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About dustylocks

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  1. My answers were a good starting point, but as mentioned, only the beginning.
  2. From my experience a small circle of concerns makes you overly sensitive. My guess is you're not pursuing things your passionate about, or you wouldn't have time to get sensitive. So quite simply find a way to unleash your creativity. From climbing, to fighting or painting. You need to engage your mind, its trying to tell you something. All the best, Nic
  3. @Natasha You're assuming I'm not? Unfortunately I live in a society that uses money to survive, and being who I am..I want some volition over my direction in life. Part of that means using my initiative to survive. Thanks for your advice though FYI part of this challenge is to sell all the stuff you don't need...so yeah, become a minimalist
  4. @Dan Arnautu Yes, that could be a trap for someone deeply neurotic. And no, you should never confine being present and aware to a formal practice..and one should never go into 'chimp behavior' full stop!
  5. @Principium Nexus Amazing response, thanks! I read 'the intelligent investor' years ago, and several other books. The area has always fascinated me. Thanks again for taking the time to write this thoughtful and detailed answer. There's a lot of good advice there especially shadowing someone who has skills.
  6. @brovakhiin I think when you absorb yourself in things that require a lot of brainpower, this happens. Especially during an intense learning phase. It depends what you want out of life. Its easy to sit on a mountain and be zen. Doing the same while in a battleground is a different beast. Its a choice I guess. Maybe the challenge is worth it? Maybe you want to opt out? Only you can answer that. There are no solutions though, except the ones you find yourself! Nic
  7. @Socrates Yo. Yeah, in Ebay check the left column in search and press 'completed items' This will give you a complete history of the item in question and how much it sells for+how often (and when it doesn't sell). From here you can make an educated guess on how much to put it up for etc. You can determine shipping prices within ebay itself, it will guide you through the process. And also be aware that Ebay charges a small amount per transaction (10% I think) If still stuck just Google the terms "how to search for completed items ebay" Also use goofbid.com it has a load of great ebay tools. Super handy!!!
  8. @Principium Nexus I've always been interested. How long would you say it takes to educate yourself before you can start making reliable money? IF that's possible to quantify.
  9. @Eonn 1.Cut out all processed foods and added sugar 2. experiment with either "the slow carb diet" (Tim Ferriss) or "The Paleo Diet" (Rob wolf) This is the best foundation you can experiment from. It concentrates on nutrient density, cuts out all the crap and things that you MAY have adverse reactions to (gluten, wheat, dairy) Also check out the writer Micheal Pollan...he's a great writer and has made some amazing books on nutrition.
  10. @brovakhiin Cool, I like it. Crypto is an interesting train. I'm getting involved in helping to market a cryptocurrency in the new year called LightBlue. Should be fun!
  11. @brovakhiin Ha same, but on runescape..use that entrepreneurial spirit Gary Vee is great...and I definitely recommend him. He focuses on branding, social media and building awareness..he also has a great ability to predict where attention is going. Very interesting frames.
  12. @Leo Gura Do you think the same way about meditation?
  13. @ZX_man Sweet! Wish I could say the same I don't need much, though in the future I'd like to have enough to do some interesting projects.
  14. @Hsinav I'm not really sure what you're trying to point out
  15. @Marco_the_Ape A mixture...You'd be surprised what you have lying around that you can sell. Use that as a foundation to build off.