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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Oh she is much more than that
  2. Because that is what you're actually doing right now. You're just unaware that everything you consider to be an authority is decided by you. Authorities are made up. You only have your own authority and you like to extend it outwards to an external source because you lack self-love. My advice is just to stop tip-toeing around that fact and go straight to the source of direct experience.
  3. Let's say that you meditate and discover something new about yourself. Are you taking that on faith from someone else?
  4. ...and likewise you're just assuming that he is not talking from his own experience. I'm not merely saying "trust in yourself". I'm more saying "only trust in yourself". Why are you here doubting whether you could trust Leo if you only trust in yourself? Every response you've made here is based on doubt.
  5. See this is your problem: insecurity. You're grasping for an authority to cling on to, and now you're projecting your own insecurity onto other people. Cultivate your intuition and establish a connection to direct experience, and ground yourself in Being. You're the only authority in the entire world. Learn to trust yourself.
  6. Judging by his recent downfall, I'm seeing less and less a Tier 2 thinker and more and more an emotionally damaged and socially unaware Stage late-Orange/mid-Green person with a heavy Red tint.
  7. He tried to cut through the sense of self by using a butter knife, and then he fumbled and dropped his knife on the floor.
  8. You create it out of nothing.
  9. Starve yourself nearly to death like the Buddha did (I don't actually recommend that).
  10. Stage White would make more sense in terms of the physics of visible light, but I like it
  11. It's essentially about learning to trust yourself and not being overly neurotic about your daily life. If you're doing consciousness work, you will learn to instinctually know and feel what forms of behaviour/entertainment are compatible with that process. It doesn't require you to make a list of do's and don'ts where you end up recoiling in fear if you accidentally step outside the box. Develop your intuitive side and trust your own direct experience.
  12. That wasn't my point. Selflessness just means that you don't care if people forget about you, and it's generally speaking an indicator of higher development. I say generally because there are some nuances there. There are different ways of viewing selflessness. You might want to call people who sacrifice themselves for their tribe or country selfless, but you can also look at it as them serving their identity as being a member of a group (which is collectivistic instead of individualistic) and is therefore instead an act of selfishness. I would place Assad in that category: he wants to be remembered as a man who protected his country. A more puritanian version of that would be if he instead had said that he doesn't care about being remembered and that he only cares about his country. The type of selflessness that Zappa is displaying is on a deeper level. He doesn't care at all about the idea of being remembered, neither from an individualistic standpoint or from the standpoint of being associated with any group (like his country). To be able to disassociate yourself from your identity and view yourself from a larger perspective is a sign of higher development. Then you could argue that this process has been somewhat hijacked by the fact that he had been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and that he had essentially been forced over a couple of years to come to terms with the impermanence of life. Then again, most people don't come to terms with that before their last breath.
  13. Oh well, I have around 1600 posts and I barely even trust myself, so there goes that... The reason I posted the link to the site is because I wanted to be somewhat clear that it's only according to that site. You can't really probe my level of trust/certainty when I didn't write anything else. When I say that I doubt MBTI, I mean that I keep seeing more of its limitations.
  14. TheAmazingAtheist used to be a libertarian many years ago and now he is pretty darn green. Here is my theory: Teens tend to gravitate towards the freeing aspects of Green because they're actually trying to find ways to express their Stage Red impulses. Green reacts to the limiting structures and conformities of previous stages, and this dissolving of hierachy, rules and structure is readily co-opted by immature teenagers who naturally inhabit a lot of Red. I remember seeing this in myself a couple of years ago back when I got into what I call "hedonistic feel-good spirituality". I got seduced by the saying "live in the now" and was taking it way too literally and using it to hide from my responsibilities, because I was actually coming at it from a pre-Blue standpoint by not having integrated true structure and discipline in my life. It's not truly "mature Green" unless you recognize the positive aspects of Blue. I straight out rejected all of it. You tend to see this form of redish-green spirituality/ideology very much in people who start smoking weed in their early teens, and I was a part of that scene for a couple of years and have a lot of experiences within that sort of culture (externally) and state of mind (internally). So based on my theory, what that saying is refering to with "on the left" is actually just the natural teenage propensity towards pre-convential/impulsive stages of development (pre-Blue), expressed within a Green framework. It doesn't describe the development from Green to Orange but instead it's the development from Red to Blue.
  15. That is the problem. You cant negotiate with Red. Other than providing good living conditions and education, you have very few options to make Red disappear.
  16. Stage Red is unfortunately a stage that just has to exhaust itself by itself, and as a result of that exhaustion fall into Blue. The concept of "dealing with something" in a "healthy way" is not a concern that is developed before Blue, and Red will not recognize it as a valid concern at all (unless it can be co-opted by their own interests). Red doesn't deal with consequences; it deals with actions.
  17. I'll refrain from judging other people's interpretation of SD in here, but the "I hope I will be remembered" thing is very striking and it reminds me about what the late Frank Zappa had to say about exactly that (0:00-0:38): Generally speaking, selflessness is an indicator of high spiral development.