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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Don't confuse median age with average life span. I'm showing you that the places where most babies are made (not where most people die at a young age) are also the places with the lowest rates of cancer. You were talking about a cure for cancer, not a cure for all diseases or old age. I just gave you some reasons for why the cure for cancer will probably not lead to human overpopulation. Sure, if we cure everything that makes people die from natural causes, then the population will increase exponentially, but cancer? Not so much.
  2. The people who reproduce are mostly young people, people with a low likelihood of getting cancer. Most people who will be cured will soon die from old age anyway, and these people will not reproduce after being cured. The countries with the highest reproduction rates also have the lowest median age, and therefore their population will not be much impacted by cancer rates as it's an age-related disease. With this taken into consideration, the population growth from a cure for cancer will most likely be minimal, certainly not exponential. Cure for old age is another story.
  3. What does curing cancer accomplish? Survival. As far as I understand, Leo doesn't claim he has reached omniscience in human form. He is saying that he has reached "states" of omniscience, and such a state is not compatible with functional human states of awareness. You can't keep the entire knowledge of the universe inside the human operative system and expect to be able to solve human problems. It's like expecting your PC to be able to run with a 1 trillion terabyte file on it. Your PC will crash.
  4. You can reach a state of omniscience, but the state fades once your return to your human form. Also when you're in that state, to use that omniscience to fulfill desires of survival will also make that state collapse. Omniscience is unlimited and survival is limited: they are incompatible.
  5. I'm not putting him on a pedestal by simply characterizing his mission as being grounded in turquiose values
  6. This belongs to the Stage Red Examples thread. Stay on topic
  7. My most challenging experience was when I realized that life is a trip, and that I'm constantly tripping and there is no way out.
  8. You have to express your energy and exhaust it, not repress it. Whatever you do, do it all the way with your full heart and soul. That is the only way you'll grow. You're young. It's only natural. Go indulge in your urges so much to the point where you're so repulsed by them that you cannot stand them anymore. Then the next time when you're enticed by them, you'll remember where it leads, and then staying on course will be much easier.
  9. What does "stopping seeking" really entail? It entails the cessation of grasping on to anything in particular. However, the problem is that many people can't stop themselves from grasping. If you're in that boat, you have to keep practicing. If you're in the boat of having practiced for years and years, then the problem can arise that you trick yourself into thinking that you'll never be able to stop grasping, but really what you're only grasping on to is the practice itself or the idea of having to practice. Only then does the pointer of "there is nothing to obtain, everything is perfect" make sense.
  10. Considering how spiral development and poverty are inversely correlated and how the most affluent parts of the world aren't even fully green yet, then for the entire world to get to yellow will probably only happen when generalized AI has eliminated all poverty. Is that even possible? We don't know. Anyways, given that world-wide yellow requires global eradictation of poverty and that the power-asymmetry issues of generalized AI have already been solved, then we'll already be in a world government type situation anyway. Any potential internal ideological issues will be overseen by an united monopoly of force, and therefore it would be more easily resolved than in the current world environment. Will these ideological issues even happen at global yellow in a post-scarcity economy? Who knows? To summarize, yellow will necessarily arise in tandem with the technological solutions that will allow for a global spread of yellow, and this will produce a positive feedback loop. Yellow will start to spread rapidly once it passes an extremely tight evolutionary bottleneck in terms of worldy affairs, so tight infact that it might not even happen. The fact that this type of united world is not just post-scarcity but also fully postmodern will probably lead to a level of homogeneity that doesn't leave much room for disagreements at all, atleast relative to today's standards.
  11. It's actually not surprising. It takes time to develop a self-consistent worldview and eliminate contradictory opinions. Jordan Peterson one time talked about how common it is for college freshmen to write something in an essay and then contradict themselves in the next sentence. It's not "ageism", It's facts. I'm only 3 years older than you, and I'm not immune to this either. It's something to have in mind, but also don't let it discourage you too much.
  12. Well, let's recap: I was talking about Dr. K's motivation for joining Twitch (his mission), and I see similarities between that and what Leo is doing on YouTube and, which is spreading consciousness to as many people as possible (a turquiose value). I then asked you to tell me the difference between Dr. K's and Leo's mission, and then you responded with listing up Leo's personal qualities: That made me think that you thought I was comparing their personal qualities, but instead I was comparing the core value behind their mission. If not this, what exactly am I supposed to get from that?
  13. It's all about convenience. It's not impossible to wash your own clothes, dishes or even live without electricity, but is it worth it?
  14. TRUE, except for some houses without good heating in the winter. It makes drying super slow, and it might even make your clothes smelly.
  15. I didn't compare him to Leo as a person. I compared the core value behind their mission (which is a stage turquoise value). You're putting Tier 2 on a way too big of a pedestal if you think it entails being a Leo clone. Dr. K is obviously a turquoise spiral wizard if you know anything about his past
  16. You're acting like there is no such thing as a family with 3 kids where the dishes pile up to the ceiling (same with clothes). You also wouldn't want your dinner guests to discover that there is dirt on their plates. Sure, if you live alone, just wash everything manually. You do you
  17. What if that is because he is a spiral wizard? If you're pushing spirituality on people that don't resonate with it, then you're an ideologue. He studied to become a monk for God's sake. He has explicitly stated the idea behind his mission: he realized that elevating consciousness on a global level is just as important if not more than working with individuals one-to-one. How does that differ from Leo's mission?
  18. Dr. K is stage turquoise and a tier 2 thinker. The reason he started streaming on Twitch is to spread consciousness to as many people as possible. He is not a typical psychiatrist, and his methods resemble that of an intuitive spiritual facilitator.
  19. What do you do to remove the soap?
  20. What about bed sheets? How big is your bucket?
  21. Decreases overpopulation and frees up creative output.