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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. I have a step sister who is 14 and she likes to talk about murder, death, and suffering at the dinner table. She has very little empathy, superficial charm, is manipulative, egocentric, hard to get along with. She used to frequently throw severe temper tantrums when she was younger. Her biological dad had similar traits (he died a couple of years ago from a drug overdose). She has an older brother who lacks these traits. He is very friendly and considerate of others. They both have a loving mother, so it seems to point towards a biological predisposition rather than social conditioning.
  2. I don't know. One of my first memories was when I was 3 years old. My mom told me I was starting kindergarten, and I vividly remember asking her "is that a thing where you do things at home?" and she said "no" and I got really upset
  3. Do you see the contradiction there?
  4. Fluffy doesn't like SD, so many of his arguments are confirmation bias - what'd you expect?
  5. I don't even know. What I wrote has like 10 different interpretations LOL
  6. This is the cutest post I've seen I love forum newbies.
  7. The only thing you can really trust is that everything is an illusion
  8. I'm not an expert, but the way I see it is that you can condition a specific contradictory response to something if it comes from a higher mental level. It's essentially a mental desire being fullfilled instead of a physical one, and that can cause a lot of pleasure aswell. Arousal associated with the mental anticipation before/during sex is a very big part of the experience, more so for women than men apparenty.
  9. "Becoming aware of the breath" is just a trick to pull your mind away from compulsive thinking and focusing it on an object in awareness. However, awareness is much wider than the object in focus. If the mind is able to quieten itself naturally without having to constantly recalibrate its focus, then you'll start to experience the "spaciousness" of awareness, which is essentially awareness in its base form: undirected raw experience. This awareness is synonymous with consciousness. "Becoming aware" is only done in order to condition an unruly mind. If the mind subsides on its own, then there is nothing to "become" aware to. Awareness is all there is.
  10. Happenstance, repeated exposure and habituation. You've essentially been conditioned by your environment to prefer certain types of familiar stimuli over others. Whatever you entertain, you'll strengthen your connection to that thing, and you also get more used to it. You're also naturally more inclined to some things than others. This is why people have so many different hobbies. Your ability to derive pleasure from something is completely relative to previous experiences. This is why some rich dude can feel depressed while getting a blowjob on a 50 millon dollar yatch and why some buddhist ascetic can feel the pleasure of 100 orgasms just staring into a concrete wall.
  11. "The relative/absolute fallacy": conflating the relative with the absolute. Most contradictions and confusion of terms in spirituality stem from this.
  12. Idk LOL. It's the weirdest thing I've written on here, I spent like 2 minutes giggling afterwards
  13. We're not a turquoise majority forum
  14. Turquoise on the outside, pink on the inside
  15. For me, one thing that makes SD convincing is how it aligns with the broad themes of human history: how we evolved from tribes (purple), to empires (red), to nation states (blue), liberal societies (orange), inclusive societies (green) etc.. If human history is a reflection of human development on a collective level, and given that a collective is made up of individuals, then it's not unfair to expect that the model would apply to the development of individuals.
  16. It's also a mark of a naive mind to think holding that as a belief will be enough to protect yourself from self-deception and bias
  17. If somebody like Trump gets elected, then there is no way somebody like Leo could get elected, not in a million years.
  18. You'll really just have to get used to this. Most people aren't interested in self-improvement, so naturally they'll most likely not be very developed, and you're just going to keep growing as time passes. Then again, you're still young, so time is on your side. Maybe tomorrow you'll find somebody that can resonate with you .