  14. For anyone wondering, I don't currently have an addiction to weed even after the 3 times I had these Mystical experiences. I look at marijuana as something that can help me find truths that I feel I need to understand. I'm not looking to get relaxed or escape, I'm looking for the next insights I will have on my next experiences. If I don't feel excited from my curiosity for Truth, I don't smoke. If I feel as if I'm lying to myself about my excitement just so I could go back to the blissful experience, I become aware of the lie and choose not to smoke.

    And I agree that different people will have different experiences and dependencies with any substance. 

  15. I've been tripping a few times this last week but I feel stuck on how I should approach each trip. I always want to go deeper every trip I go on. I don't want to be going on these trips without an intention of curiosity and what not.

    I'm asking for some self-inquiry questions or questions to ask myself while tripping that may trigger huge insights.

    Or maybe some tips on how to stay focused while tripping or if I should do a certain meditative practice while tripping.

    Also, is it normal to forget a lot of the insights you get or experience while tripping? I noticed that when I record myself and watch it, the things I say brings me back to how I felt during the trip. So should I record every trip I go on?

    Thank you very much :)

  16. For the 3rd trip, my intention was to try and go as deep as I could. I went pretty far. I kind of wanna talk about the movie 'Interstellar (2014)' first and how amazingly it portrayed going into one of these trips are. I loved the science aspect of the movie as a young teenager but looking back at it, I now understand the "paranormal" or spiritual part of it. Much appreciation for my favorite movie.

    Some observations from when the trip was setting in: as always, it felt like everything through my eyes were gigantic, even my body. I was an ant-sized human looking through a normal human's perspective. I could feel my voice shaking although from my recording, it wasn't shaky.

    As I'm looking back on the trip, I'm remembering how easily it was for myself to be deluded. Everything that I was imagining was becoming true, or at least true for me. I understood I was God and everything I say was true but at the same time, you can still delude yourself and make yourself believe anything. I had to be able to step into the Lower self every now and again to keep myself grounded. There are some things that I began to believe to understand which I will still write here but will make caution that I may have been deluded when saying them.

    During the trip, everything I was trying to explain and understand, all I saw was how much of an infinite loop it all was. Which I've said in my 2nd trip. The infinite loop can correspond with non-duality. There's 2 things but the only way one of the two things can exist or "make sense" is by knowing the other. And then the other needs to know the other to know the other... etc... They need to know each other infinitely, in a loop. One cannot be without the other, they're are 2 things but at the same time, 1 thing.

    Time here becomes way slower. It can keep going slower and slower. At some point, it almost felt like every frame of reality was passing through me. I could feel my mouth move frame by frame and feeling that eternal thirst. And as I kept focusing on my mouth and my thirst, I also started to get hungry, that was definitely the eternal "Munchies" faze.

    Our memory is one of a lot of things that keep us from getting Enlightened. It gives us the perception of time which replaces the real "eternity". But at the same time, it's also what can help us keep going deeper, or keep transcending us in levels of awareness. Memory helps us recall our previous sense of awareness and compare it to how it is now, from that, we become aware of the shift in awareness which then will help you transcend in awareness even more.

    Note that my grammar is starting to weaken because as I was writing this, everything is starting to feel like how I was at the God head. It all feels like a dream right now and time feels slower again. I was hoping I'd be writing all of this sober but I guess this is fine too.

    Deeper in, everything I was imagining became real. My imagination was reality at this point. I was in control of my imagination but at the same time, what I kept on imagining was my life. As if this is what I wanted to imagine, my human life story.

    Me and the ego are one. Helping each other go through this whole journey. I created the ego and yet the ego is also me.

    At some point, it felt like the whole Solar system could be around my head, that's how gigantic I felt.

    Your knowledge/perspective in the Physical can manifest into the Higher state, and at the same time, your knowledge/perspective of the Higher state can manifest into the Physical. They manifest each other infinitely, in a loop.

    I apologize for my inconsistency of vocabulary. Ex. Higher state/Stoned/High state/God head. Physical/Lower state. I'm sorta just picking words that seem similar to me at the moment and my memory is fading away a bit.

    Everything is a dream. Once this high is over, everything I experienced will feel like a dream. Just as how when I'm at this High state, everything that I know/remember from the Low state also feels like a dream. It's an infinite loop of dreaming and waking up. Sleep, wake up, sleep, wake up. And I'm okay with either state right now because this High state feels inevitable. Everything will always lead to how I am right now. But at the same time, how I am right now in this High state is always happening in real life, but I've been lacking awareness to see it. (Note I'm saying 'how I am right now' because how I felt when I was High and how I'm feeling right now while typing this is the same (but in a sort of lower extremity). I feel so out of my body.)

    In this state, you have control of whether or not you want to keep going and going. You also have the choice of feeling this way forever. What's important in the end is if you buy into any beliefs of self-doubt. If you buy into them, that's when you will start to believe you have no power and that you don't have control. And trust me, it can be tough but also at the same time, extremely easy (you can choose to believe that it's easy or not) to keep believing in your power/control. 

    The paranoia I was experiencing was a different variant of self-doubt. To make me scared of going any deeper. The consequences that you will start thinking of from the paranoia are real... but they're only real if you accept them to be real.

    Near the end, everything felt so slow that it felt like an eternity before I can make a sound with my mouth to make up words.

    Your imagination is the limit and imagination has no limit.

    The deeper and deeper I went, it felt like I was speaking a different language. As if there was an extreme intelligence auto-translating for me. Translating the infinite intelligence's knowledge down to my Lower self. There's also a loop happening within this auto-translation.

    The ego is what keeps us from enlightenment but at the same time, it's what can help you stay in this High state. The ego can be helpful but also unhelpful. It's also neither, it just is what it is.

    It feels like I'm in a dream. I'm just witnessing my life.

    At some point, I started to understand how Leo is me and I'm Leo. It felt like everything I was saying and thinking, Leo has stumbled upon before. It was as if I hit the gold mine Leo was trying to make everyone see.

    Enlightenment feels... numb. Like enlightenment doesn't matter at this High state. Our ideas of Enlightenment in the low state are NOTHING like how it actually is in this state. You can't possibly know what it really is like right now in this High state. You have to be in the High state to actually know and fully understand what I'm trying to say in this paragraph.

    I think, there for I am. That sentence is starting to have a transcended meaning now.

    Awareness can infinitely transcend itself forever, in a loop of transcending.

    I started to understand why people say that when you're enlightened enough, you'll start to see the world as Divine. You see all its infinity, all it's possibility, all it's loopness, all its eternity. You see all of that in everything you see. I saw it on my window curtains, my walls, everything that I saw.

    I start to see myself creating my reality, my life story in real time.

    In the recording, I had long moments of being quiet and just smiling near the end. I was just embracing everything I was seeing, thinking, imagining. Just watching and appreciating it all. :)

    I could feel meta become more meta and becoming even more meta, transcending its own meta to become even more meta. Breaking through all the 4th walls (references for TV shows showing behind the scenes things).

    Science can never explain reality. It can use reality's coding to manipulate it and create things with the code but they never explain or fully understand it.

    Possible Delusions:

    The reason why stoners or hippies move so slow from our eyes is because they're bringing the experience of slow time or slow motion while being high into the Physical world. They got so used to the slow movement that they are now manifesting that into the Physical.

    The people who are fidgety, itchy, their voices are scratchy, etc., after or even during the High, they are losing touch of how the Physical world is like. They forget how strange they would look from the Physical perspective. They need to remember how it feels to be in the Physical and manifest that feeling into the higher state so you that they can stay grounded.

    The reason why people get the munchies or, for me, get thirsty while being stoned is because they became aware of their taste/mouth. To them, in the High/Stoned state, it's felt like an eternity since they had anything in their mouth to eat or drink. So then, they start feeling hungry or thirsty. It's an eternal thirst and eternal munchies.

    The reason why some people become very deluded when they get to this point or maybe even beyond this point is because they've completely deluded themselves with their Godness. They didn't realize or they forgot how powerful God is at making it self believe everything he says. So, every belief they ever had or even just made up while at the God head state, they started to believe as true and the reason why they have to be true is because they are God. Like I've said before, you need to come back to the Physical every once in a while to keep yourself grounded and not delude yourself of your Godness.

    Things that I believe helped me go deeper and deeper:

    Remember and understand that in this state, you are GOD. Meaning you DO have the choice to be in control of what you want in this state, there'll be a lot of times when you will believe that it won't be possible and you will start doubting yourself. Know that you DO have control.

    Remember that even though you are GOD, you can still delude yourself at this point with your Godly deluding powers. That's a little lesson in trickery.

    Understand that the percentage of a possibility doesn't matter here. Whether it's 1% or .000001%, it's still possible. Everything here has an infinite probability of happening. It's the possibility of what seems impossible that's allowing every possibility to be possible.

    Good recognition of anything that's changed. If you can easily be aware of any shift in your perception or awareness, that'll help you transcend in awareness even more. So I guess, just good awareness in general.

    Faith/Trust in yourself.

    If you there's anything I want you to take from this it's that you need to fully understand that you are GOD. GOD can choose to have control or not have control. CHOOSE TO BE IN CONTROL. CHOOSE TO BE INFINITELY IN CONTROL.

    Quick honesty note, I'm having some paranoia or worries that everything I wrote down here are deluded and false as shit. Gotta have faith...

  17. @Lateralus I only smoked the marijuana and used a DIY gravity bong. I was at first, helped by messaging an online friend of mine who had previous experiences with psychedelics. But this time, I was alone.

    I've been on my spiritual journey for maybe 3 years now and have never taken any psychedelics, I've always wanted to be Enlightened via "natural ways" like meditating and what not.

    I sort of "prayed" to whatever is out there and hoped this would give me answers, truth. And then I affirmed my hopes by telling myself "this is gonna work". Like I said in this post, being really hopeful and "Looking on the bright side" really helped me find more and more insights. Having trust in your self, the universe and just everything, really.

    I also took a few Puffs and when I felt like it was starting to set in, I took one more and then one more. While I'm tripping I decide whether or not I want to go deeper. You always have a choice to keep going. Just trust in yourself to make the right decisions.

    "Ask and you shall receive"