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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. According to my friends, I never get angry. I guess that's atleast something.
  2. @Mason Riggle That's what I was trying to say, but I just couldn't find the words
  3. The word you're looking for is "potency" . LSD is far more potent than 5-MeO-DMT, but the effects from an effective dose are not at all comparable.
  4. Not necessarily. It can also be applied to "theory vs. actuality" in materialistic science. You can technically still be a materialist and appreciate this distinction (an example I would assume is Daniel Dennett). A materialist wouldn't want to call actuality direct experience: he would call it the physical world. The problem there is that "the physical world" is still a loaded/biased theory-based term, but the distinction can be made nonetheless, because it's in a sense only a nickname for reality or the unknown. Then of course, most materialists don't see the distinction between theory and actuality in any shape or form. There are degrees of epistemological ignorance.
  5. You said "it isn't as bad as you think", and I said it's much worse than you're ever able to think. I never said it isn't getting better.
  6. I go into spontaneous ego death if I walk past people smoking weed.
  7. All maps are territory -> infinite maps -> the territory is infinite
  8. Beware of concessions made to absolutistic viewpoints for explanatory reasons. In the analogy of the map and the territory, the "territory" is a concession to the self-proclaimed absolute perspective of a person (often a materialist's adherence to materalism/realism). When all perspectives are seen to be relative, in a sense, there are only maps OR territories.
  9. It might seem like a contradiction (it was for me), but pursuing a life purpose is still important even when purpose is understood to be an illusion. You need to be able to distinguish between the absolute and the relative realm. In a relative sense, you're a finite human being with finite human needs that wants to survive. Purpose is important for your life: it gives it direction, structure and meaning. In an absolute sense, there is no purpose: you're Infinite Consciousness.
  10. This is an interesting dynamic and a funny video: Green-centered rationalist-materalist reacts to Green post-rationalism/spirituality. This shows the nuances within Green: Notice how often Vaush commits the pre/trans fallacy, mistaking post-rationalist beliefs (hyper-green) for pre-rationalist beliefs (blue). It happens at 12:23, 13:08, 17:40, 23:20, 24:45, 29:50, 33:50, 34:50, 40:15, 42:47, 50:56 etc.. Essentially, Vaush has built up a wide array of cognitive schemas that link paranormal/irrational beliefs to conservatives, which is a result of years of ideological vitriol towards right-wingers. That could be an example of the lack of self-awareness and the self-deception mechanisms of Tier 1.
  11. It is infinitely more problematic than you could ever imagine. Statistics doesn't capture it. There are countless individual perspectives that contain experiences that are absolutely horrible. The thing is though, aside from acknowledging your own relative privilege, why go around thinking about it?
  12. You deal with it by becoming more conscious.
  13. "Why" assumes too much.
  14. The point that he is an agent of repression really resonates with me, particularily when I look at my own experiences in that domain. When you repress your emotions, the way you speak and move makes you come off as uptight, uneasy and confused, or sometimes just numb. You can really feel it in his voice and bodily expressions that his energy is not allowed to flow properly.
  15. The shadow is also infinite, so the only remedy is infinite luminosity
  16. This guy started playing guitar when he was 3 and learned everything by ear... yes. One doesn't get hired by Hans Zimmer for no reason This section 1:44 - 2:33 is fully improvised... This one is also completely improvised, recorded on the first take (!) and put on the album "Hand Cannot Erase" by Steven Wilson : And of course, Steve Vai, who was hired by Frank Zappa to work as a transcriptionist at just 18 years old:
  17. Veganism as a dietary choice is intuitively appealing, because the prospect of obtaining meat easily produces a visceral response without much investigation. However, there are a myriad of arguably much more effective ways of reducing suffering in this world, but those solutions often require taking a more cold-hearted statistical view over a warm-hearted intuitive view (yellow vs. green), and therefore it won't enter the minds of most people. If you're genuinely concerned about making a real impact instead of merely adopting an idealistic ideology, I recommend the systemic approach (of course that also includes veganism, but not as a priority).
  18. That's a limit of the model, not a failure. You can't condense a human being down to 5 traits.