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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. This is the first video I remember watching at a hotel room in Rome in autumn of 2016. I was essentially stuck on vacation while going through severe withdrawals from cannabis (yes, that is possible), and I had decided to graduate from philosophizing about reality à la Terrence McKenna to investigating reality through mindfulness and awareness. That quickly lead to my first glimpse of non-duality later that year, and my life changed drastically.
  2. My first time was on a tab of LSD with 7 other people inside one house, and I licked the scissors that we used to cut the tabs. We also smoked tons of weed beforehand, so we were basically tripping even before dropping. Probably the most disorienting yet profound experience of my life lol
  3. Don't you think he is being overtly flippant as a joke? LOL. It's the funniest thing I've read all day . It makes me laugh everytime I read it LOOOL
  4. For me, MBTI is kinda meh. Before I took the test, I thought I was INTP. I got INFP-A by a 1% margin on the feeling vs. thinking part. I also feel that I'm unable to know whether I'm answering according to what I aspire to be or believe is the right way to be rather than the way I actually am.
  5. You should move if you feel like moving,
  6. Sexual and romantic interests is very different from questions about race or gender inequality. Just because you feel attracted to very few people doesn't mean you hate the rest.
  7. Is this room you're taking it in relatively silent and not close to other people? You may become more senstive to noises that you're otherwise blocking out, which may make you want to get out of the room, It's good to have a room that is truly safe that you can use as a base. If you're determined about doing it alone, you should pick a low dose just to test the waters. To make it spiritually beneficial, sit in silence, just relax or listen to music. You can also watch some videos of people like Alan Watts or Sadhguru. Just listening to awake people speaking can make you pick up on their state of awareness.
  8. Despite Norway being generally green, my mom leans towards blue-orange, and my dad is very green. They got separated when I was 7, and it was my mom that wanted separation if I remember correctly. Maybe that speaks for itself or maybe not . Now my dad is happily married with a green goddess from Portland, Oregon (can you get any more green lol), and my mom is still single. She has been dating a policeman, some ex-military dude and a professional athlete (pretty blue stuff).
  9. That is exactly what is meant by illusion: it's not what it appears to be, but it "is". If something can appear as something else, then that something must also exist
  10. The idea that everything is an illusion is just a concession to the average persons culturally sanctioned conception of reality. In the West, reality consists of physical objects suspended in physical space. We're just individuals with separate meat-based vehicles travelling around inside our head, and we're experiencing a world that exists independent of ourselves. This is reality for most people in the West. When you say that reality is an illusion, you're saying that reality is not what it appears to be. However, when you step out of the illusion, reality is no longer illusory for you in the same fashion that it used to.
  11. Illusions exist; they're just not what they appear to be.
  12. It's sad when a topic made by someone who genuinely wants to understand something gets derailed like this
  13. Try to find the specific things that you're holding on to that is creating the resistance and fear. Usually when fear arises, it tries to justify itself through thought, giving you reasons for why you should keep holding on to the fear. Try to address these things directly, whether that is about fixing something in your life or just letting go of something that you have no control over. However at the end of the day, it's all about giving up control.
  14. He is not just pointing at a car and asking about it. He is pointing at a car, calling it an elephant, and asks why it doesn't fly.
  15. Inspired by Ken Wilber's "pre/trans fallacy" (conflating the pre-rational with the trans-rational), I came up with "the relative/absolute fallacy": conflating the relative with the absolute. It's the most notorious source of confusion in spirituality in general. Wilber's concept captures the confusion that somebody may encounter from an outsider perspective, while my concept is most often applicable to internal confusion within spiritual circles. Additionally, many cases of the pre/trans fallacy are actually specific cases of the relative/absolute fallacy.
  16. Don't confuse parts of reality with reality as a whole: the absolute/relative fallacy.
  17. @Winny When you're looking out at the world, you're only seeing the inside of your own mind. Likewise, when you look at a brain scan, everything you're seeing is still made out of mind. By looking at the supposed mechanisms of the brain, you're not actually seeing how this is supposedly creating your mind. You're only seeing the content of your own mind. How this content arises is never explained by looking at more content. There needs to be a shift in consciousness. The content has to be put in proper perspective where you see it for what it actually is. This is what Leo means by the statement that brains don't exist: you're never actually looking at something material called "a brain". You're looking at the content of your own mind. It's pure hallucination, imagination, colour. This mind is not even "your" mind. It's everybody's mind, THE mind.
  18. @WHO IS What is the benefit of knowing anything?
  19. Notice how the belief about the brain only arises as a thought. Try to see what happens when you're not thinking.
  20. That really depends on the amount of work you put in otherwise. Everything adds up